




建筑物的出入口,又指安装在出入口能开关的装置:~儿。~口。开~见山。形状或作用像门的东西:电~。途径,诀窍:~径。~道儿。旧时指封建家族或家族的一支,现亦指一般的家庭:~第。~风。~婿。长(zhǎng )~长子。事物的分类:分~别类。宗教的……



汉语拼音:kuài mén






  1. There's nothing more frustrating than having the shutter snap shut just a few seconds before a choice streak shoots across the sky.


  2. Things were looking good so it was just a matter of timing my shutter clicking with the incoming waves.


  3. The long coastline near the camera shutter sound, should be received not flawless, rain is heavier, but did not affect people cheerful mood.


  4. You get the same amount of light with a large aperture and a fast shutter speed as you do with a small aperture and a slow shutter speed.


  5. The last thing you want is for your camera to be in and out of focus just as you need to hit the shutter release.


  6. The other factor that comes into play in determining shutter speed is how much light there is in the scene you are photographing.


  7. I think when I press the shutter may be rapid, with him a few courtesy also like to return to the home.


  8. Simple features make it easy to use, including a unique feature which records sound for three seconds after pressing the shutter button.


  9. Just as I clicked the shutter there was a splash of yellow, and both ants were immobilized in a sticky, grotesque tableau.


  1. 快门坏了。

    The shutter will not work.

  2. 焦平面快门

    focal plane shutter.

  3. 快门速度预选

    preselection of shutter speed

  4. 百叶窗式航摄快门

    louver shutter

  5. 卷帘式快门摄影机

    focal plane camera

  6. 快门时间的错误俗称

    shutter speed shutter duration

  7. 焦平面快门闪光灯同步

    FP synchronisation

  8. 校准快门速度和光圈。

    Adjust the shutter speed and aperture.

  9. 这相机的快门失灵了。

    The shutter of this camera doesnt work.

  10. 按下快门按钮进行拍摄。

    Press the shutter button to shoot.

  11. 这个快门好像出故障了。

    This shutter doesnt seem to be working properly.

  12. 问题快门是不是涉嫌欺诈?

    YES! shutter is Shithead! Asshole!

  13. 你只要按快门就行了。

    You just press the shutter.

  14. 快门急喘而黑影闯入。

    The shutter gasps and the black rushes in.

  15. 她微笑时, 他按下快门。

    He pressed the shutter when she smiled.

  16. 预设, 光圈先决, 快门先决, 手动。

    Program, Aperture Priority, Shutter Priority, Manual.

  17. 按快门时要拿稳相机。

    Hold the camera steadily when pressing the shutter.

  18. 检查液晶显示屏上快门速度。

    Check the shutter speed on the LCD panel.

  19. 警察再请您按一下快门。

    Police Press the shutter, please.

  20. 在照相前, 他调整了快门。

    He adjusted the shutter before taking a photo.

  21. 快门按钮完全按下时快门打开。

    When pressed fully The shutter is released.

  22. 当您放开快门按钮, 快门将关闭。

    It you remove you finger from the shutter button, the shutter will close.

  23. 你介意替我按下快门吗?

    Would you mind pressing the shutter for me

  24. 你介意替我按这快门吗?

    Would you mind pressing this shutter for me

  25. 光圈打开双眼,快门凝结记忆。

    The Aperture Open Both Eyes, The Shutter Freeze Memories.

  26. 尽可能用最高的快门速度。

    Use the fastest shutter speed possible.

  27. 好,你现在可以按下快门了。

    Okey. You can pull the trigger now.

  28. 我猜是我的快门寿命到头了。

    I guess that means my shutter is dead?

  29. 按快门, 注意, 不是像按打火机那样按!

    Squeeze the shutter release, dont stab at it.

  30. 按下快门,你就可以照相了。

    You can take pictures by pressing the shutter.


  1. 问:快门拼音怎么拼?快门的读音是什么?快门翻译成英文是什么?

    答:快门的读音是kuàimén,快门翻译成英文是 drop-shutter

  2. 问:快门片拼音怎么拼?快门片的读音是什么?快门片翻译成英文是什么?

    答:快门片的读音是kuài mén piàn,快门片翻译成英文是 shutter blade

  3. 问:快门轴拼音怎么拼?快门轴的读音是什么?快门轴翻译成英文是什么?

    答:快门轴的读音是kuài mén zhóu,快门轴翻译成英文是 shutter axis

  4. 问:快门孔径拼音怎么拼?快门孔径的读音是什么?快门孔径翻译成英文是什么?

    答:快门孔径的读音是kuài mén kǒng jìng,快门孔径翻译成英文是 shutter aperture

  5. 问:快门开关拼音怎么拼?快门开关的读音是什么?快门开关翻译成英文是什么?

    答:快门开关的读音是kuài mén kāi guān,快门开关翻译成英文是 shutter release

  6. 问:快门控制拼音怎么拼?快门控制的读音是什么?快门控制翻译成英文是什么?

    答:快门控制的读音是kuài mén kòng zhì,快门控制翻译成英文是 Shutter Control

  7. 问:快门速度拼音怎么拼?快门速度的读音是什么?快门速度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:快门速度的读音是kuài mén sù dù,快门速度翻译成英文是 shutter speed

  8. 问:快门控制线圈拼音怎么拼?快门控制线圈的读音是什么?快门控制线圈翻译成英文是什么?

    答:快门控制线圈的读音是kuài mén kòng zhì xiàn quān,快门控制线圈翻译成英文是 shutter solenodi