







汉语拼音:qiáng bǎn







  1. 亦作“墻板”。板壁;木板墙。

    沈从文 《新与旧》:“墙板上还挂了两具盾牌、一副虎头双钩、一支广式土枪、一对护手刀。”



  1. We signed the first panel just a few weeks after that, had a great signing ceremony.


  2. Fallen vinyl siding, whose color began to fade early, is now brittle and cracking as its plasticizers degenerate.


  3. After a while though, they began to replace the thatch with wooden shingles, because wood were so plentiful.


  4. Exhibitors who wish to have the panels painted must inform the Official Contractor, who will provide a quotation and carry out the works.


  5. The invention relates to a light magnesium cement heat preservation exterior wall panel and a processing method thereof.


  6. All satin and glossy wood panels, the living room has a modern, masculine flair with just a whiff of decadence.


  7. They've taken traditional brick and block cavity wall construction, taken it into a factory and built whole walling panel systems. . .


  8. The utility model relates to a full assembly type base station building, which comprises a main frame, a wall board and a coping.


  9. The wallboard forming machine is reasonable and compact in structure and low in energy consumption and is capable of wiring on both sides.


  1. 地下室墙板

    basement wall plank.

  2. 卧车上墙板

    bunk panel.

  3. 空心隔墙板

    hollow slab.

  4. 护墙板压顶

    wainscoting cap.

  5. 中间层墙板

    intermediate lining.

  6. 组合体墙板

    composite wallboard.

  7. 楼层高墙板

    story height wall panel.

  8. 穿墙板管道

    pipelines through walls and floors.

  9. 复合墙板结构

    composite wall plate structure.

  10. 蜂窝夹心墙板

    Honeycomb core sandwich wall board.

  11. 复合保温墙板

    composite heat retaining wall board.

  12. 内墙板垫木

    inside lining stud.

  13. 混凝土空心墙板

    hollow wall plank of concrete

  14. 轻质复合墙板

    light composite wallboard.

  15. 夹芯保温墙板

    insulation sandwich wallboard

  16. 钢丝网复合墙板

    eementitious material

  17. 带框复合墙板

    the composite wall panel with hidden frame.

  18. 空心墙板成型机

    hollow wallboard molding machine

  19. 装配式大墙板建筑

    precast panel system building

  20. 珍珠岩夹芯墙板

    perlitic wallboard

  21. 现浇混凝土墙板

    outside concrete wall

  22. 混凝土屋面板及墙板

    Concrete roof panels and siding

  23. 饰以护墙板给装护墙板

    To line or panel with wainscoting.

  24. 封口墙板裂纹的预防

    Prevention of the Crackles in the Sealplank

  25. 封口墙板裂纹的防止

    Prevention of Cracking Defect of Sealing Wall Plate

  26. 竹纤维经济墙板初探

    Probe into ECOPANEL Bamboo Fiber Concrete Wall Panels

  27. 巴克纳荣誉墙制作墙板

    for the Buckner wall of honor.

  28. 同时可生产内墙板, 外墙板。

    It also manufactures inner and outer wallboards.

  29. 隐藏式连接墙板的设计

    Design of the Wall Panel with Hidden Joint

  30. 工业废渣隔墙板的研制

    Development of partition panel using industrial waste


  1. 问:墙板拼音怎么拼?墙板的读音是什么?墙板翻译成英文是什么?

    答:墙板的读音是qiáng bǎn,墙板翻译成英文是 wall unit

  2. 问:墙板钉拼音怎么拼?墙板钉的读音是什么?墙板钉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:墙板钉的读音是qiáng bǎn dīng,墙板钉翻译成英文是 wallboard nail

  3. 问:墙板锤拼音怎么拼?墙板锤的读音是什么?墙板锤翻译成英文是什么?

    答:墙板锤的读音是qiáng bǎn chuí,墙板锤翻译成英文是 wallboard hammer

  4. 问:墙板安装拼音怎么拼?墙板安装的读音是什么?墙板安装翻译成英文是什么?

    答:墙板安装的读音是qiáng bǎn ān zhuāng,墙板安装翻译成英文是 wallbaard installation

  5. 问:墙板导销拼音怎么拼?墙板导销的读音是什么?墙板导销翻译成英文是什么?

    答:墙板导销的读音是qiáng bǎn dǎo xiāo,墙板导销翻译成英文是 lock frame guide pin

  6. 问:墙板刚性连接拼音怎么拼?墙板刚性连接的读音是什么?墙板刚性连接翻译成英文是什么?

    答:墙板刚性连接的读音是qiáng bǎn gāng xìng lián jiē,墙板刚性连接翻译成英文是 rigid connection between wall panels

  7. 问:墙板柔性连接拼音怎么拼?墙板柔性连接的读音是什么?墙板柔性连接翻译成英文是什么?

    答:墙板柔性连接的读音是qiáng bǎn róu xìng lián jiē,墙板柔性连接翻译成英文是 flexible connection between wall panels

  8. 问:墙板板缝材料防水拼音怎么拼?墙板板缝材料防水的读音是什么?墙板板缝材料防水翻译成英文是什么?

    答:墙板板缝材料防水的读音是qiáng bǎn bǎn fèng cái liào fáng shuǐ,墙板板缝材料防水翻译成英文是 sealing material waterproof of wall panel seam...

  9. 问:墙板板缝构造防水拼音怎么拼?墙板板缝构造防水的读音是什么?墙板板缝构造防水翻译成英文是什么?

    答:墙板板缝构造防水的读音是qiáng bǎn bǎn fèng gòu zào fáng shuǐ,墙板板缝构造防水翻译成英文是 constructive waterproof of wall panel seam...

  10. 问:墙板板缝空腔防水拼音怎么拼?墙板板缝空腔防水的读音是什么?墙板板缝空腔防水翻译成英文是什么?

    答:墙板板缝空腔防水的读音是qiáng bǎn bǎn fèng kōng qiāng fáng shuǐ,墙板板缝空腔防水翻译成英文是 cavity waterproof of wall panel seam