







汉语拼音:yòng qián




1.花钱。《汉书·食货志上》:“衣,人率用钱三百,五人终岁用千五百。”宋 王谠《唐语林·政事上》:“晏 初议造船,每一船用钱百万。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第二回:“家中也要设灵挂孝,在在都是要用钱的。”

2.使用钱币。《文献通考·钱币一》:“﹝ 后魏 ﹞ 孝文帝 始詔天下用钱。”

3.佣钱。旧时买卖时付给中间人的报酬。《元史·刑法志三》:“诸产金之地,有司岁徵金课……其有巧立名色,广取用钱,及多秤金数,剋除火耗,为民害者,从监察御史廉访司纠之。”《警世通言·吕大郎还金完骨肉》:“﹝布商﹞知道 吕玉 买卖中通透,拉他同往 山西 脱货,就带羢货转来发卖,於中有些用钱相谢。”




  1. 花钱。

    《汉书·食货志上》:“衣,人率用钱三百,五人终岁用千五百。” 宋 王谠 《唐语林·政事上》:“ 晏 初议造船,每一船用钱百万。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第二回:“家中也要设灵挂孝,在在都是要用钱的。”

  2. 使用钱币。

    《文献通考·钱币一》:“﹝ 后魏 ﹞ 孝文帝 始詔天下用钱。”

  3. 佣钱。旧时买卖时付给中间人的报酬。

    《元史·刑法志三》:“诸产金之地,有司岁徵金课……其有巧立名色,广取用钱,及多秤金数,剋除火耗,为民害者,从监察御史廉访司纠之。”《警世通言·吕大郎还金完骨肉》:“﹝布商﹞知道 吕玉 买卖中通透,拉他同往 山西 脱货,就带羢货转来发卖,於中有些用钱相谢。”

  4. 指零用钱。




  1. The survey shows that some students believe that if something cannot be calculated in terms of money it is of little value.


  2. A few coins can save a life in some situations, and even if the money is wasted, that does not take away the moral goodness of the giver.


  3. They should save their money, and many lives, and accept the fact that if China wants to, she can take their island in a few days.


  4. Landlord son to go abroad, need cash, price negotiable, excellent opportunity not to be missed, do not hesitate, see room bar.


  5. "I really do not think it is a very wise use of money at this point, " a woman said.


  6. The Irish situation reminds me of one of these loan shark advertisements: "Need money fast? No questions asked. "


  7. Mike told me that his business was in a jam and he was in urgent need of money. He wanted to borrow some money from me.


  8. How much money do you want? Would you believe if it if I beat you to death with money.


  9. Wilson: You're. . . you're trying to objectively measure how much I value our friendship.


  1. 用钱拉选票

    cash for votes.

  2. 他用钱慷慨。

    He is liberal with his money.

  3. 用钱收买某人

    bribe a person with money

  4. 用钱赔偿损失

    compensate one's loss with money

  5. 货物用钱交换

    commodities are exchanged for money

  6. 他用钱很吝啬。

    He is niggardly of money.

  7. 她用钱很大方。

    She is very liberal with her money.

  8. 他用钱很大方。

    He is quite generous with his money.

  9. 她用钱很仔细。

    She is very cautious about spending money.

  10. 他用钱十分精明。

    He is sharp about money.

  11. 她一直节流用钱。

    She always frugal of her money.

  12. 据说他用钱爽气。

    They say he's generous with his money.

  13. 妹妹生病, 急需用钱。

    Sister ill money urgently needed

  14. 我用钱来买书。

    I use money for buying books.

  15. 设法用钱大方一点。

    Try to be more generous with your money.

  16. 我用钱来帮助他。

    I aided him with money.

  17. 别想着用钱脱身

    Don't try to buy your way out of this.

  18. 我不得不用钱了。

    I shall have to draw on my money.

  19. 用钱解决怎么样,怎么解决?

    Hey, what about money? What about it?

  20. 看起来她用钱细水长流。

    She seems to make her money go a long way.

  21. 仙女会用钱来换取。

    The tooth Fairy will give you money for it.

  22. 用钱包装钱携带方便。

    A purse is convenient for carrying money around with one.

  23. 她强调用钱必须谨慎。

    She stressed the need for careful spending.

  24. 还有些人则用钱

    Others work through the instrument of money.

  25. 她强调必须谨慎用钱。

    She stressed the need for the careful spending.

  26. 用钱不要那样小手小脚!

    Don't be so stingy with the money!

  27. 富有的人用钱大手大脚。

    A rich man can be lavish of his money.

  28. 填充用钱或食物填满。

    To fill plentifully, as with money or food.

  29. 用钱或影响力帮助某人

    Use money or influence to help sb

  30. 政府力求人们善于用钱。

    The govenment tries to dictate to people how they should spend their money.


  1. 问:用钱拼音怎么拼?用钱的读音是什么?用钱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:用钱的读音是yòngqián,用钱翻译成英文是 To spend money.


【词语】:用钱【注音】:yòng qián【释义】:1.花钱。 2.使用钱币。 3.佣钱。旧时买卖时付给中间人的报酬。 4.指零用钱。