


1. 中 [zhōng]2. 中 [zhòng]中 [zhōng]和四方、上下或两端距离同等的地位:~心。当(dàng)~。~原。~华。在一定范围内,里面:暗~。房~。~饱。性质或等级在两端之间的:~辍(中途停止进行)。~等。~流砥柱。表示……


长形的东西从中间分开:~裂。~层。~面。截~。~肠。~魂。~线风筝。不继续,禁绝:~粮。~水。~炊。~奶。~档。~流。~种(zhóng )。~交。~片。~续。~子绝孙。判定,决定:判~。诊~。~狱(审理和判决罪案)。一定,绝对:~乎不可。~……



汉语拼音:zhōng duàn








  1. 中间截断或折断。

    唐 李白 《为宋中丞祭九江文》:“划 三峡 以中断,流九道以争奔。” 元 黄溍 《上京道中杂诗·居庸关》:“连山东北趋,中断忽如凿。” 清 冒襄 《影梅庵忆语》卷二:“越一岁,釧忽中断。”

  2. 中途停止或断绝。

    毛泽东 《整顿党的作风》:“我们党如果没有广大的新干部同老干部一致合作,我们的事业就会中断。” 茅盾 《第一阶段的故事》五:“谈话暂时中断了。” 徐怀中 《西线轶事》:“由于指挥中断,部队开始有些稳不住了。”



  1. In hindsight, all agreed that this was the obvious reason for the hiccup.

  2. (break off) They broke off business relations with that company as it suffered huge losses in the last fiscal year and went bankrupt.

  3. The capture vessels could take other jobs around the gulf, but on contracts that allowed them to break off immediately in case of emergency.

  4. The IAEA report also says there has been a breakdown of communication between the agency and Iran over alleged research on an atomic weapon.

  5. They were engaged to be married but they quarrelled so often that they decided to call it a day.

  6. Static routing also fails completely to adapt to network outages and failures along the route due to the fixed nature of the route.

  7. The remote session to the remote computer was ended by means of an administration tool. Your administrator might have ended your connection.

  8. Because administrators do not know when unplanned downtime could occur, users are not notified of outages in advance.

  9. There is always a reason for everything, also for this pause; but I would not like to get into details, if you allow me this.


  1. 定时器中断

    timer interrupt.

  2. 周期性中断

    cycled interrupt.

  3. 标记位中断

    flag bit interrupt.

  4. 中断优先权

    interrupt priority.

  5. 再启动中断

    restart interruption.

  6. 不精确中断

    imprecise interruption.

  7. 不等价中断

    unequivalence interrupt.

  8. 中断与中断处理

    Interrupts and Interrupt Handling

  9. 和谈中断了。

    The peace talks were hung up.

  10. 电台播出中断

    station breakdown

  11. 时效期中断

    Suspension of the prescriptive period.

  12. 因果连贯中断

    causal coherence break

  13. 外部设备中断

    external device interrupt

  14. 电讯中断了。

    Telegraph communication was broken off.

  15. 突然中断停止

    To come to an abrupt halt stop.

  16. 发动机运转中断

    engine conk.

  17. 一切开始中断。

    Everything started breaking.

  18. 中断业务关系

    To interrupt business relationship

  19. 船中断面图

    midship section.

  20. 中断线程化

    tasked interrupts.

  21. 奇偶校验中断

    parity interrupt.

  22. 中断优先权级

    interrupt priority level

  23. 呼叫中断率

    Call outage probability.

  24. 央中断寄存器

    central interrupt register.

  25. 以防止电力中断?

    All of them?

  26. 中断持续的间断

    A gap in continuity.

  27. 中断优先权芯片

    interrupt priority chip

  28. 周期性定时中断

    Periodic timer interrupt

  29. 中断排尾指示字

    interrupt queue tail pointer

  30. 中断排头指示字

    interrupt queue head pointer


  1. 问:中断拼音怎么拼?中断的读音是什么?中断翻译成英文是什么?

