







汉语拼音:níng xiào







  1. 凶恶地笑。

    茅盾 《子夜》七:“ 吴荪甫 仰天狞笑,大声叫起来。” 郭沫若 《芍药及其它·下乡去四》:“随在他身后的这个敌人在狞笑:机关裁撤了,看你这个俘虏朝那里走?” 高云览 《小城春秋》第一章:“那人狞笑着说:‘姓 李 的,认识我吗?’”



  1. I never got such a turn in my life as when I saw him grinning at me with his head on his shoulder as I climbed through the window.

  2. Turning round, I found a man of huge size and fierce appearance looking at me with a cruel smile.

  3. Of course! ' replied the uncle, with a hardly suppressed grimace, resulting from his deep aversion to both the proposed visitors.

  4. However, on the walls of one of the buildings an alien grins and profound graffiti covers the wall in a splash of color.

  5. I saw him smile to himself--grin rather--and lapse into ominous musing whenever Mrs Linton had occasion to be absent from the apartment.

  6. The little girl was frightened into crying by his grim smile .

  7. The old man was cackling horribly and rubbing his hands.

  8. Then he gave a horrible laugh and stalked out.

  9. as he grinned at the sight of the hanging, immobile cat.


  1. 他狞笑着。

    He smiled grimly.

  2. 如狼似虎的食欲、狞笑

    A wolfish appetite, grin

  3. 你可以抹去狞笑

    So you can wipe off the grin

  4. 那条狼露齿狞笑。

    The Wolf grinned in an ugly way.

  5. 那匪徒龇牙咧嘴地狞笑。

    The bandit bared his teeth in an insolent smile.

  6. 他皱紧了眉头狞笑。

    He knit his brows in a tight, frown and smiled wryly to himself.

  7. 蓦地他站了起来, 冷冷地狞笑。

    Suddenly, he stood up, a wry smile on his lips.

  8. 他狞笑着掏出了刀子。

    With a nasty grin on his face he took out a knife.

  9. 他狞笑著掏出了刀子。

    With a nasty grin on his face he take out a knife.

  10. 他脸上流露出一丝狞笑。

    A ferocious grin lit his face.

  11. 被逮的强盗对警察露齿狞笑。

    The captured robber grinned at the policeman.

  12. 然后他放声狞笑, 大摇大摆地走了出去。

    Then he gave a horrible laugh and stalked out.

  13. 他的狞笑把小女孩吓得哭起来。

    The little girl was frightened into crying by his grim smile.

  14. 寒风像兵刃, 饥饿伴随着死神的狞笑。

    The bise is like weapon, hunger chaperonage the hideous smile of Azrael.

  15. 他发出狞笑,他显然知道我所不知道的事。

    He smiled nastily. He evidently knew something I didnt.

  16. 现在那张邪恶的脸上露出了狞笑。

    The evil face was now smiling.

  17. 狗咬了兽医,却还露出得意的狞笑。

    He is so happy that his dog bite the Vet.

  18. 他发出狞笑,他显然知道一些我所不知道的事。

    He smiled nastily. He evidently knew something I didnt.

  19. 雷参谋大声回答,脸上逼出一个狞笑。

    Col. Lei answered loudly with a triumphant smile.

  20. 他霍地站起来,走了一步,自个儿狞笑着。

    He rose abruptly from his seat and paced up and down, smiling grimly to himself.

  21. 但是试衣间内的20张脸顿时如鬼魅般狞笑起来,

    but immediately twenty images in that cubicle break into ghostly grins

  22. 他们的脸上是空白和一本正经的样子,还是有一种狞笑?

    Is their face blank and matteroffact, or does it have a smirk

  23. 她看见那个奇耻大辱就站在她的面前, 带着狞笑看她, 讥笑她。

    She could see only outrage and humiliation, leering at her, mocking her.

  24. 他看着挂在那里的那只静止僵硬的猫, 脸上露出了狞笑。

    as he grinned at the sight of the hanging, immobile cat.

  25. 得确,求舒适得欲望抹杀了灵魂得热情,而在葬礼上狞笑着。

    Verily the lust for comfort murders the passion of the soul, and then walks grinning in the funeral.

  26. 的确,求舒适的欲望抹杀了灵魂的热情,而在葬礼上狞笑着。

    Verily the lust for comfort murders the passion of the soul, and then walks grinning in the funeral.

  27. 我转过身来,发现一个粗壮凶狠的人正在狞笑着看着我。

    Turning round, I found a man of huge size and fierce appearance looking at me with a cruel smile.

  28. 罗杰齐灵渥斯这时已走到窗前,面带狞笑地向下望着。

    Roger Chillingworth had by this time approached the window and smiled grimly down.


  1. 问:狞笑拼音怎么拼?狞笑的读音是什么?狞笑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:狞笑的读音是níngxiào,狞笑翻译成英文是 evil laugh



níng xiào