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1. 相 [xiāng]2. 相 [xiàng]相 [xiāng]交互,行为动作由双方来:互~。~等。~同。~识。~传(chuán )。~符。~继。~间(jiàn )。~形见绌。~得益彰(两者互相配合,更加显出双方的长处)。动作由一方来而有……
汉语拼音:xiāng bèi
相违背。汉 董仲舒《春秋繁露·精华》:“夫既曰无遂事矣,又曰专之可也……若相悖然,是何谓也?”宋 罗大经《鹤林玉露》卷十二:“太公 之鹰扬,伯夷 之叩马,道并行而不相悖也。”清 陈天华《论中国宜改创民主政体》:“庸俗之见以为列强环伺,群志未孚,专制行之,犹恐不济,况啟纷议之端,来解散之象,不与救时之旨相悖乎?”《人民文学》1978年第1期:“为了自己的前途,赖采成 壮着胆子说了这几句相悖的话。”
汉 董仲舒 《春秋繁露·精华》:“夫既曰无遂事矣,又曰专之可也……若相悖然,是何谓也?” 宋 罗大经 《鹤林玉露》卷十二:“ 太公 之鹰扬, 伯夷 之叩马,道并行而不相悖也。” 清 陈天华 《论中国宜改创民主政体》:“庸俗之见以为列强环伺,群志未孚,专制行之,犹恐不济,况啟纷议之端,来解散之象,不与救时之旨相悖乎?”《人民文学》1978年第1期:“为了自己的前途, 赖采成 壮着胆子说了这几句相悖的话。”
Yet putting him in thedock again conflicts with the "double jeopardy " principle that nobody should be tried twice for the same crime.
但把他再次推上被告席却与“一罪两罚”原则相悖,也即任何人不应因为同一罪行接受两次审判。But she turned down the offer because of her long-term plans and a desire to avoid knee-jerk decisions based on what commodity is hot.
因为这与自己的长期计划相悖,而且她不愿因为最热门的商品是什么就不动脑子而作决定。6 as opposed to the government of Canada, to which he was trying to avoid paying taxes.
就像与加拿大政府利益相悖,他曾试图逃税那样。Researchers discovered that contrary to popular opinion the brain is not always entirely asleep or awake but parts of it can go "offline" .
研究人员发现,睡着并不是大脑神经全在休息,醒着也不是大脑神经全在工作,而只是部分神经“断开”。这一发现是与普通观点相悖。Economists said the surge in inflation also presented Asian central bankers with a conundrum that went against their instincts.
经济学家表示,通胀飙升还给亚洲各国央行官员带来了一个与其本能相悖的难题。Superconductivity is one of those nearly magical properties that seem to defy all intuition for how the physical world ought to work.
超导是很神奇的一种性质,这种性质与人们对物理世界的一些直观印象相悖。Object reuse was often touted as a major benefit of object-orientation, but frequently the reality failed to live up to the theory.
对象重用经常被曲解成是面向对象的主要好处,但实际往往相悖于理论。Contrary to a commonly held belief, the best qualified candidate does not always win this game.
和大众观点相悖的是,最有资格的候选人不总是会被录用。I have never been a quitter. To leave office before my term is completed is abhorrent to every instinct in my body.