


1. 剥 [bāo]2. 剥 [bō]剥 [bāo]去掉外面的皮或其他东西:~皮。~花生。剥 [bō]义同(一),用于复合词:~夺。~削(xuē)。~落。~蚀。生吞活~。……


1. 落 [là]2. 落 [luò]3. 落 [lào]落 [là]丢下,遗漏:丢三~四。~了一个字。落 [luò]掉下来,往下降:降~。~下。零~(a.叶子脱落,如“草木~~”;b.衰败,如“一片~~景象”;c.稀疏,如“枪声~~”)。……



汉语拼音:bō luò








  1. 脱落。

    《汉书·五行志中下下》:“今十月也,李梅当剥落,今反华实,近草妖也。” 唐 李白 《襄阳歌》:“君不见 晋 朝 羊公 一片石,龟头剥落生莓苔。”《醒世恒言·黄秀才徼灵玉马坠》:“上边佛像也剥落破碎,不成模样。” 钱锺书 《围城》五:“只见剥落的白粉壁上歪歪斜斜地写着淡墨字。”

  2. 流落。

    唐 韩偓 《海山记》:“目断平野,千里无烟,万民剥落,莫保朝昏。”

  3. 谓免去官职。

    《旧唐书·文苑传中·李邕》:“ 邕 素负美名,频被贬斥,皆以 邕 能文养士, 贾生 、 信陵 之流,执事忌胜,剥落在外。” 元 郑廷玉 《金凤钗》第一折:“小二哥,你好乔,听的得了官,就买酒相贺,听的剥落官职,就索要房钱。” 元 郑廷玉 《金凤钗》第一折:“我得官也相庆相贺,剥落也不追随。”

  4. 谓落选,落第。

    元 郑光祖 《倩女离魂》第三折:“他不寄箇报喜的信息缘何意?有两件事我先知:他得了官别就新婚,剥落呵羞归故里。”

  5. 伤害,毁坏。

    三国 魏 陈琳 《应讥》:“而背枉违难,耀兹武功,徒独震扑 山东 ,剥落元元。” 清 王夫之 《读四书大全说·论语·子路篇六》:“儒者任天下事,有一大病,将平日许多悲天閔人之心,因乘权得位,便如鬱火之发於陶,迫为更改,只此便近私意,而国体民命,已受其剥落矣。” 李大钊 《“五一”MayDay运动史》:“全世界,很受赞美的 欧洲 文明,被此次世界大战造出来的荒乱剥落尽了。”

  6. 落拓貌。

    宋 叶适 《<徐斯远文集>序》:“徐观笔墨轻重,以十一敛藏千百,虽铺写纵放,亦无怠惰剥落之态。”



  1. As the disease progresses, fins become easy to peel off scales, mucus secretion increased, making the fish's muster.


  2. As he approached the house, he saw no golden windows but instead a place in bad need of painting surrounded by a broked-down fence.


  3. Second, if the surface paint peeling off of steel doors and windows, the main corrosion or cracking, it must be removed again.


  4. There was an avenue of eucalyptus, and behind it a rose garden with crumbling walls around it.


  5. Looking back over the past days, with a total sense of scale from the movie was off, the pain from time to time, the shivering cold.


  6. The white eggshell had shattered where the egg had struck. Pieces of it had flaked away and what shone through was a dull yellow in color.


  7. Products with a strong acid-resistant, anti-pollution, anti-aging, over the years do not change color, no peeling.


  8. I started taking it about a week ago. I had a skin disease that would turn my skin red and my skin would flake off. Now it's almost healed!


  9. When he tried it the rusty metal did not budge, and he came away with red flecks covering his fingers.


  1. 剥落,脱离

    Fall away

  2. 气泡晕剥落

    cloud shedding.

  3. 剥落点损耗

    peel point loss.

  4. 轴承面剥落

    bearing flaking.

  5. 油漆在剥落。

    The paint is peeling off.

  6. 墙纸在剥落。

    The wallpaper is peeling off

  7. 抗剥落添加剂

    antistripping additive

  8. 耐火材料剥落

    shelling of refractory.

  9. 划线剥落试验

    scribe and strip testing

  10. 耐剥落混凝土

    scale resistant concrete.

  11. 油漆正在剥落。

    The paint was peeling.

  12. 壁纸正在剥落。

    The wallpaper is peeling.

  13. 碳化物剥落

    Carbide spalling.

  14. 结合力型剥落

    adhesive failure.

  15. 漆已剥落。

    The paint is rubbed off.

  16. 油漆已剥落。

    The paint wore off.

  17. 老树皮剥落下来。

    The old bark dropped away.

  18. 壁纸在剥落下来。

    The wallpaper is peeling off.

  19. 壁纸开始剥落了。

    The wallpaper was beginning to peel.

  20. 页状剥落节理

    exfoliation joint

  21. 漆膜层间剥落

    scaling between coated film

  22. 油漆开始剥落。

    The paint s beginning to flake off.

  23. 油漆大都剥落。

    Most of the paint had crumbled off.

  24. 桌面开始剥落。

    The surface of the table is flaking off.

  25. 一块剥落的油漆

    a flake of paint

  26. 页状剥落丘

    exfoliation dome

  27. 光机械剥落机理

    photomechanical ablation mechanism

  28. 抗表面剥落性

    resistance to surface delamination

  29. 油漆在严重剥落。

    The paint is chipping badly.

  30. 油漆从墙壁剥落。

    The paint peeled off the wall.


  1. 问:剥落拼音怎么拼?剥落的读音是什么?剥落翻译成英文是什么?

    答:剥落的读音是bōluò,剥落翻译成英文是 come off; peel off; flake

  2. 问:剥落作用拼音怎么拼?剥落作用的读音是什么?剥落作用翻译成英文是什么?

    答:剥落作用的读音是bō luò zuò yòng,剥落作用翻译成英文是 spalling effect

  3. 问:剥落腐蚀拼音怎么拼?剥落腐蚀的读音是什么?剥落腐蚀翻译成英文是什么?

    答:剥落腐蚀的读音是bō luò fǔ shí,剥落腐蚀翻译成英文是 exfoliation corrosion

  4. 问:剥落粘球藻拼音怎么拼?剥落粘球藻的读音是什么?剥落粘球藻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:剥落粘球藻的读音是bōluòniánqiúzǎo,剥落粘球藻翻译成英文是 Gloeocapsa decorticans

  5. 问:剥落冰川沉积地区拼音怎么拼?剥落冰川沉积地区的读音是什么?剥落冰川沉积地区翻译成英文是什么?

    答:剥落冰川沉积地区的读音是,剥落冰川沉积地区翻译成英文是 ablation glacial till





【英语】peel off;be tripped]

