


1. 相 [xiāng]2. 相 [xiàng]相 [xiāng]交互,行为动作由双方来:互~。~等。~同。~识。~传(chuán )。~符。~继。~间(jiàn )。~形见绌。~得益彰(两者互相配合,更加显出双方的长处)。动作由一方来而有……


古代朝廷传达命令或征调兵将用的凭证:虎~。~信。~节。代表事物的标记、记号:~号。音~。相合:~合。言行相~。道士画的驱使鬼神的图形或线条:~咒。护身~。古代称祥瑞的征兆:~瑞。~应(yìng )(指天降“符瑞”,与人事相应)。姓。……



汉语拼音:xiāng fú








  1. 相合;彼此一致。

    北魏 郦道元 《水经注·漾水》:“是以经云: 漾水 出 氐道县 ,东至 沮县 为 汉水 ,东南至 广魏 白水 ,诊其沿注,似与三説相符。” 宋 何薳 《春渚纪闻·丑年世科第》:“ 元丰 乙丑, 嘉甫 登乙科; 大观 己丑, 嘉甫 之兄 大成 中甲科; 重和 辛丑, 嘉甫 之弟 大受 復中乙科。此亦人事地理相符之异也。” 明 郎瑛 《七修类稿·奇谑·宋兴亡》:“ 周 有太后在上,禪位于 宋 , 宋 亦有太后在上,归附于 元 ,何其事事相符,岂非报应之説耶?” 清 平步青 《霞外攟屑·杂觚·集部传讹》:“而所引 马头娘 一段,弁以《搜神记》。及攷 晋 干寳 《搜神记》内载,迥不相符。”



  1. The company had in fact already reported to the police that it was being forced to pay out bribes, as news reports about the trial revealed.


  2. Chinese mills had been expecting a price rise of at least 65 per cent, in line with that agreed with Brazilian miner Vale this year.


  3. He made a patent-medicine almanac into a roll and fitted it with unprofitable carefulness about his finger.


  4. The quality of the goods must be in full accordance with that of the sample.


  5. French ships, however, were reluctant to call at New Orleans to pick up such cargo because its value did not match its bulk.


  6. Instead, her cheeks were pinched, she was small for her age, and although she had skinny arms and legs, her belly was big and swollen.


  7. It is not surprising that the sensual riches granted to a sensitive man of these regions should coincide with the most extreme destitution.


  8. Otherwise, his career, he shall conform to the center of his will, and nature, and his business is a part of life, he cannot be separated.


  9. It is a more or less arbitrary set-up and out of kilter with the integrated nature of the world economy and financial markets.


  1. 与样品相符

    as per sample.

  2. 相符预测器

    conformal predictor.

  3. 与描述相符

    answer a description.

  4. 与货样相符

    conform with the sample.

  5. 与希望相符

    answerable to expectation.

  6. 与合同相符

    conform with the contract.

  7. 认知相符理论

    cognitive consistence theory

  8. 与所述相符

    answer the description.

  9. 帐目收支相符

    book balances exactly

  10. 与某事物相符

    to conform to something

  11. 这和样品相符。

    It comes up to sample.

  12. 这些数字不相符。

    The figures do not agree.

  13. 报告与事实相符。

    The report jibes with the facts.

  14. 副本和正本相符。

    The copy checks with the original.

  15. 抄件与原件相符。

    The copy corresponds with the original.

  16. 设计与规定相符。

    The design conforms to the regulations.

  17. 他与描写的相符。

    He answers the description.

  18. 使陈述与事实相符

    to square a statement with the facts

  19. 他的言行没有相符。

    His words and actions do not correspond.

  20. 我们最好使账目相符。

    We had better reconcile accounts.

  21. 这些方法与简约相符。

    The methods are sorted with simplicity.

  22. 质量必须与货样相符。

    The quality must conform to the sample.

  23. 成果难得与预期相符。

    Fulfilment seldom corresponds to anticipation.

  24. 这和时代精神不相符。

    It is inconsistent with the spirit of the age.

  25. 这两张单子不相符。

    The two lists do not tally.

  26. 他与你的描述相符。

    He answers to your description.

  27. 你的表格与我的相符。

    Your list tallies with mine.

  28. 他的说法和我的相符。

    His story tallies with mine.

  29. 这本兴事正本相符。

    The copy agrees with the original.

  30. 这条狗跟描述相符。

    This dog answers your description.


  1. 问:相符拼音怎么拼?相符的读音是什么?相符翻译成英文是什么?

    答:相符的读音是xiāngfú,相符翻译成英文是 conform to; tally with; correspond to

  2. 问:相符的拼音怎么拼?相符的的读音是什么?相符的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:相符的的读音是,相符的翻译成英文是 according




拼音:xiāngfú 基本

解释: [conform to;tally with;agree with] 相合;彼此一致 报告与事实相符 详细

解释: 相合;彼此一致。 北魏 郦道元 《水经注·漾水》:“是以经云: 漾水 出 氐道县 ,东至 沮县 为 汉水 ,东南至 广魏 白水 ,诊其沿注,似与三说相符。” 宋 何薳 《春渚纪闻·丑年世科第》:“ 元丰 乙丑, 嘉甫 登乙科; 大观 己丑, 嘉甫 之兄 大成 中甲科; 重和 辛丑, 嘉甫 之弟 大受 复中乙科。此亦人事地理相符之异也。” 明 郎瑛 《七修类稿·奇谑·宋兴亡》:“ 周 有太后在上,禅位于 宋 , 宋 亦有太后在上,归附于 元 ,何其事事相符,岂非报应之说耶?” 清 平步青 《霞外攟屑·杂觚·集部传讹》:“而所引 马头娘 一段,弁以《搜神记》。及考 晋 干寳 《搜神记》内载,迥不相符。”