


古代夹在车轮外旁的直木,每轮二木,用以增加车轮载重支力。帮助,佐助:~佐(协助,多指政治上)。~弼。~助。~导。~相(xiàng )。古代指京城附近地区:畿~。人的颊骨:~车相依(“车”,指牙床,喻互相依存)。……





汉语拼音:fǔ zuǒ








  1. 辅助佐理。

    《左传·襄公十四年》:“是故天子有公,诸侯有卿,卿置侧室,大夫有贰宗,士有朋友,庶人、工、商、皁、隶、牧、圉皆有亲暱,以相辅佐也。”《汉书·萧望之传赞》:“ 望之 堂堂,折而不橈,身为儒宗,有辅佐之能,近古社稷臣也。” 北齐 颜之推 《颜氏家训·治家》:“如有聪明才智,识达古今,正当辅佐君子,助其不足。”《水浒传》楔子:“这两个贤臣出来辅佐这朝皇帝,庙号 仁宗 天子,在位四十二年,改了九个年号。” 郭沫若 《洪波曲》第五章五:“审查委员会作为辅佐部长的幕僚机构是可以组织的。”

  2. 帮助皇帝治理国家的人。

    《墨子·尚贤下》:“此言先王之治天下也,必选择贤者,以为其羣属辅佐也。”《后汉书·桓谭传》:“臣闻国之废兴,在於政事,政事得失,由乎辅佐。” 清 王士禛 《池北偶谈·谈献二·崇祯三相》:“ 烈皇 英明勤敏,自当中兴,而卒致沦丧者以辅佐非人也。”



  1. He was at Mr Bush's side for decades. His fingers were all over the policies, not just the press releases.


  2. There is no doubt the Foreign Service served me with distinction.


  3. It has always been assumed that women's bodies give them a higher pain threshold than men, to help them cope with the agony of childbirth.


  4. In October, the advocate general in a preliminary opinion said the EU was acting within the law.


  5. Nadine Dorries, the Tory MP, however criticised the motion and said the extra height heels give women can help them when in the workplace.


  6. He thought he could use his kownledge to find out the best ways for farmers to grow crops and then write a book to help them.


  7. Best wishes for the fool and those that supports him, for others and I will not give in nor assist.


  8. Any of these scenarios would be paired with a plan to restore his image.


  9. In administering special grants, the Bank has expertise in donor coordination, fund raising, and fund management.


  1. 对症疗法及辅佐疗法

    symptomatic and adjuvant therapy

  2. 这是你的了,辅佐官。

    This is yours now,Fleimkepa.

  3. 需要一个假的辅佐官。

    Needs a fake flame keeper.

  4. 需要一个假的辅佐官。

    Needs a fake flame keeper.

  5. 君臣佐使, 主辅佐使

    principal, subordinate, adjuvent, and guide

  6. 爱情王国的国王无需助手辅佐。

    Love rules its kingdom without a second.

  7. 你也是这样辅佐先帝的吗?

    Did you help the late Emperor in this same way?

  8. 如今时势不利,我需要你的辅佐。

    These are dark times and I will need your council.

  9. 罗夫辅佐布什已经超过30年了。

    Mr Rove has been at Mr Bush s side for more than 30 years.

  10. 任何时辰需要辅佐都可以来找我。

    You can come to me whenever are in need of help.

  11. 新董事长年纪尚幼,命我辅佐代理。

    Who due to his age elected me to act as his proxy.

  12. 十月,辅佐法官初步认定欧盟属于依法行事。

    In October, the advocate general in a preliminary opinion said the EU was acting within the law.

  13. 因为教员的辅佐,我将能切确地讲英语。

    With the teacher's help, I shall be able to speak English correctly.

  14. 国王在忠诚大臣的辅佐下,挫败了他哥哥的阴谋。

    The king frustrated his brother's scheme with the help of his loyal ministers.

  15. 只需填写一张皮肤卡, 就会有顾问来辅佐你!

    To me, it seemed as if the authors consultant role colors his point of view.

