







汉语拼音:tān guān








  1. 贪恋官位。

    汉 王充 《论衡·问孔》:“然则 孔子 不鬻车以为 鲤 槨,何以解於贪官好仕,恐无车而自云?” 唐 韩愈 《唐故河南令张君墓志铭》:“刺史可为法,不可贪官害民。”

  2. 贪污的官吏。

    唐 皮日休 《橡媪叹》:“狡吏不畏刑,贪官不避赃。”《水浒传》第十八回:“人称义士犹难保,天鑑贪官漫自夸。” 王西彦 《人的世界·第三家邻居》:“胜利后的 上海 ,成为一些贪官和奸商们的乐园。”



  1. Never heard of corrupt officials, their families too great to mention this matter, did not know or did not mention?


  2. Being making us be amazed, this place is often praised in order the very upright governor actually is a corrupt official.


  3. We shocking is the fact that this very often praise for the governor has integrity is a corrupt.


  4. Local farmers trying to take produce to market are stopped at military checkpoints by bribe-hunting officers.


  5. The later verdict confirmed the doubt of his evaluate that she actually was a corrupt official.


  6. So does it mean that the TV play changed it into a story between a pretty mistress and a corrupt official?


  7. (corrupt official) . | To our surprise, the governor who had often been praised for his honesty turned out to be a corrupt official.


  8. ME: What makes us surprising is that the governer who had always praised by his honesty is turned out to be a corrupt official.


  9. My Chinese friend asked the salesman rather cheekily if the idea was that these were marketed as premium gifts for corrupt officials.


  1. 贪官外逃赃款

    the corrupt officials fleeting abroad with illicit money

  2. 贪官难过审计关

    Hard to pass audit for the cormorant

  3. 他对贪官恨之入骨。

    He detests corruption.

  4. 贪官是有亲属的。

    The corrupt official has a relative

  5. 贪官缘何问鬼神?

    Why do malfeasant seek for help of ghost?

  6. 卷款潜逃的贪官

    A corrupt official who makes off with public money

  7. 这个贪官被撤职了。

    The corrupt official was removed from office.

  8. 这个贪官被罢了职。

    The corrupt official was removed from office.

  9. 那个贪官被当众解职。

    The corrupt official was publicly disgraced.

  10. 有些贪官是洗钱老手。

    Some corrupt officials are adept at money laundering.

  11. 他徇私舞弊,是个贪官。

    He was a corrupt official, playing favoritism and committing irregularities.

  12. 这个大贪官以坐牢告终。

    The greedy high official ended in prison.

  13. 大家都想扳倒那个贪官。

    All the people want to drive that corrupt official out of office.

  14. 大家都想扳倒那个贪官。

    All the people want to drive that corrupt official out of office.

  15. 那贪官站在被告席上。

    The corrupt official stood in the dock.

  16. 贪官迷信鬼神的思维逻辑

    The Logic of Corrupt Officers on Ghost and Superstitions

  17. 人类不灭, 条件不灭则贪官不灭。

    The mankind is eternal, the condition is eternal a corrupt official is eternal.

  18. 我将向那位贪官汇报工作。

    I'll report that bribery official.

  19. 贪官资金外逃及惩治机制研究

    Bribed Capital Flight and Punishment on Corruptive Officials

  20. 贪官的预防,必须从预防贪欲开始。

    So the prevention of the corruption must start from the point of preventing avidity.

  21. 有许多贪官其实是有心理疾病的。

    Having a lot of corrupt officials is intentional manage disease actually.

  22. 这个贪官无法解释他的收入来源。

    This corrupt official couldn't account for the source of his income.

  23. 他认为他们起义反贪官是正义的。

    He thinks that their rise to against corrupt officials is righteous.

  24. 任何细致的调查都会使这个贪官原形毕露。

    Any detailed investigation would show true colors of the corrupt offical.

  25. 为什么有的人觉得个个官员都是贪官呢?

    Why do some people think that all officials are corrupt it?

  26. 我国外逃贪官人口的特点及外逃法律对策

    The feature and the legal countermeasure to the abscondence out our country of corrupt official

  27. 这些贪官都是把浮利看得太重了。

    These corrupt officials attach too much importance to vanity.

  28. 这些贪官都是把浮利看得太重了。

    These corrupt officials attach too much importance to vanity.

  29. 论预防和惩治贪官外逃的国际司法合作

    The International Judicial Cooperation on Punishing and Prevention Corrupted Officials from Fleeing the Country

  30. 他们群起而攻之, 告发这位贪官的罪行。

    So very strongly they impeached the corrupt censor for his scandalous conduct.


  1. 问:贪官拼音怎么拼?贪官的读音是什么?贪官翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贪官的读音是tānguān,贪官翻译成英文是 Corrupt officials.

  2. 问:贪官污吏拼音怎么拼?贪官污吏的读音是什么?贪官污吏翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贪官污吏的读音是tānguānwūlì,贪官污吏翻译成英文是 corrupt official



tān guān ㄊㄢ ㄍㄨㄢ [corrupt officials] 贪赃枉法的官吏贪官污吏