




1. 助 [zhù]2. 助 [chú]助 [zhù]帮助协同,辅佐:辅~。帮~。~手。~人为乐。~桀为虐。拔苗~长(zhǎng )。爱莫能~。相传为殷代的租赋制度。助 [chú]古同“锄”,除去。……



汉语拼音:fú zhù








  1. 扶持帮助。

    《汉书·酷吏传·严延年》:“其治务在摧折豪彊,扶助贫弱。” 宋 梅尧臣 《依韵和永叔澄心堂纸答刘原甫》:“公之此心实扶助,更復有力谁论哉!” 清 秋瑾 《致陈志群书》之四:“同心同德,互相扶助。” 巴金 《家》三一:“他自愿地从父亲的肩头接过了担子,把扶助弟妹的事情作为自己的生活的目标。”



  1. In October she extended the child-support system for poor families, at a cost of $2. 6 billion a year.


  2. At the beginning of the program, according to PPJ, 64 percent of the children in targeted households were malnourished.


  3. Have a strong aromatic smell of pepper, cooking can remove fishy smell of mutton, medicine is able to eliminate in the cold, support yang.


  4. Pray that you will be blessed as you obey the commandment of Jesus to help and give to those who are weak and in need.


  5. The base of the Equilibrium is contrast of the realistic power of parts-to be limited to powerful side, and to be assisted to weak side.


  6. The other temptation is to couple assistance for bankers with a hefty dose of punishment to sate the public's hunger for justice.


  7. Buying of longer maturity Treasuries as dealers repositioned after new corporate bond deals priced helped boost the long bond, traders said.


  8. God does not restrain his anger; even the cohorts of Rahab cowered at his feet.


  9. Government efforts to help homeowners have intensified, allowing more borrowers to refinance or avoid foreclosure.


  1. 奖励扶助资金

    incentive and assisting fund

  2. 奖励扶助制度

    Encourage and reward help system

  3. 奖励扶助养老

    reward rural elderly with only one child or two daughters

  4. 带有负担的扶助

    beneficium cum cura

  5. 有人扶助, 容易成功。

    He may well swim that is held up by the chin.

  6. 有人扶助,容易成功。

    He may well swim that is held up by the chin.

  7. 麻州政府失业扶助局

    Massachusetts Division of Unemployment Assistance, DUA

  8. 扶助小企业的整套措施

    a package of measures to help small businesses

  9. 私立学校振兴扶助法

    the assistant method toprivate school

  10. 我们愿意扶助弱者与穷人。

    We are willing to befriend the weak and the poor.

  11. 附属教堂依赖主教堂扶助。

    A succursal chruch is dependent on the main church.

  12. 高校特困生扶助对策研究

    A Study on the Methods of Assisting Destitute University Students

  13. 建立强有力的扶助儿童的机构。

    Build strong support systems for children.

  14. 这仆人扶助那贵妇下楼。

    The servant assisted the lady downstairs.

  15. 反经济周期的联邦扶助项目

    a countercyclical federal aid program.

  16. 联合国扶助摩纳哥伤残儿童

    UN helps Moroccan handicapped children

  17. 联合国扶助斐济青年创业者

    UN supports young entrepreneurs in Fiji

  18. 贫困大学生扶助工作机制探析

    Inquire into the Poverty Alleviation Mechanism for Impoverished Undergraduates

  19. 子女对父母有赡养扶助的义务。

    Children have the duty to support and assist their parents.

  20. 书后编入填加的扶助的材料

    supplementary material that is collected and appended at the back of a book

  21. 安徽农村计划生育奖励扶助政策研究

    Policy Study on the Encouragement and Assistance of Rural Planned Parenthood in Anhui Province

  22. 奖励扶助对象资格确认问题及建议

    Problems in Identifying Eligible Recipients in the System for Social Support

  23. 我们凡事不能敌挡真理, 只能扶助真理。

    For we can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth.

  24. 试论扶助城镇贫困群体的基本对策

    On the Countermeasures to Assist the Group of the Urban Poor

  25. 凡衣物,饮食莫不赖猫相为扶助。

    Theres no one who doesnt or isnt of every clothings, food bilks feline photograph to be assist.

  26. 成年子女对父母有赡养扶助的义务。

    Adult offspring have the obligation to provide for their parents.

  27. 见建设和平基金扶助青年和妇女项目。

    See Peacebuilding Fund projects for young people and women.

  28. 神必不丢弃完全人,也不扶助邪恶人。

    Surely God does not reject a blameless man or strengthen the hands of evildoers.

  29. 上帝必不丢弃完全人, 也不扶助邪恶人。

    Surely God does not reject a blameless man or strengthen the hands of evildoers.

  30. 论社会弱势群体的成因及其扶助措施

    The Causes of the Helpless People and the Measures to Help them


  1. 问:扶助拼音怎么拼?扶助的读音是什么?扶助翻译成英文是什么?

    答:扶助的读音是fúzhù,扶助翻译成英文是 support

  2. 问:扶助指挥拼音怎么拼?扶助指挥的读音是什么?扶助指挥翻译成英文是什么?

    答:扶助指挥的读音是fú zhù zhǐ huī,扶助指挥翻译成英文是 aid

  3. 问:扶助行动拼音怎么拼?扶助行动的读音是什么?扶助行动翻译成英文是什么?

    答:扶助行动的读音是fú zhù xíng dòng,扶助行动翻译成英文是 affirmative action

  4. 问:扶助行动政策拼音怎么拼?扶助行动政策的读音是什么?扶助行动政策翻译成英文是什么?

    答:扶助行动政策的读音是fú zhù xíng dòng zhèng cè,扶助行动政策翻译成英文是 affirmative action policy

  5. 问:扶助行动计划拼音怎么拼?扶助行动计划的读音是什么?扶助行动计划翻译成英文是什么?

    答:扶助行动计划的读音是fú zhù xíng dòng jì huà,扶助行动计划翻译成英文是 affirmative action program

