


1. 契 [qì]2. 契 [qiè]3. 契 [xiè]契 [qì]证券,证明买卖、抵押、租赁等关系的文书:~约。~据。房~。相合,相投:相~。~合。默~。~友。~分(fèn )(投合无间的情分)。~厚。用刀雕刻:~刻。~舟求剑。〔~机〕……


1. 合 [hé]2. 合 [gě]合 [hé]闭,对拢:~眼。~抱。珠连璧~。貌~神离。聚集:~力。~办。~股。~资。不违背,一事物与另一事物相应或相符:~格。~法。情投意~。应该:~该。~当。“文章~为时而著,诗歌~为时而作”。总共,全……



汉语拼音:qì hé








  1. 投合,意气相投。

    唐 杜甫 《投赠哥舒开府翰》诗:“策行宜战伐,契合动昭融。” 元 揭傒斯 《宋徽宗曲宴蔡京图画记》诗:“君臣契合同 尧 舜 ,礼乐光华迈 汉 唐 。” 秦牧 《漫记端木蕻良》:“我个人,相信他们两位思想、感情有很契合的一面,但在生活习气上也有不大调和的地方。”

  2. 符合。

    宋 叶适 《受玉宝贺笺》:“慰满民望,契合天心。” 明 唐顺之 《答茅鹿门知县书》:“熟观 鹿门 之文及 鹿门 与人论文之书,门庭路径与鄙意殊有契合。” 冰心 《寄小读者》十六:“多看古人句子,令自己少写好些。一面欣与古人契合,一面又有‘恨不踊身千载上,趁古人未说我先说’之感。”

  3. 谓结盟,结拜。

    《元朝秘史》卷二:“ 帖木真 説:‘在前日子你与我父亲契合,便是父亲一般。今将我妻上见公姑的礼物将来与父亲。’随即将黑貂鼠袄子与了。”

  4. 泛指结好。

    清 李渔 《慎鸾交·久要》:“我和你无心契合,竟成莫逆之交。”



  1. It should be presented in just the right way, so that it is relevant to the situation at hand and easy to understand.


  2. Yesterday, however, the White House was more funereal than celebratory in keeping with the opinion of most voters.


  3. And the effective dissemination of information is often manifested with the structure fit the needs of the audience.


  4. I knew that this was the matching of heart with some instants, and we regarded it as thought, yet differed with reminiscences.


  5. After Wednesday's event, Apple's demo people said the iPad is so speedy because its software has been optimized for the processor.


  6. You value objectivity and rationality in matters of the heart, so you will find great compatibility with your Aries lover.


  7. It's unclear how the move to license the brands outside Sears fits within the strategy for KCD, which has been a busy trademarker of late.


  8. Carry on a test to the system after needing completion, has been correspond of analysis can be said to be basic to match a design request.


  9. Finally perceived fit was an intervening variable between the similarity and brand extension evaluation.


  1. 与进化论相契合

    agree with the theory of evolution

  2. 契合差异并用法

    joint method of agreement and difference

  3. 并行发展与交汇契合

    Communicated agreement and parallel development

  4. 道家旅游观与现代旅游的契合

    The Connection of the Touring Concept of Taoism and Modern Tourism

  5. 时间与流年契合安适与仓皇并存。

    The time and the fleeting time conjunction, with in panic coexist and comfortably.

  6. 现在,一切都契合,除了一处伤势。

    Now, everything fit, except for one wound track.

  7. 论司马迁与韩信的精神契合

    On the Spiritual Accordance Between Sima Qian and Han Xin

  8. 在道家,是忘言与与之言的契合。

    Among Taoists, it is the agreement of forgotten words and given words.

  9. 德性伦理与规范伦理在生命伦理中的契合

    The combination of virtue ethics and regulation ethics in bioethics

  10. 传媒监督与司法独立的冲突与契合

    The Supervision of the Public Media and Conflict and Agreement of Judicial Independence

  11. 第二,契合少年罪错心理之特性。

    Second, fit of the psychological structure characteristics of juvenile offenders.

  12. 这些结论与一些右翼信条深相契合。

    The conclusions are a snug fit with rightwing convictions.

  13. 投合, 契合合谐地做出反应或回应

    To react or interact harmoniously.

  14. 现代理念与传统文脉之契合点

    Meeting Point of Modern Conception and Traditional Context

  15. 君主制的延续需要稳定和魅力的契合。

    The monarchy needs a combination of stability and glamour.

  16. 研究女红文化与室内陈设艺术的契合

    Research on Indoor Display Design Needlework Culture

  17. 现在的状况是,这些故事不必彼此契合。

    Now, it is not necessary that these stories agree with each other.

  18. 大陆架之间的契合程度比海岸线之间的契合程度更甚。

    The fit between the continental shelves is even better than that between the coastlines.

  19. 这种说法跟你提到的模型是契合的吗?

    Does that apply to this model you've got here?

  20. 我们立刻就契合投缘, 从此成为了好朋友。

    We hit it off instantly, and have been good friend everythings.

  21. 资产管理业务契合我们的性格和历史地位。

    The asset management business suits our character as well as our historical position.

  22. 宗教可能是契合了人渴求安心的先天冲动。

    Religion seems to tap into this impulse.

  23. 软磁碟充满椎骨之间的果冻状物质契合。

    Soft disks filled with a jellylike material fit between these vertebrae.

  24. 论班级个性化功能理想与现实之矛盾与契合

    The Conflict and the Combination Between Ideality and Reality in Function of individualization in class

  25. 在我生命中,我能或应该与谁深相契合?

    Who are people in my life that I can and should become one in spirit with?

  26. 你可以看到,这和那个图表面上看很契合

    OK? And, as you can see, it is literally the diagram on the right.

  27. 狂暴的精灵哟,但愿你我迅猛的灵魂能够契合!

    Be thou, spirit fierce, My spirit! Be thou me, impetuous one!

  28. 在某些方面 他们为那里创作的音乐 非常契合

    And in some ways, the music that they're writing for this place works perfectly.

  29. 褶饰杯和躯干提供一个讨人喜欢的契合。

    Ruching on the cups and torso offers a flattering fit.

  30. 有一些梦想是和提升相契合的, 但有一些却并不契合。

    There are some dreams that dovetail with ascension and others that do not.


  1. 问:契合拼音怎么拼?契合的读音是什么?契合翻译成英文是什么?

    答:契合的读音是qìhé,契合翻译成英文是 agree with

  2. 问:契合法拼音怎么拼?契合法的读音是什么?契合法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:契合法的读音是qì hé fǎ,契合法翻译成英文是 method of agreement

  3. 问:契合范式拼音怎么拼?契合范式的读音是什么?契合范式翻译成英文是什么?

    答:契合范式的读音是qì hé fàn shì,契合范式翻译成英文是 conjunctive normal form



基本信息 拼音 qì hé 基本解释1. [agree;get along]∶投合,意气相投: 君臣契合 2. [in keeping with]∶符合: 扮演屈原的那个演员,无论是表情还是服装都很契合屈原的身份。

3. [form an alliance;ally]∶结盟;结拜: 你与我父亲契合。——《元朝秘史》