




1. 地 [dì]2. 地 [de]地 [dì]人类生长活动的所在:~球(太阳系九大行星之一)。~心说。地球或地球的某部分:~质。~壳。地球表面除去海洋、江河、湖泊的部分:陆~。~下。地球表面的土壤:土~。田~。~政。~主。地球上的一个区域……



汉语拼音:fú dì






伏地 [fú dì]
  1. 本地所出的。




  1. We've accompanied the young wizard on many missions in preparation for his inevitable epic battle against the dark lord Voldemort.


  2. Who for a split second seemed to think he had been reprieved: but then Voldemort's intention became clear.


  3. It is possible that if Harry performs magic, he might draw the attention of Death Eaters or even of Voldemort.


  4. He transformed back into a rat and went searching desperately for his old master, Voldermort.


  5. "I thought he would come, " said Voldemort in his high, clear voice, his eyes on the leaping flames. "I expected him to come. "


  6. It was touching to see such a crowd prostrate in disarray on the ground and the High Priest in great anguish.


  7. One of Voldemort's aims seems to be to preserve wizard kind, a goal that is not in itself necessarily unethical or irrational.


  8. "Stop saying the name! " said Ron in a terrified whisper, as if he thought Voldemort could hear them.


  9. Draco Malfoy has been called upon by Lord Voldemort himself to carry out a mission of great importance and greater consequence.


  1. 我?伏地魔曾经企图杀我?

    Voldemort tried to kill me?

  2. 伏地倾听, 喻消息灵通。

    He always has his ear to the ground and knows everything that is going on in our company.

  3. 他做伏地挺身跟举重物。

    He did pushups and lifted weights.

  4. 伏地杜鹃属的分类与分布。

    Taxonomy and phytogeography of Chiogenes Salisbury.

  5. 那贼沿着走廊悄悄地伏地爬行。

    The thief crept along the corridor.

  6. 伏地魔的最坏的记忆是 什么

    What could Voldemort's worst memories be?

  7. 标题 伏地杜鹃属的分类与分布。

    Taxonomy and phytogeography of Chiogenes Salisbury.

  8. 标题 伏地杜鹃属得分类与分布。

    Taxonomy and phytogeography of Chiogenes Salisbury.

  9. 为什么伏地魔似乎不愿意杀掉莉莉?

    Why did Voldemort seem reluctant to kill Lily ?

  10. 白沙蒿, 伏地肤种子质量分级

    Qualities grading of main cultivated artemisia sphaerocephala and kochia prostrata seeds

  11. 史密斯双肘伏地,开始匍匐前进。

    Mr. Smith dropped to his elbows and started pulling himself forward.

  12. 伏地魔势力的兴起的年代大约在1970年。

    The year during with Voldemort began his rise to power is given as circa 1970.

  13. 然后伏地魔将接骨木魔杖划过空中。

    And Voldemort swiped the air with the Elder Wand.

  14. 切尼证明自己和伏地魔一样难被打倒。

    Mr. Cheney is proving no more destructible than Lord Voldemort.

  15. 伏地魔和哈利都严正以待,准备战斗。

    Lord Voldemort is preparing for battle and so must Harry.

  16. 伏地魔站了起来。哈利现在可以看见他了,

    Voldemort stood up. Harry could see him now

  17. 这也是伏地魔第一次被哈利击败得时候。

    This is also the year that Voldemort was first defeated by Harry Potter.

  18. 这也是伏地魔第一次被哈利击败的时候。

    This is also the year that Voldemort was first defeated by Harry Potter.

  19. 为什么伏地魔认为杀掉哈利是至关重要的?

    Why did Voldemort consider it so important to kill Harry ?

  20. 奇洛教授在森林里遇见伏地魔,开始顺服于他。

    Professor Quirrell meets Voldemort in the forest and is bent to his will.

  21. 他又变成了老鼠并且拼命的寻找他的老主人伏地魔。

    The rat squealed as he bit into it, squirming wildly in his hands.

  22. 他们也是由于伏地魔所创的邪恶的咒语而死去的。

    They also all died as a result of Voldemort's evil, regardless of who cast the spell.

  23. 我能杀死自己的仇人, 还是只能杀死和伏地魔对立的人?

    Can I kill personal enemies or just opponents of Voldemort?

  24. 在宾馆或公寓里做伏地挺身,蹲伏,弓步和吐纳。

    Do bodyweight exercises. I do a mix of pushups, squats, lunges, burpees in my hotel room or apartment.

  25. 他们中的六个在火焰杯第33章中被伏地魔点名了。

    Six of them were named by Voldemort in GF 33.

  26. 他还是四肢伏地,后背顶着狂风,决心要让一切恢复正常。

    He remained on all fours leaning against the wind, intent to have everything right.

  27. 可以放心地认为他们是不会支持伏地魔的恐怖统治王权的。

    It's probably safe to assume that they would not support Voldemort's reign of terror.

  28. 当他把预言告诉伏地魔时,一定想不到那是她的儿子。

    He must dont know it was her son when he told the prophecy to Voldemort.

  29. 伏地魔也许在这里待了一段时间, 但是我们并不确定。

    Voldemort probably remained there for some time but we don't know for sure.

  30. 邓不利多和伏地魔并不是能那么被人轻易糊弄的。

    Neither Dumbledore nor Voldemort are people who are easy to fool.


  1. 问:伏地的拼音怎么拼?伏地的的读音是什么?伏地的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:伏地的的读音是,伏地的翻译成英文是 prostrate

  2. 问:伏地蓼拼音怎么拼?伏地蓼的读音是什么?伏地蓼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:伏地蓼的读音是fúdìliǎo,伏地蓼翻译成英文是 Polygonum arenastrum

  3. 问:伏地魔拼音怎么拼?伏地魔的读音是什么?伏地魔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:伏地魔的读音是,伏地魔翻译成英文是 Lord Voldemort

  4. 问:伏地卷柏拼音怎么拼?伏地卷柏的读音是什么?伏地卷柏翻译成英文是什么?

    答:伏地卷柏的读音是fúdìjuǎnbǎi,伏地卷柏翻译成英文是 Selaginella nipponica

  5. 问:伏地挺身拼音怎么拼?伏地挺身的读音是什么?伏地挺身翻译成英文是什么?

    答:伏地挺身的读音是fudìtǐngshen,伏地挺身翻译成英文是 push-up

  6. 问:伏地杜鹃拼音怎么拼?伏地杜鹃的读音是什么?伏地杜鹃翻译成英文是什么?

    答:伏地杜鹃的读音是fúdìdùjuān,伏地杜鹃翻译成英文是 Chiogenes suborbicularis

  7. 问:伏地杜鹃属拼音怎么拼?伏地杜鹃属的读音是什么?伏地杜鹃属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:伏地杜鹃属的读音是fúdìdùjuān shǔ,伏地杜鹃属翻译成英文是 Chiogenes