







汉语拼音:yàng jiàn






  1. A sample slug, part, or section of a carbonized, or hardened steel used for testing to determine structure, hardness, case depth, etc.


  2. The invention relates to a method for changing die shape when overall dimension of a forming die or sample die changes.


  3. Assessment: coordination team is to assess the try-out report and report how the prototype applies to customers' requirements.


  4. Sample test result illustrates the advantage of application of this technology in rack equipment heat dissipation.


  5. The car company is now thought to be working on a new prototype limb with Touch Bionics.


  6. Prototype is a description of the dimensional measurements, material and performance tests that will occur during building of the prototype.


  7. Interpret specifications, drawings or sample parts to determine the most suitable and economical manufacturing and assembly processes.


  8. SAMPLE SIZE : Limited number of pieces of product that are pulled from a total group for the purpose of checking them for quality.


  9. The prototype of MC-EMV is trial-produced, and the calculation results are validated by the test of its magnetic force characteristics.


  1. 检验用样件

    check specimen.

  2. 样件发票付款申请。

    Do payment voucher for sample invoices.

  3. 准备新产品的样件。

    To prepare samples of new products.

  4. 标准样件的计量确认方法

    Metrological Confirmation Method of Standard Model

  5. 试件, 样件以及展示件的加工。

    Manufacture test parts, sample parts and demo parts.

  6. 标准样件的材料热膨胀系数

    Study of master body of material coefficient of thermal expansion

  7. 负责产品试验和样件管理控制。

    Control product test and sample manangement.

  8. 样件是否零件完整满足设计要求?

    Is the sample has all content according design ?

  9. 样件是否按发放的零件清单制造的?

    IS the Sample built to the released BOM ?

  10. 负责修改,修理和更新样件的零部件。

    Modifies repairs upgrades PT parts and components.

  11. 在样件认可过程钟与供应商协调。

    Coordinating with suppliers for Homologation documentation.

  12. 在一些特定情况下, 参与创作模型样件。

    In certain cases, to participate in creating the prototypes.

  13. 弹性管阻抗测量标准样件的设计研究

    Research on Design of Test Specimen for Impedance Measurement of Elastic Pipe.

  14. 配合管理和储存好所有试验样件和试验发动机。

    Storage and manage all test parts and test engines.

  15. 某型机机翼标准样件的设计与协调

    Design and Coordination of Wing Master Models for a Type of Aircraft

  16. 顾客要求时供方应有样件控制计划。

    The organization shall have a prototype control plan if required by the customer.

  17. 工程师收集了各种地板样件及技术资料。

    The engineer has collected samples of various kinds of flooring as well as their technical specifications.

  18. 需要多少天审查和批准样件制造控制计划?

    How many days required for reviewing and approving Prototype Build Control Plan?

  19. 样件是否还有其他方面不满足设计要求的?

    Is the sample has any other item not meet design ?

  20. 通过协调其它部门,及时制作和交付样件和样品。

    Coordinate with other departments, to make and deliver prototype and samples to customer timely.

  21. 当顾客要求时, 组织必须有样件计划和控制计划。

    When required by the customer, the organization shall have a prototype programme and control plan.

  22. 我们很高兴向您推荐我们的产品,并为您提供样件。

    We have the pleasure in recommending you the goods similar to the sample you send.

  23. 当顾客要求时, 组织应制定样件计划和控制计划。

    When required by the customer, the organization shall have a prototype programme and control plan.

  24. 确保项目管理所需求的样件和进度以支持装车

    Ensure Program Management has all required sample part and timing to support builds

  25. 对样件或小批量加工,这样的方式会更加快速,经济。

    For prototypes and very small runs, this approach is much quicker and cheaper.

  26. 最后做出喷油模拟器样件,并通过实验对其进行验证。

    Finally, do an experiment to testify the injector simulator.

  27. 成功制造出带冷却通道的火箭发动机推力室身部样件。

    A sample of rocket engine thrust chamber with cooling channels was successfully manufactured by APEF.



样件 yàngjiàn 〖prototype〗作为样品的物件