




1. 肖 [xiāo]2. 肖 [xiào]肖 [xiāo]衰微。姓,如元朝有肖乃台。肖 [xiào]相似,像:~像。不~。惟妙惟~。神情酷~。……



汉语拼音:shēng xiào






  1. 代表十二地支的十二种动物,即:鼠、牛、虎、兔、龙、蛇、马、羊、猴、鸡、狗、猪。常用以记人的出生年。这种相配概念至晚在 汉 代已形成。

    《东周列国志》第七四回:“ 蛇门 者,以在巳方,生肖属蛇。” 清 东轩主人 《述异记·十二时炉》:“﹝炉﹞盖上有十二生肖,口俱张开,焚香则每一时烟从一肖口出。” 巴金 《家》三五:“ 觉慧 没有参加,据说因为他的生肖跟大殓的时辰有冲突。”



  1. Among the twelve, the dragon is the only mythological beast, and to be born in the Year of the Dragon is regarded as propitious.


  2. Soon the universe will introduce you to the other members of the zodiac, and for a year, you will wear the jeweled crown.


  3. He rules over this area of the zodiac and is like a king in his own country, more powerful than anywhere else.


  4. Ancient Chinese zodiac sign is a question of life is extremely fantastic colors and figurative meaning of the answer.


  5. The bibliographic entries in the content of the vast majority of the Buddhist theme, only to see a calendar day zodiac map.


  6. This was, according to most reports, a super-propitious year in the traditional animal zodiac, a Year of the Golden Pig.


  7. A dog belonging to the animal kingdom - Vertebrata mammalia Carnivora - - - - - breed canine dog, is one of the twelve zodiac.


  8. By contrast, the Rat, whose year is now ending, is said to be charming and clever but cunning and selfish.


  9. Year with Chinese characteristics unique cartoon form, practical and yet cute!


  1. 他生肖属鼠。

    He was born in the year of the rat.

  2. 猪年生肖贺岁

    Happy New Spring in Pig Year

  3. 我的生肖是兔子。

    My animal sign is rabbit.

  4. 十二生肖首先出现于计时。

    The Chinese Zodiac initially originated from the division of time.

  5. 这些是什么生肖首饰用的?

    What are these zodiac jewelry used for?

  6. 十二生肖电子表, 令您爱不释手。

    The electronic watches with the image of an animal representing one of the twelve Earthly Branches make you want to touch them.

  7. 你的生肖年是哪一年?

    Which year of the animal were you born in?

  8. 你的生肖属什么宫座?

    What sign were you born under?

  9. 然而,他们都是十二生肖的象征。

    However, both of them are fixed signs of the Zodiac.

  10. 这是第七届签署的十二生肖。

    It is the seventh sign of the zodiac.

  11. 这是第七届签署得十二生肖。

    It is the seventh sign of the zodiac.

  12. 双子是其中之一的星座生肖。

    Gemini is one of the constellations of the zodiac.

  13. 龙,是十二生肖中唯一的虚拟动物。

    Dragon, is the only virtual animals in the Chinese zodiac.

  14. 我敢说我也能猜中你的生肖!

    I bet I can guess your zodiac sign, too!

  15. 因此, 它成为生肖中第四个动物。

    For that, it became the 4th animal in the zodiac cycle.

  16. 十二生肖对应的年份, 出生者的性格特征

    Personality Traits and year of Chinese Animal Zodiac Signs

  17. 十二生肖的排序还有这样一种说法。

    There is another saying about the sequencing of Chinese Zodiac.

  18. 在十二生肖没有再写信了近三年。

    The Zodiac didn't write again for almost three years.

  19. 我想知道生肖是否真的说明人的个性?

    I wonder the animal year really about the person.

  20. 从生肖有些人可能在诉讼和土地生病。

    People from some of the zodiacs may land in lawsuits and falling ill.

  21. 肖猪者算是十二生肖中最温和的一群。

    Pig people are perhaps the most placid of all the signs.

  22. 我最近对星座和生肖感兴趣。我对它们很好奇。

    Lately Im interested in horoscopes and Chinese zodiac. Im curious about these things.

  23. 老鼠因为狡猾得本领,所以排在十二生肖得第一。

    The Rat, because of its cunning skill, was made the first animal of the zodiac.

  24. 老鼠因为狡猾的本领,所以排在十二生肖的第一。

    The Rat, because of its cunning skill, was made the first animal of the zodiac.

  25. 生肖专家说他们是强壮、有竞争力和勇猛的。

    Astrologists say they are strong, competitive, and fierce.

  26. 黄金饰品、投资收藏金条、小生肖挂件最为畅销。

    Gold jewelry, gold bullion investment collections, small pendants most popular Lunar New Year.

  27. 但就一些生肖的解读,羊的优点却少之甚少。

    But sheep have fewer advantageous qualities, according to some interpretations.

  28. 他们既忠心又诚实,是很适合当朋友的生肖。

    They are loyal and honest, and make excellent friends.

  29. 生肖邮票的发行是限量的,所以建议你早点购买!

    The zodiac stamps are issued in limited edition only so youre well advised to get them early!

  30. 它也可以协助您指定的性别您的宝宝和她的十二生肖。

    It can also help you specify the gender of your baby and her zodiac sign.


  1. 问:生肖拼音怎么拼?生肖的读音是什么?生肖翻译成英文是什么?

    答:生肖的读音是shēngxiào,生肖翻译成英文是 animal of the Chinese zodiac

  2. 问:生肖邮票拼音怎么拼?生肖邮票的读音是什么?生肖邮票翻译成英文是什么?

    答:生肖邮票的读音是,生肖邮票翻译成英文是 Holiday stamp


