


1. 作 [zuò]作 [zuò]起,兴起,现在起:振~。枪声大~。从事,做工:工~。~息。~业。举行,进行:~别(分别)。~乱。~案。~战。~报告。干出,做出,表现出,制造出:~恶(è)。~弊。~梗。~祟。~态。~色。~为。~难。~奸犯科……





汉语拼音:zuò gěng








  1. 谓鬼物使人生病。

    《文选·张衡<东京赋>》:“ 度朔 作梗,守以 鬱垒 , 神荼 副焉,对操索苇。” 薛综 注:“东海中 度朔 山,有二神,一曰 神荼 、二曰 鬱垒 ,领众鬼之恶害者,执以苇索,而用食虎。” 李善 注:“《毛诗传》曰:‘梗,病也。’谓为人作梗病者。”

  2. 指从中阻挠、捣乱。

    《北史·魏收传》:“其后镇将刺史,乖失人和,羣 氐 作梗,遂为边患。” 宋 杨万里 《题张以道上舍寒绿轩》诗:“先生飢肠诗作梗,小摘珍芳汲水井。” 明 李贽 《与梅衡湘》:“中国有作梗者,朝廷之上自有公等诸贤圣在,即日可繫也。” 叶圣陶 《多收了三五斗》:“今年天照应,雨水调匀,小虫子也不来作梗。”



  1. Or rather I'm slogging it out, and my bank, First Direct, is doing some admirable slogging on my behalf, but the airline is stonewalling.


  2. Mom is real tight with our principal, so I'll bet she stepped in and made sure I got put in the Gifted group again.


  3. We were about to begin construction on the building but the contractor threw a monkey wrench into the project.


  4. To stop him from winning the election, his opponents tried to fix his wagon with some dirty ads.


  5. Just as it seemed that nothing could stop me , fate intervened .


  6. Don't allow practicalities to come between you and exciting creative, innovative ideas.


  7. If the people decide they want reunification, China will not be able to do a damn thing about it.


  8. We had enough support to put through our basic program but its opponents were sufficiently powerful to emasculate it.


  9. And in India, talks on the U. S. nuclear deal collapsed yet a-gain thanks to the obstruction of communist parties.


  1. 但是美国国会从中作梗。

    But Congress got in the way.

  2. 从中作梗的一直是法律体制。

    The spanner in the works has been the legal regime.

  3. 首先, 她的名声从中作梗。

    First of all, her reputation precedes her.

  4. 如任何人和他作梗, 他即大怒。

    If anyone crosses him, he gets very angry.

  5. 除非坏天气作梗,每天我都慢。

    Unless bad weather stops me, I jog every day.

  6. 无论我做什么他都从中作梗。

    He crossed me in everything I wanted to do.

  7. 除非坏天气作梗,每天我都慢跑。

    Unless bad weather stops me, I jog every day.

  8. 他们从中作梗, 使我不容易见到她。

    They made it difficult for me to see her.

  9. 没有他就中作梗, 这事儿就好办了。

    This thing will be easily handled if he doesn't cause troube.

  10. 没有他就中作梗,这事儿就好办了。

    This thing will be easily handled if he doesn't cause troube.

  11. 他们从中作梗,让我不能轻易见到她。

    They made it difficult for me to see her.

  12. 我要求你担保没有人会从中作梗。

    I want your assurance that nobody can put a stick in the wheels.

  13. 要不是老板娘从中作梗,事情早就办成了。

    The boss's wife keeps interfering, or the matter would already have been settled.

  14. 要不是老板娘从中作梗,事情早就办成了。

    The boss' s wife keeps interfering, or the matter would already have been settled.

  15. 我们不应让官僚主义的障碍从中作梗。

    We should not allow bureaucratic obstacles to delay that.

  16. 关于让他来这事请你不要作梗。

    Please don't be awkward about letting him come.

  17. 要不是因为他从中作梗, 我们的计划就会成功。

    If it hadn't been for the spoke he put in our wheel, our plan would have come off.

  18. 我认为他拒绝你的建议完全是故意作梗。

    I reckon it was sheer bloodymindedness that made him reject your proposal.

  19. 他和她不过是要生活,而过去却在作梗。

    He and she just wanted to live and the past was in the way.

  20. 他并非真有其他建议,只不过是有意作梗。

    He doesn't really have an alternative suggestion; he's just being deliberately obstructive.

  21. 它老在德国称霸世界的事情上从中作梗。

    She is a constant menace to the predominance of Germany in the world.

  22. 他们也可能是主席的朋友,所以他们不愿从中作梗。

    They may also be friends of the chairman, so they are reluctant to upset the applecart.

  23. 我们把这个弄完吧,别等老板来了从中作梗。

    Let's get this finished before the boss comes along and throws a spanner in the works.

  24. 所以我们怀疑,也许 这是竞争对手的石油公司从中作梗

    So we were kind of skeptical that maybe it was a competing oil firm just sort of playing the issue up.

  25. 我在国内立志上进,可又有人从中作梗,成了画饼充饥。

    My attempts to advance myself at home have been baffled and rendered abortive

  26. 而且由于议会从中作梗, 该法案从未被签署而产生法律效力。

    And because of a parliamentary maneuver the bill was never signed into law.

  27. 不要让现实问题来到你和你令人兴奋的创意之间作梗。

    Don't allow practicalities to come between you and exciting creative, innovative ideas.

  28. 这幢楼我们正要动工,承包商却从中作梗,使工程没法继续。

    We were about to begin construction on the building but the contractor threw a monkey wrench into the project.


  1. 问:作梗拼音怎么拼?作梗的读音是什么?作梗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:作梗的读音是zuògěng,作梗翻译成英文是 To baffle, to frustrate.


