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汉语拼音:jì xù
《孟子·梁惠王下》“君子创业垂统,为可继也” 汉 赵岐 注:“君子创业垂统,贵令后世可继续而行耳。” 宋 曾巩 《抚州颜鲁公祠堂记》:“自此至公殁,垂三十年,小人继续任政。” 巴金 《在尼斯》:“ 法国 人的晚宴常常继续到午夜甚至更迟。”
汉 刘向 《列女传·召南申女》:“嫁娶者,所以传重承业,继续先祖,为宗庙主也。” 宋 张载 《经学理窟·丧纪》:“然以重者计之,养亲承家,祭祀继续,不可无也,故有再娶之理。” 清 宣鼎 《夜雨秋灯录·青天白日》:“吾年老橐富,无子息,今得犹子,不愁继续矣。”
指与某一事有连续关系的另一事。如: 中国 革命是十月革命的继续。
But an official statement said the criminal case against him would continue and that he would not be allowed to leave the country.
但是一份官方声明声称,该刑事案件将会继续进行,他不准离开塔吉克斯坦。If things like this keep happening you have to take points off them. Then the punters will realise the team is going to be punished.
如果这样的事情继续发生,你就应该扣他们的分数。然后看客们就会明白球队会受到惩罚。But with their disaffected star seemingly determined to leave the club, his continuing selection may prove to be problematic for Mancini.
但是他们的愤愤不平的球星似乎看上去已经决定离开俱乐部,他的继续选择也许会给曼奇尼一个伤脑筋的结果。I told him if he wanted the relationship to continue he had to let me teach him to kiss.
我告诉他,如果他想继续发展的话,就必须让我教他如何接吻。I need a fine place for a good rest after such a tiring day which might carry on tomorrow.
乘车累了一天,得找个地方好好休息一晚,明天说不定还得继续呢。June will see me returning to India for a few months; and I'm excited to go back and continue working on my un-finished projects.
六月份我会回到印度住几个月;我很高兴能够回去继续完成一些未竟的题材拍摄。If the main steel producers in the world still like the benchmark, then it will survive, at least for the next three years or so.
如果世界上的主要钢铁生产商仍喜欢基准体系,那么它就会继续存在下去,至少在未来三年左右会是如此。The board used to act like that of a (particularly testy) joint venture, continually having to seek Franco-German entente.
董事会过去扮演着类似联合企业(极难搞定)的角色,还要继续寻求法德间的相互谅解。If he is his mother's son, then his instincts and understanding could be the making of the royals.