


液体移动:~水。~汗。~血。~泪。~程。~泻。~质。~水不腐。汗~浃背。随波逐~(随着波浪起伏,跟着流水漂荡,喻没有主见,随着潮流走)。像水那样流动不定:~转(zhuǎn )。~通。~寇。~浪。~离。~散。~失。~沙。~露。~萤。传播:~言……




1. 似 [sì]2. 似 [shì]似 [sì]相类,像:相(xiāng )~。类~。~是而非。好像,表示不确定:~乎。~应如此。表示比较,有超过的意思:一个高~一个。似 [shì]〔~的〕跟某种情况或事物相似,如“他乐得什么~~”。亦作……





汉语拼音:liú nián sì shuǐ








  • 【解释】:流年:光阴。形容时间一去不复返。
  • 【出自】:明·汤显祖《牡丹亭》第十出:“则为你如花美眷,似水流年。”


  1. Time went by. . . The little boy grew up and he no longer played around the tree.


  1. 似水年华。

    Time passes like flowing water.

  2. 似水的溶液

    An aqueous solution.

  3. 追忆似水年华

    RememBrance of Things Past

  4. 稀薄似水的浓度

    a watery consistency

  5. 爱情如命, 生命似水。

    Love like life, life water.

  6. 爱情如命,生命似水。

    Love like life, life water.

  7. 女性世界,毛衣裙装,柔情似水。

    In the feminine world, cardigans and leggings are tender and soft as silk.

  8. 我感到年华似水从我身边流走。

    I felt that life was passing me by.

  9. 水的与水有关的,似水的,含水的或溶于水的水的

    Relating to, similar to, containing, or dissolved in water watery.

  10. 年华似水, 倏忽间我们已相携一世。

    It is truly a lifetime, I know.

  11. 学习普鲁斯特, 做似水年华的大麻。

    Like Proust be an old teahead of time.

  12. 生命似水,岁月如歌,相伴风雨,携手唱和!

    Take our own road, Singing Our ow n songs.

  13. 能不再追逐。不再试着将似水年华留住

    Not to try any more to keep the flowing years stay

  14. 昨日今日似水年华, 唯有此次凝固辉煌

    Like water time today of yesterday, only this time was solidified brilliantly

  15. 试着放松一点, 试着释放你的柔情似水的一面。

    You could loosen up a little, get in touch with your feminine side.

  16. 我内心深处也荡漾起一般的似水柔情了。

    Deep, deep within me I feel a similar softening.

  17. 我内心深处也荡漾起一般的似水柔情了。

    Deep, deep within me I feel a similar softening.

  18. 我内心深处也荡漾起一般得似水柔情了。

    Deep, deep within me I feel a similar softening.

  19. 她的卖点是女人的柔情似水, 不是狂野性服务!

    Service include PDD and BJ without dom dom What was cost

  20. 雪白的梨花是我的最爱, 它洁白如雪, 它纯净似水。

    White pear is my favorite, it was as white as snow, it is pure Things.

  21. 虽然你已见白发, 但你的似水柔情依然在我心中。

    Although your hairs have become gray, your softness and sentiment are still in my mind.

  22. 虽然你已见白发,但你得似水柔情依然在我心中。

    Although your hairs have become gray, your softness and sentiment are still in my mind.

  23. 母亲的年华似水,冗长而悠远地萦绕在我生命的长河里。

    Mothers mood and confer us. so lengthy to linger in the long river of my life.

  24. 但也就在这最后的最后, 似水年华, 和你们在一起, 我很开心。

    Time passes like flowing water and I am with you, I am happy.

  25. 我的心静谧似水, 捧起一掬清泉翘首等待一场宿命的爱情。

    Your heart is mad wild be like fire, ignite a bundle of hot blaze to make god general time firing and cindery.

  26. 流年如水,有多少美好从指缝中滑落。

    Fleeting as water, how much better the slip from the fingers.

  27. 每次咽东西得时候,他都会发出下水管道冲水似得声音。

    When he swallows, he a drain flushing sound.

  28. 如花美眷, 终不过似水流年。

    Spend a beautiful matching, but The Flood of Years.

  29. 我们要十分珍惜这似水流年的好年华。

    We must value the good time which passes swiftly like flowing water.

  30. 我们要十分珍惜这似水流年得好年华。

    We must value the good time which passes swiftly like flowing water.


