


共同合作,和洽:~商。~定。~和。~调(tiáo )。~议。帮助,辅助:~助。~同。~理。……


1. 助 [zhù]2. 助 [chú]助 [zhù]帮助协同,辅佐:辅~。帮~。~手。~人为乐。~桀为虐。拔苗~长(zhǎng )。爱莫能~。相传为殷代的租赋制度。助 [chú]古同“锄”,除去。……



汉语拼音:xié zhù








  1. 帮助;辅助。

    毛泽东 《军队内部的民主运动》:“关于经济民主,必须使士兵选出的代表有权协助(不是超过)连队首长管理连队的给养和伙食。”



  1. Without a docent to assist us, many of us would not be able to really "see" much of what is being exhibited.


  2. The objective of good development aid is to put aid out of business by building this self-reliance.


  3. The 60-year-old man and his wife, Sandra, kept the loyal four-legged helper and adopted a second dog to help lead both man and dog together.


  4. These guidelines help investigators to assess whether or not a causal factor can be associated with a particular tier in the diagram.


  5. No doubt you know that an incentive discount encourages the buyers and helps expand the seller's business.


  6. She was merely a poor teenager from the countryside, but she helped the French army gain an advantage over the British forces.


  7. Let me once more thank you for the constructive way you helped to settle all the problem that were in the way of signing the contract.


  8. for the function of my department , and of most other departments , is to help the salesmen sell .


  9. Psychology shows that: the study of kindergarten children need to be in the form of the game to help.


  1. 拖轮协助操纵

    Maneuvering with the aid of tug

  2. 协助搜集情报

    cooperate on intelligence matters

  3. 我们应邀协助。

    We were enlisted as helpers.

  4. 大副协助船长。

    The first mate helps the captain.

  5. 协助学生办理。

    To assist students in applying for IRD.

  6. 我们非常乐意协助

    We'd love to help.

  7. 轮需要拖轮协助。

    MV Red Rose requires tug assistance.

  8. 协助调查证据委托书

    letters rogatory

  9. 协助办理有关事宜

    assist in handling matters concerned

  10. 副总理协助总理工作。

    The VicePremiers assist the Premier in his work.

  11. 我们需要协助助,我们需要协助。

    We need help. We need help.

  12. 敬请协助处理,谢谢!

    Beta DirectDraw Expired,please update.

  13. 当事人诉讼协助义务

    the assisting obligation of litigants

  14. 他真心实意愿意协助。

    His was a sincere offer of help.

  15. 她今天会协助我。

    And I.have the simulation back.

  16. 精灵会协助男巫。

    A familiar will assist the wizard.

  17. 精灵会协助男巫。

    A familiar will assist the wizard.

  18. 她协助他做实验。

    She assisted him in his experiments.

  19. 协助进行这场竞选

    to assist in this campaign

  20. 民兵大力协助边防军。

    The militiamen did much to assist the frontier guards.

  21. 请协助办理返程票

    Please help provide return ticket

  22. 我会尽力协助你们。

    I'll cooperate however I can.

  23. 几艘拖船协助引航?

    How many tugs assist pilotage?

  24. 她协助筹备了晚会。

    She helped to organize the party.

  25. 协助及教唆伪造文件

    aid and abet forgery

  26. 我保证我一定协助你

    Tell you whatI'll scrub in with you.

  27. 会计师协助收购议价。

    Assistance provided by accountants in purchase price negotiation.

  28. 我依赖我父母的协助。

    I reckon on my parents assistance.

  29. 协助听证主持人组织听证。

    To assist the presiding hearer in organizing the hearing.

  30. 协助应收款的收取。

    Assist in the account receivables process.


  1. 问:协助拼音怎么拼?协助的读音是什么?协助翻译成英文是什么?

    答:协助的读音是xiézhù,协助翻译成英文是 help

  2. 问:协助令拼音怎么拼?协助令的读音是什么?协助令翻译成英文是什么?

    答:协助令的读音是xié zhù lìng,协助令翻译成英文是 advow

  3. 问:协助的拼音怎么拼?协助的的读音是什么?协助的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:协助的的读音是xié zhù de,协助的翻译成英文是 synergic

  4. 问:协助者拼音怎么拼?协助者的读音是什么?协助者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:协助者的读音是,协助者翻译成英文是 coadjutant

  5. 问:协助金拼音怎么拼?协助金的读音是什么?协助金翻译成英文是什么?

    答:协助金的读音是xié zhù jīn,协助金翻译成英文是 aids

  6. 问:协助令状拼音怎么拼?协助令状的读音是什么?协助令状翻译成英文是什么?

    答:协助令状的读音是xiézhùlìngzhuàng,协助令状翻译成英文是 writ of assistance

  7. 问:协助因子拼音怎么拼?协助因子的读音是什么?协助因子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:协助因子的读音是xié zhù yīn zǐ,协助因子翻译成英文是 helper factor

  8. 问:协助逃脱拼音怎么拼?协助逃脱的读音是什么?协助逃脱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:协助逃脱的读音是xiézhùtáotuō,协助逃脱翻译成英文是 aid escape

  9. 问:协助噬菌体拼音怎么拼?协助噬菌体的读音是什么?协助噬菌体翻译成英文是什么?

    答:协助噬菌体的读音是xié zhù shì jūn tǐ,协助噬菌体翻译成英文是 helper phage

  10. 问:协助执行人拼音怎么拼?协助执行人的读音是什么?协助执行人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:协助执行人的读音是xiézhùzhíxíngrén,协助执行人翻译成英文是 assistant in enforcement

  11. 问:协助拘捕证拼音怎么拼?协助拘捕证的读音是什么?协助拘捕证翻译成英文是什么?

    答:协助拘捕证的读音是xiézhùjūbǔzhèng,协助拘捕证翻译成英文是 warrant of assistance in arrest

  12. 问:协助犯罪者拼音怎么拼?协助犯罪者的读音是什么?协助犯罪者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:协助犯罪者的读音是xiézhùfànzuìzhě,协助犯罪者翻译成英文是 assist an offender

  13. 问:协助执行令状拼音怎么拼?协助执行令状的读音是什么?协助执行令状翻译成英文是什么?

    答:协助执行令状的读音是xié zhù zhí xíng lìng zhuàng,协助执行令状翻译成英文是 testatum writ

  14. 问:协助占有土地令拼音怎么拼?协助占有土地令的读音是什么?协助占有土地令翻译成英文是什么?

    答:协助占有土地令的读音是xié zhù zhàn yǒu tǔ dì lìng,协助占有土地令翻译成英文是 testatum

  15. 问:协助收缴走私物品令拼音怎么拼?协助收缴走私物品令的读音是什么?协助收缴走私物品令翻译成英文是什么?

    答:协助收缴走私物品令的读音是xié zhù shōu jiǎo zǒu sī wù pǐn lìng,协助收缴走私物品令翻译成英文是 advow

  16. 问:协助调查取证请求书拼音怎么拼?协助调查取证请求书的读音是什么?协助调查取证请求书翻译成英文是什么?

    答:协助调查取证请求书的读音是xié zhù diào chá qǔ zhèng qǐng qiú shū,协助调查取证请求书翻译成英文是 aids

  17. 问:协助投诉失职律师机构拼音怎么拼?协助投诉失职律师机构的读音是什么?协助投诉失职律师机构翻译成英文是什么?

    答:协助投诉失职律师机构的读音是xié zhù tóu sù shī zhí lǜ shī jī gòu,协助投诉失职律师机构翻译成英文是 Lay Advocates at Work/L.A.W.Inc.


