


1. 助 [zhù]2. 助 [chú]助 [zhù]帮助协同,辅佐:辅~。帮~。~手。~人为乐。~桀为虐。拔苗~长(zhǎng )。爱莫能~。相传为殷代的租赋制度。助 [chú]古同“锄”,除去。……





汉语拼音:zhù lì








  1. 帮助;援助。

    《汉书·孔光传》:“其弟子多成就为博士大夫者,见师居大位,几得其助力, 光 终无所荐举,至或怨之。” 毛泽东 《新民主主义论》十:“聪明的 孙中山 看到了这一点,得了 苏联 和中国共产党的助力,把三民主义重新作了解释。”



  1. "Recovery will be slow, but at least reliable, and that should add some tailwinds (for stocks) the rest of the year, " Dueker said.


  2. But he has lost one of the big things that have kept him in power to date: the grudging support of Africa.


  3. Parts of the funds would be spent on projects to develop the fighters' villages and building roads to their communities, he said.


  4. That is why Silver Lake is seeking to bring in at least one partner to help buoy a bid, one of the people briefed on the matter said.


  5. Help from outside is often enfeebling in its effects, but help from inside invariably invigorates .


  6. Indeed, if it goes on to win the Big One, Avatar will do so without the benefit of a screenwriting nomination.


  7. In the event of a collision, the rear of the booster is lowered in a fraction of a second to prevent the child submarining under the belt.


  8. Several noted that until this week, there was no specific, credible proposal for them to help push.


  9. When you slide the screen up to reveal the thumb keyboard, there's no spring-assisted snap; it drags like a plow through soil.


  1. 奔驰电子制动助力系统

    Electronic Braking Servo System of Benz

  2. 合资生产汽车转向助力泵

    Joint Venture to Manufacture Automobile Steering Pump

  3. 闭心式液压助力转向系

    closed center hydraulic power steering system

  4. 我们需要福特的转向助力泵。

    We want to buy power steering for FORD.

  5. 造就人得是阻力, 而不是助力。

    It is not helps but obstacles that make a man.

  6. 造就人的是阻力,而不是助力。

    It is not helps but obstacles that make a man.

  7. 北人助力报纸印刷机械突围进口

    Beiren Helps Domestic Newspaper Printing Industry to Break out of Importation

  8. 当然, 如果脚力不够, 可以单车助力。

    Of course, if walking is not enough, then a bicycle can help you out.

  9. 使人成才的不是助力, 而是阻力。

    It is not help but obstacles that make a man.

  10. 电动助力转向系统仿真及控制系统设计

    The Simulation and Control System Design of the Electric Power Steering System

  11. 真空助力液压制动系统主动力系统辅助设备

    Vacuum assisted hydraulic brake system main power auxiliaries

  12. 我们相信,我们不懈的努力是您成功的助力!

    We believe that our efforts help you succeed!

  13. 基于电动助力转向系统控制算法的研究

    Research on the Control Algorithm of Electric Power Steering System

  14. 汽车电动助力转向控制系统的初步研究

    Preliminary Study on the Control System of the Automotive Electric Power Steering System

  15. 助力机械手由主机, 夹具和气控系统组成。

    Pneumatic manipulator is composed of main frame, fixture and air control system.

  16. 新颖的传动及助力机构, 实现高速模切。

    New drive gear and servounit ensure high speed die cutting.

  17. 新颖得传动及助力机构,实现高速模切。

    New drive gear and servounit ensure high speed die cutting.

  18. 那辆山地车已经被改装成了一辆助力车。

    That mountain Bike was refitted to become a moped.

  19. 发展重庆总部经济助力打造西三角增长极

    Promote Headquarters Economy in Chongqing to Build West Triangle Growth in China

  20. 在困难中,他曾给过我很大的助力。

    He gave me a lot of help when I was in difficulties.

  21. 中达电通助力吉林移动打造电源技术精英

    Delta help Jilin Mobile build power technology elite

  22. 我知道我会打好下半场,对球队产生助力的。

    I knew I was going to have to play a good second half to help out.

  23. 电动助力转向系统的建模与控制方法研究

    Modeling and Control Research for Electric Power Steering System

  24. 基于快速控制原型的电动助力转向控制系统研究

    Research on the Control System of Electrical Power Steering Based on Rapid Control Prototype

  25. 设计了汽车液压助力转向器计算机测控系统。

    This paper presents the design a computer and control system for automobile hydraulic assistance steering gear.

  26. 车辆悬架系统与电动助力转向系统的集成控制

    Integrated control on vehicle suspension system and electric power steering system.

  27. 而埃米莉可以成为你在防守上的重要助力

    and Emily is gonna be much more helpful with you on defense.

  28. 纯电动汽车电动助力转向系统机理研究与设计

    The Mechanism Research and Design of Electric Power Steering System of Pure Electric Vehicle

  29. 于是最关键的问题就是 我们如何助力这些女士们?

    So the real key question was, how do we empower this woman?

  30. 汽车电动助力转向系统测试平台的开发与研究

    The Development and Research of the Automobile Electric Power Steering System Test Platform


  1. 问:助力器拼音怎么拼?助力器的读音是什么?助力器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:助力器的读音是zhù lì qì,助力器翻译成英文是 booster

  2. 问:助力制动拼音怎么拼?助力制动的读音是什么?助力制动翻译成英文是什么?

    答:助力制动的读音是zhù lì zhì dòng,助力制动翻译成英文是 power-assisted brake

  3. 问:助力操作拼音怎么拼?助力操作的读音是什么?助力操作翻译成英文是什么?

    答:助力操作的读音是zhù lì cāo zuò,助力操作翻译成英文是 power operation

  4. 问:助力转向拼音怎么拼?助力转向的读音是什么?助力转向翻译成英文是什么?

    答:助力转向的读音是zhù lì zhuǎn xiàng,助力转向翻译成英文是 power-assisted steering

  5. 问:助力动作筒拼音怎么拼?助力动作筒的读音是什么?助力动作筒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:助力动作筒的读音是zhù lì dòng zuò tǒng,助力动作筒翻译成英文是 booster jack

  6. 问:助力起落飞机拼音怎么拼?助力起落飞机的读音是什么?助力起落飞机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:助力起落飞机的读音是zhù lì qǐ luò fēi jī,助力起落飞机翻译成英文是 Assisted Take off and Landing

  7. 问:助力操纵系统管路拼音怎么拼?助力操纵系统管路的读音是什么?助力操纵系统管路翻译成英文是什么?

    答:助力操纵系统管路的读音是zhù lì cāo zòng xì tǒng guǎn lù,助力操纵系统管路翻译成英文是 power control line