


末了(liǎo ),完了(liǎo),与“始”相对:年~。~场(末了一场)。~极。~审(司法部门对案件的最后判决)。~端。靡不有初,鲜克有~(人们做事无不有开头,而很少能坚持到底)。从开始到末了:~年。~生。饱食~日。人死:临~。送~。到底……





汉语拼音:zhōng zhǐ








  1. 结束;停止。

    南朝 宋 鲍照 《代门有车马客行》:“欢戚竞寻绪,谈调何终止?” 巴金 《灭亡》十一:“我们叫人爱,我们自己底生活却成了贫民底怨毒底泉源:这样的生活现在应该终止了。” 孙犁 《澹定集·致铁凝信(二)》:“原想写篇短文,后以病终止。”



  1. As the light fades at the end of the day, diurnal raptors like the golden eagle give up the hunt.


  2. The child does not terminate immediately when its parent terminates, although it will terminate when you log out of the system.


  3. As well as since many practice is at-will, we might be dismissed for seeking for a brand brand brand new job.


  4. The growing gloom spurred some of Bear Stearns's trading partners to try to get out of transactions with the firm.


  5. Koplan was more blunt, calling it a waste of taxpayer money to develop a program that works and then dismantle it.


  6. Traders here say that it would be extremely difficult to find other sources of the minerals if shipments continue to be held up.


  7. Again, the word movement implies time - what is meant is a movement that has no beginning or end.


  8. pay to the Contractor the amount of any loss of profit or other loss or damage sustained by the Contractor as a result of this termination.


  9. In an infinite and everlasting universe, every line of sight would end on the surface of a star.


  1. 终止,结尾

    A conclusion or termination.

  2. 使会议终止

    to bust a meeting.

  3. 条约的终止

    termination of treaties.

  4. 请求被终止。

    The request was aborted.

  5. 结束或终止

    An end or a cessation of existence.

  6. 终止混合度

    What is the final BLEND of a particle

  7. 终止协议事件

    events of termination

  8. 循环终止语句

    DO terminal statement.

  9. 停业, 终止业务

    cessation of business

  10. 终止伙伴关系

    to terminate a partnership

  11. 航程终止条款

    termination of adventure clause

  12. 报表处理终止

    termination of report processing.

  13. 终止终结结束

    terminate exterminate terminate vt. , vi.

  14. 鸣笛终止比赛

    Blow a whistle to stop the end of the match

  15. 合同终止辨析

    Discrimination of the Termination of Contract

  16. 右端终止集

    rightmost terminal set.

  17. 终止性实验

    cessation experiment.

  18. 使某事终止

    to bring something to an end, put an end to something

  19. 乳白终止密码子

    opal temination codon

  20. 航程终止地法

    Law at the Place where the Adventure Ends

  21. 终止或恢复原状

    cessation or restitution

  22. 我们得终止合作

    We gotta get out of this.

  23. 敌对状态的终止

    A cessation of hostilities.

  24. 他们终止了合同。

    They determined the contract.

  25. 有些已经终止了。

    And some of them just deadend.

  26. 有些已经终止了。

    And some of them just deadend.

  27. 付罚金监禁终止

    imprisonment to terminate on payment of fine

  28. 上升,终止甲板上升或终止

    A break or rise in the level of a deck.

  29. 社区发展会终止。

    Community development will come to an end.

  30. 你无权终止合同。

    You have no right to terminate the contract.


  1. 问:终止拼音怎么拼?终止的读音是什么?终止翻译成英文是什么?

    答:终止的读音是zhōngzhǐ,终止翻译成英文是 stop

  2. 问:终止体拼音怎么拼?终止体的读音是什么?终止体翻译成英文是什么?