    答:中断的读音是zhōngduàn,中断翻译成英文是 break … off

  2. 问:中断号拼音怎么拼?中断号的读音是什么?中断号翻译成英文是什么?

    答:中断号的读音是zhōng duàn hào,中断号翻译成英文是 interrupt number

  3. 问:中断地拼音怎么拼?中断地的读音是什么?中断地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:中断地的读音是,中断地翻译成英文是 discontinuously

  4. 问:中断弧拼音怎么拼?中断弧的读音是什么?中断弧翻译成英文是什么?

    答:中断弧的读音是zhōng duàn hú,中断弧翻译成英文是 interrupted arc

  5. 问:中断灯拼音怎么拼?中断灯的读音是什么?中断灯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:中断灯的读音是zhōng duàn dēng,中断灯翻译成英文是 chopped light

  6. 问:中断点拼音怎么拼?中断点的读音是什么?中断点翻译成英文是什么?

    答:中断点的读音是,中断点翻译成英文是 breakpoint

  7. 问:中断的拼音怎么拼?中断的的读音是什么?中断的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:中断的的读音是,中断的翻译成英文是 interrupted

  8. 问:中断级拼音怎么拼?中断级的读音是什么?中断级翻译成英文是什么?

    答:中断级的读音是zhōng duàn jí,中断级翻译成英文是 interrupt level

  9. 问:中断线拼音怎么拼?中断线的读音是什么?中断线翻译成英文是什么?

    答:中断线的读音是zhōng duàn xiàn,中断线翻译成英文是 external line

  10. 问:中断表拼音怎么拼?中断表的读音是什么?中断表翻译成英文是什么?

    答:中断表的读音是zhōng duàn biǎo,中断表翻译成英文是 interrupt table

  11. 问:中断键拼音怎么拼?中断键的读音是什么?中断键翻译成英文是什么?

    答:中断键的读音是zhōng duàn jiàn,中断键翻译成英文是 attention key

  12. 问:中断事件拼音怎么拼?中断事件的读音是什么?中断事件翻译成英文是什么?

    答:中断事件的读音是zhōng duàn shì jiàn,中断事件翻译成英文是 interrupt event

  13. 问:中断优先拼音怎么拼?中断优先的读音是什么?中断优先翻译成英文是什么?

    答:中断优先的读音是zhōng duàn yōu xiān,中断优先翻译成英文是 interrupt priorities

  14. 问:中断位点拼音怎么拼?中断位点的读音是什么?中断位点翻译成英文是什么?

    答:中断位点的读音是zhōng duàn wèi diǎn,中断位点翻译成英文是 pause site

  15. 问:中断例程拼音怎么拼?中断例程的读音是什么?中断例程翻译成英文是什么?

    答:中断例程的读音是zhōng duàn lì chéng,中断例程翻译成英文是 interruption routine

  16. 问:中断保留拼音怎么拼?中断保留的读音是什么?中断保留翻译成英文是什么?

    答:中断保留的读音是zhōng duàn bǎo liú,中断保留翻译成英文是 interruption pending

  17. 问:中断信号拼音怎么拼?中断信号的读音是什么?中断信号翻译成英文是什么?

    答:中断信号的读音是zhōng duàn xìn hào,中断信号翻译成英文是 interrupt signal

  18. 问:中断函数拼音怎么拼?中断函数的读音是什么?中断函数翻译成英文是什么?

    答:中断函数的读音是zhōng duàn hán shù,中断函数翻译成英文是 interruption function

  19. 问:中断分布拼音怎么拼?中断分布的读音是什么?中断分布翻译成英文是什么?

    答:中断分布的读音是zhōng duàn fēn bù,中断分布翻译成英文是 interrupt distribution

  20. 问:中断分析拼音怎么拼?中断分析的读音是什么?中断分析翻译成英文是什么?

    答:中断分析的读音是zhōng duàn fēn xī,中断分析翻译成英文是 interrupt analysis



“中断”是个多义词,它可以指中断(计算机术语), 中断(汉语词语), 中断(单片机中断系统), 中断(法律法规术语)。