  16. 经常在英语方面辅佐我的阿谁女孩是英国人。

    The girl who often helps me with my English is from England.

  17. 他们阵营中还有足够的高度和深度来辅佐罗伊。

    They also have copious amounts of length and depth to surround Roy.

  18. 弗格森时代防守最好的时候是有奎二爷辅佐时期。

    The best defensive performances of Ferguson's tenure can probably be traced back to Carlos Queiroz's time as assistant manager.

  19. 任何这样的场面,都将辅佐于一个修补他形象的计划。

    Any of these scenarios would be paired with a plan to restore his image.

  20. 美国的生活表明,自由在法律的辅佐下并不让人生畏。

    Life in America shows that liberty, paired with law is not to be feared.

  21. 做完面膜别忘了喷点保湿霜或许补水霜辅佐补水保湿!

    Do not forget to finish the mask moisturizing cream may be overtime pay and spray adjuvant Moisturizing Cream!

  22. 一些风光美妙的处所, 像公园, 河干可以辅佐人们放松自己。

    Scenic places such as parks and rivers can also help people relax.

  23. 周公辅佐年幼的成王时, 勤于政事, 广泛招揽人才。

    Zhou gong was very diligent at government matters when assisting young King Cheng. He tried to attract talents widely.

  24. 吴王夫差为父报仇, 在伍子胥的辅佐下日夜勤兵。

    FuCha for father, prince of wu zixu avenged in next day and night frequently adjuvant pawn.

  25. 小皇帝为何甘愿俯首称臣, 跑到迈阿密辅佐热火老大韦德?

    Why to kneel dances, ran to the Miami heat boss wade affairs. this ?

  26. 这不是游戏。这只是可以辅佐我进步单词量的一种纵横字谜。

    This is not a game. It's only a crossword puzzle that helps increase my vocabulary.

  27. 无论人气还是执教能力, 范志毅都是辅佐徐根宝的合适人选。

    Regardless of the human spirit teaches ability, Fan Zhiyi are assist Xu Genbao the appropriate candidate.


  1. 问:辅佐拼音怎么拼?辅佐的读音是什么?辅佐翻译成英文是什么?

    答:辅佐的读音是fǔzuǒ,辅佐翻译成英文是 assist

  2. 问:辅佐朝政拼音怎么拼?辅佐朝政的读音是什么?辅佐朝政翻译成英文是什么?

    答:辅佐朝政的读音是fǔzuǒcháozhèng,辅佐朝政翻译成英文是 assist in the affairs of state

  3. 问:辅佐剂拼音怎么拼?辅佐剂的读音是什么?辅佐剂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:辅佐剂的读音是fǔ zuǒ jì,辅佐剂翻译成英文是 co-adjuvant

  4. 问:辅佐性拼音怎么拼?辅佐性的读音是什么?辅佐性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:辅佐性的读音是fǔ zuǒ xìng,辅佐性翻译成英文是 adjuvanticity

  5. 问:辅佐细胞拼音怎么拼?辅佐细胞的读音是什么?辅佐细胞翻译成英文是什么?

    答:辅佐细胞的读音是fǔ zuǒ xì bāo,辅佐细胞翻译成英文是 accessory cell



辅助佐理。《左传·襄公十四年》:“是故天子有公,诸侯有卿,卿置侧室,大夫有贰宗,士有朋友,庶人、工、商、皁、隶、牧、圉皆有亲暱,以相辅佐也。”《汉书·萧望之传赞》:“ 望之堂堂,折而不桡,身为儒宗,有辅佐之能,近古社稷臣也。”北齐 颜之推 《颜氏家训·治家》:“如有聪明才智,识达古今,正当辅佐君子,助其不足。”《水浒传》楔子:“这两个贤臣出来辅佐这朝皇帝,庙号仁宗天子,在位四十二年,改了九个年号。”明 冯梦龙 《东周列国志》第四十七回:“太子夷皋年幼,卿等宜尽心辅佐,和好邻国,不失盟主之业可也。”