


1. 陆 [lù]陆 [lù]高出水面的土地:~地。大~。随从的样子:~~续续。跳跃:“……翘足而~,此马之真性也”。〔~离〕a.色彩繁杂,如“斑驳~~”;b.长(cháng),如“带长铗之~~兮,冠切云之崔嵬”。姓。……





汉语拼音:lù xù








  1. 先后相续不绝。

    宋 王安石 《既别羊王二君与同官会饮于城南因成一篇追寄》:“送车陆续随子返,坐听城鸡肠宛转。” 清 昭槤 《啸亭杂录·朱白泉狱中上百朱二公书》:“ 额 始谓今年柴荡陆续出运, 七堡 、 顺清河 两处漫口藉以堵合。” 梁斌 《红旗谱》五一:“等不一刻工夫,伙计陆续端上菜来。”



  1. As guests continue to arrive, the men in the group stand when a woman enters and remain standing until she has found a chair.


  2. She continued to publish over the years, and in 1945, her Mother Goose was named a Caldecott Honor book.


  3. News of support for the bank is among several announcements from Mr. Wen's government in a process to strengthen the rural economy.


  4. Young but wise souls have been coming to Earth for quite sometime, and now they shape up to share their knowledge with you.


  5. It will clear the way for others that are almost ready to go ahead, and relies on our allies completing their groundwork.


  6. Between now and tomorrow you're all going to have your tonsils out . And you won't be able to speak for a while . So . . .


  7. When you get your first target it's always a good sign because you think the others will come through as well.


  8. Older quarters continued to be upgraded under a programme to refurbish some 4500 married quarters for Junior Police Officers.


  9. The restricted stock will vest over a year and a half, with the first portion available to sell in August.


  1. 代表们陆续到达。

    The delegates arrived one after another.

  2. 陆续补还欠款

    work off arrears

  3. 客人们陆续来了。

    The guests came one after another.

  4. 代表团陆续抵达。

    The delegates arrived one after the other.

  5. 人们陆续进入教堂。

    The procession moved into the church.

  6. 夜班工人正陆续来到。

    The night shift are arriving.

  7. 一些捐赠已经陆续到来。

    Some donations are already trickling in.

  8. 挖掘期间陆续有所发现。

    More discoveries were made as the excavation proceeded.

  9. 运动员已经陆续进场了。

    The athletes are entering the sports ground one after another.

  10. 目前一些边民已陆续返回。

    At present, some of these people have returned home.

  11. 以后,陆续的听过几次。

    After that I listened to it many times.

  12. 今后将陆续选登相关资料。

    Will choose in succession henceforth publish relevant material.

  13. 目前一些边民已经陆续返回。

    At present, some of these people have returned home.

  14. 外界的帮助缓慢地陆续到达。

    Outside help is slowly and sparingly arriving.

  15. 很多好机会陆续向他招手。

    A series of fortunate opportunities opened to him.

  16. 过去的光景陆续浮现在他的脑际。

    Scenes from the past crowded in upon him.

  17. 这方面的详细情报是陆续得到的。

    This detailed information came only gradually to hand.

  18. 你都是按固定陆续跑步的吗?

    Do you always run the same route?

  19. 这个国家已经陆续废除了土邦。

    This country has gradually done away with all the native states.

  20. 请密切留意我们陆续推出的服务。

    Watch out for more services as we roll them out.

  21. 7个没穿裤子的男人陆续上车

    A total of seven guys enter anonymously in their underwear.

  22. 难民开始三五成群地陆续逃离该国。

    A trickle of refugees began to flee the country.

  23. 母亲们牵着孩子陆续来到幼儿园门口。

    Mothers are arriving at the kindergarten gates, leading their children by the hand.

  24. 这礼拜我会陆续带人来看房子。

    I'll be bringing by people all week.

  25. 人们陆续跑进来,因为大家都愤怒了

    And people started coming in because they were just outraged.

  26. 我选了其中7封将在此陆续发表。

    I have selected 7 of these letters for publication.

  27. 好几千名士兵陆续被送往前线。

    Thousands upon thousands of soldiers were being sent to the front.

  28. 可是每个标识表记标帜都只是个陆续。

    But every badging is only a continuation.

  29. 后续的研究陆续表明,他们会逃避困难。

    And in study after study, they have run from difficulty.

  30. 与此同时, 其他端接方式也陆续被开发。

    Meanwhile, other termination types have become established, too.


  1. 问:陆续拼音怎么拼?陆续的读音是什么?陆续翻译成英文是什么?

    答:陆续的读音是lùxù,陆续翻译成英文是 one after another

  2. 问:陆续增援部队拼音怎么拼?陆续增援部队的读音是什么?陆续增援部队翻译成英文是什么?

    答:陆续增援部队的读音是lù xù zēng yuán bù duì,陆续增援部队翻译成英文是 Continuous Reinforcements



“陆续”是个多义词,它可以指陆续(历史人物), 陆续(汉语词语)。