




天黑的时间,与“日”或“昼”相对:~晚。日日~~。~阑(夜将尽时)。~盲。~幕。~宵。~话。~袭。~行(xíng )。~战。……



汉语拼音:nián yè







  1. 农历一年最后一天的夜晚。又称除夕为大年夜,其前一日为小年夜。

    唐 无名氏 《辇下岁时记·灶灯》:“都人至年夜,请僧道看经,备酒果送神。”



  1. Hatching chicken eggs were hatched by a large hen's body temperature to the, if I were to hatch, then break eggs easily squeezed.


  2. A baby that had the potential to be the next Einstein will die from complication is at birth.


  3. And more generally, how much is driving a part of your juggle and how do you feel about it?


  4. Chheda watched how Microsoft rallied as a team to defeat Goliath, and he kept this sense of mission with him as he rose through the ranks.


  5. Let sit a few seconds until they start to set around the edges. Add one portion of the cheese, asparagus and ramps.


  6. But her learning experiences in Italy inspired her strong desire to express themselves, encouraged her to join in the literary road.


  7. "It was a dream come true and a huge step forward in my career, " he said. "Of course without thinking twice, I moved to Amsterdam. "


  8. Lao Zhang is coining money these few years. Who can ever expect he would be able to make bundles like this!


  9. I am cheerful personality, humor, with a pair of big eyes and tall nose is too thin by some.


  1. 像是大年夜的爆竹。

    It was like a firework display on New Years Eve.

  2. 我出生在加拿年夜。

    I was born in Canada.

  3. 真是一块年夜石头吗

    Is it really a big stone.

  4. 我们吃了一顿年夜餐。

    We had a big meal.

  5. 年夜自然会革除人类吗?

    Would Mother Nature really exterminate mankind

  6. 年夜约只需要一个小时。

    It's only about an hour.

  7. 家对我意义重年夜。

    Home means a lot to me.

  8. 年夜海老是抱怨水不敷。

    The sea complains it wants water.

  9. 给我一个年夜要的数字。

    Give me a ball park figure.

  10. 我感受雪茄劲儿太年夜了。

    Cigars are too strong for me.

  11. 故意年夜利, 法国和千岛的。

    We have Italian, French and Thousand Island.

  12. 我们为大年夜做准备,为这为那做准备。

    We're all ready for new year's eve, all ready for this and that.

  13. 故意年夜利,法国和千岛得。

    We have Italian, French and Thousand Island.

  14. 代价也有很大年夜的别离吧?

    Is there much of a difference in price?

  15. 自从我们有了汽车, 年年夜营。

    Since we have owned a car, we have gone camping every year.

  16. 年夜部分的粉饰是用墨水进行的。

    The greater part of whitewashing is done with ink.

  17. 勇士年夜略会颠仆但不会屈服。

    A brave man may fall but he cannot yield.

  18. 我们一家聚在一同吃年夜餐。

    My families got together and had a big meal at home.

  19. 你为什么觉得年夜夫很鄙吝?

    Why do you think doctors are mean ?

  20. 他家没有太大年夜,但是非常好丽。

    Her house is not very big, but very beautiful.

  21. 年夜略我可以开一家小打扮店。

    Maybe I could open a small dress shop.

  22. 压力实在太年夜了,她最终还是屈服了。

    She finally knuckled under because the pressure was simply too much.

  23. 你的去访给他带来极年夜的未便。

    Your visit caused him great inconvenience.

  24. 年夜的新雪还覆盖着许多一尘不染的地方。

    The new snow at new year eve still has many areas covered.

  25. 真理年夜略会被责怪,但毫不会受羞耻。

    Truth may be blamed, but shall never be shamed.

  26. 你说得对。年夜概我应该开始骑自行车。

    You're right. Maybe I should start biking.

  27. 穿过街道,有一家年夜的意大利熟食店。

    There is a great Italian deli across the street.

  28. 他们年夜略七年前搬到纽约去了。

    They moved to New York about seven years ago.

  29. 莉莉拿走了最大年夜的苹果, 把最小的抛弃落了。

    Lily takes the biggest apple and throws away the smallest one.

  30. 我真傻,年夜寒天没穿外套就出门了。

    I was silly to get cold without a coat.


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    答:年夜的读音是niányè,年夜翻译成英文是 traditional chinese spring festival eve

  2. 问:年夜饭拼音怎么拼?年夜饭的读音是什么?年夜饭翻译成英文是什么?

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