







汉语拼音:fèi qián









  1. 花去的钱财。

    《北史·裴侠传》:“有大司空掌钱物典 李贵 乃於府中悲泣,或问其故,对曰:‘所掌官物,多有费用, 裴公 清严有名,惧遭罪责,所以泣耳。’ 侠 闻之,许其自首。 贵 自言隐费钱五百万。” 明 王祎 《南溪堰记》:“其用工以日计者,三百六十三,费钱以緡计者,六百七十五。”

  2. 花钱。

    宋 郑刚中 《缘净轩》诗:“我剏新轩不费钱,小将屋壁敞东偏。”《儒林外史》第十九回:“只是现有这银子在此,为甚又要你费钱?” 清 梁章鉅 《浪跡丛谈·服核桃》:“闻此方初传自西域,今中土亦渐多试服者,不甚费钱,又不甚费力,是可取也。”



  1. Gearing up to produce small cars in the United States was a very expensive proposition.


  2. "Rihanna likes to pioneer new styles but it's costing her a fortune, " one of her entourage told the Daily Mail.


  3. But this was a wasteful method, for often, in the excitement of bidding for a fine pearl, too great a price had been paid to the fishermen.


  4. We're going to simulate cutting out some of the costly operations, and see how much we save.


  5. One day it could be money, the next day it could be time, and you would not get back to those concepts until a week later.


  6. Mr. Icahn said the changes enabled MGM to 'avoid a potentially costly and disruptive bankruptcy process. '


  7. Upgrading and purchasing new hardware is a costly proposition, and with the rate of technology obsolescence , it is eventually a losing one.


  8. Also, with operating system-based applications most companies would have to maintain, update, install, costing time and money, he said.


  9. Soon, however, Mark realized that this arrangement wasn't working--it was hectic, and costly.


  1. 做广告挺费钱。

    Advertising costs a good deal of money.

  2. 那是很费钱的。

    That will come very expensive.

  3. 别在我身上费钱。

    Don't be wasting that on me.

  4. 坐飞机旅行很费钱。

    It is expensive to travel by plane.

  5. 当然,这种娱乐很费钱。

    But of course that kind of pleasure costs money.

  6. 私了吧,诉论太费钱。

    Agree, for the law is costly.

  7. 一辆豪华大轿车很费钱。

    A big luxury car eats up money.

  8. 性别不平等才费钱呢

    It is extremely expensive.

  9. 组织请愿这种事是费钱得。

    Organizing petitions cost money.

  10. 组织请愿这种事是费钱的。

    Organizing petitions cost money.

  11. 控制空气污染是要费钱的。

    Air pollution control will be expensive.

  12. 修这样的水电站不很费钱。

    It doesn't cost much to build hydroelectric stations of this kind.

  13. 是的,但那太费钱了,所以?

    Yeah, but that costs money. so?

  14. 是的,但那太费钱了,所以?

    Yeah, but that costs money. So?

  15. 是的,但那太费钱了,所以?

    Yeah, but that costs money. so?

  16. 字刻得愈多就愈费钱。

    The more carving, the more money.

  17. 整天开着电热炉太费钱了。

    It's expensive to leave the electric fire on all day.

  18. 这场战争既费钱又不得人心。

    The war was both costly and unpopular.

  19. 控制空气污染是要费钱得。

    Air pollution control will be expensive.

  20. 但这种方法可能很费钱, 也很烦人。

    But this can be expensive and awkward.

  21. 这太费钱了, 是不能允许的。

    This was extravagant and not to be countenanced.

  22. 没有了赚钱,费钱是没有办法想象的。

    So, spending money can't be imagined if there is no money making.

  23. 那出戏的舞台布景一定很费钱。

    The scenery for the play must have cost too much.

  24. 除了费钱以外,还要花很多时间。

    Apart from the cost, it will take a lot of time.

  25. 人人都说养孩子有多费钱。

    Everybody says how expensive it is to have a kid.

  26. 人人都说养孩子有多费钱。

    Everybody says how expensive it is to have a kid.

  27. 父亲反对是这趟旅行太费钱了。

    Father's objection was that the trip was much too expensive.

  28. 这可能特别费钱,而且没多大效果。

    This can be extremely costly and ineffective.

  29. 现行得生产方法既费钱效率又低。

    Existing methods of production are expensive and inefficient.

  30. 现行的生产方法既费钱效率又低。

    Existing methods of production are expensive and inefficient.


  1. 问:费钱拼音怎么拼?费钱的读音是什么?费钱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:费钱的读音是fèiqián,费钱翻译成英文是 be costly; cost a lot


fèi qián ㄈㄟˋ ㄑㄧㄢˊ费钱(费钱)(1).花去的钱财。《北史·裴侠传》:“有大司空掌钱物典 李贵 乃於府中悲泣,或问其故,对曰:‘所掌官物,多有费用, 裴公 清严有名,惧遭罪责,所以泣耳。’ 侠 闻之,许其自首。 贵 自言隐费钱五百万。” 明 王祎 《南溪堰记》:“其用工以日计者,三百六十三,费钱以缗计者,六百七十五。”(2).花钱。 宋 郑刚中 《缘净轩》诗:“我剏新轩不费钱,小将屋壁敞东偏。”《儒林外史》第十九回:“只是现有这银子在此,为甚又要你费钱?” 清 梁章钜 《浪迹丛谈·服核桃》:“闻此方初传自西域,今中土亦渐多试服者,不甚费钱,又不甚费力,是可取也。”