    答:终止体的读音是zhōng zhǐ tǐ,终止体翻译成英文是 termisome

  3. 问:终止剂拼音怎么拼?终止剂的读音是什么?终止剂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:终止剂的读音是zhōng zhǐ jì,终止剂翻译成英文是 stopping agent

  4. 问:终止子拼音怎么拼?终止子的读音是什么?终止子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:终止子的读音是zhōng zhǐ zǐ,终止子翻译成英文是 terminator

  5. 问:终止字拼音怎么拼?终止字的读音是什么?终止字翻译成英文是什么?

    答:终止字的读音是zhōng zhǐ zì,终止字翻译成英文是 stop word

  6. 问:终止权拼音怎么拼?终止权的读音是什么?终止权翻译成英文是什么?

    答:终止权的读音是zhōngzhǐquán,终止权翻译成英文是 termination power

  7. 问:终止液拼音怎么拼?终止液的读音是什么?终止液翻译成英文是什么?

    答:终止液的读音是zhōng zhǐ yè,终止液翻译成英文是 stop solution

  8. 问:终止点拼音怎么拼?终止点的读音是什么?终止点翻译成英文是什么?

    答:终止点的读音是zhōng zhǐ diǎn,终止点翻译成英文是 stop point

  9. 问:终止类拼音怎么拼?终止类的读音是什么?终止类翻译成英文是什么?

    答:终止类的读音是zhōng zhǐ lèi,终止类翻译成英文是 final class

  10. 问:终止论拼音怎么拼?终止论的读音是什么?终止论翻译成英文是什么?

    答:终止论的读音是zhōng zhǐ lùn,终止论翻译成英文是 theory of end

  11. 问:终止面拼音怎么拼?终止面的读音是什么?终止面翻译成英文是什么?

    答:终止面的读音是zhōng zhǐ miàn,终止面翻译成英文是 terminal surface

  12. 问:终止代码拼音怎么拼?终止代码的读音是什么?终止代码翻译成英文是什么?

    答:终止代码的读音是zhōng zhǐ dài mǎ,终止代码翻译成英文是 termination code

  13. 问:终止位点拼音怎么拼?终止位点的读音是什么?终止位点翻译成英文是什么?

    答:终止位点的读音是zhōng zhǐ wèi diǎn,终止位点翻译成英文是 termination site

  14. 问:终止信号拼音怎么拼?终止信号的读音是什么?终止信号翻译成英文是什么?

    答:终止信号的读音是zhōng zhǐ xìn hào,终止信号翻译成英文是 termination signal

  15. 问:终止协议拼音怎么拼?终止协议的读音是什么?终止协议翻译成英文是什么?

    答:终止协议的读音是zhōng zhǐ xié yì,终止协议翻译成英文是 terminate an agreement

  16. 问:终止反应拼音怎么拼?终止反应的读音是什么?终止反应翻译成英文是什么?

    答:终止反应的读音是zhōng zhǐ fǎn yìng,终止反应翻译成英文是 stopping reaction

  17. 问:终止合同拼音怎么拼?终止合同的读音是什么?终止合同翻译成英文是什么?

    答:终止合同的读音是zhōng zhǐ hé tóng,终止合同翻译成英文是 termination of contract

  18. 问:终止告诫拼音怎么拼?终止告诫的读音是什么?终止告诫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:终止告诫的读音是zhōng zhǐ gào jiè,终止告诫翻译成英文是 caveat

  19. 问:终止因子拼音怎么拼?终止因子的读音是什么?终止因子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:终止因子的读音是zhōng zhǐ yīn zǐ,终止因子翻译成英文是 termination factor

  20. 问:终止序列拼音怎么拼?终止序列的读音是什么?终止序列翻译成英文是什么?

    答:终止序列的读音是zhōng zhǐ xù liè,终止序列翻译成英文是 termination sequence; terminator sequence



释义: 停止,不再继续 (一)蛋白质合成的最后阶段,这时已完成的多肽链从核糖体上释放出来,核糖体也从mRNA上解脱下来。 (二)链锁反应的第三步。