


1. 副 [fù]2. 副 [pì]副 [fù]第二位的,辅助的,区别于“正”、“主”:~职。~手。~官。~使。附带的,次要的:~业。~品。~食。~刊。~歌。~产品。~作用。相配,相称(chèn ):名实相~。其实难~。量词(a.一组或一套……





汉语拼音:fù shǒu





1.次于主要负责人 的人。




  1. 犹助手,配角。

    《水浒传》第三回:“ 郑屠 看时,见是 鲁提辖 ,慌忙出柜身来唱喏道:‘提辖恕罪。’便叫副手掇条凳子来。” 郭小川 《病》诗之一:“我是一个不能做副手的人,我只能独当一面。我给他当副局长的时候,我的才能完全不能施展。”



  1. The mediation proposal calls on Saleh to transfer power to his deputy, but gives no specific timeframe for him to leave office.

  2. The marketing director had pressing business which kept him in Leeds , so he sent his deputy on to represent him in Edinburgh.

  3. He said, "There were murders last night in the town. The aide-de-camp of the military governor, a sergeant and a girl on a bicycle. "

  4. His second in command, General David Rodriguez, and U. S. Ambassador Karl Eikenberry are preparing to leave the country as well.

  5. Mr Obama's aides fret that Ms Merkel sometimes prefers the company of China and Russia over that of the US in the UN Security Council.

  6. With his poll ratings in free fall and his deputies defecting from the party, Papandreou seems to be running out of options.

  7. Xavier Niel, the entrepreneur, lost patience and launched one of his former lieutenants on an expeditious cost-cutting operation.

  8. It is essential to realise, at this point, that C and D are, as it were, inseparable. To appoint C alone would have been impossible.

  9. Some of the Palestinian leader's aides, however, insisted that this time he would go.


  1. 筛矿工副手

    Jig tender.

  2. 董事长及其副手

    the Director General and his deputy

  3. 他向副手移交工作。

    He hand over to his deputy.

  4. 助手副手后援者。

    One who attends a person who fights a duel a backer.

  5. 你去给他当副手

    you're going to be his wingman.

  6. 充当军事副手的官员。

    An officer who acts as military assistant.

  7. 他不得不充当副手。

    He has to play the second fiddle.

  8. 这副手套不相配。

    These gloves do not match.

  9. 她委任了谁为她的副手?

    Who has she designated her deputy?

  10. 他是你的得力副手。

    He is a great help to you.

  11. 我只好给他当副手。

    I have to play second fiddle to him.

  12. 团伙犯罪人物和他的副手们。

    the organized crime figure and his lieutenants.

  13. 他感觉自己的副手就反对自己。

    He found himself opposed by his own deputy.

  14. 他和他的副手合作得很好。

    He and his deputy cooperated very well.

  15. 你已经见过我的副手了。

    I see that you've become acquainted with my deputy.

  16. 这副手镯镶满了钻石。

    This bracelet is studded with diamonds.

  17. 他充当怀特先生的副手。

    He plays second fiddle to Mr. White.

  18. 他讨厌给任何人当副手。

    He hated to play second fiddle to anyone.

  19. 他走到一边,讨论他的副手。

    He steps aside to talk to his deputy.

  20. 我是他的剑,他的武器,他的副手。

    I am His sword, His weapon and His Vicegerent.

  21. 你的副手或助手, 与客户见面。

    either your deputy or assistant, to talk to the customer.

  22. 请你派个副手送我们一程。

    Have one of your deputies give us a ride.

  23. 他批评他的副手是个急躁的年轻人。

    He criticized his deputy as a hotheaded youth.

  24. 他和他的副手一向合作得很好。

    He and his deputy had cooperated very well.

  25. 朱尔斯愿意做肖先生的副手

    Jules is willing to go play second fiddle to Mr. Shaw.

  26. 该党派领袖的副手观点比较温和。

    The deputy of the party leader is more moderate in her views.

  27. 他所负的职责移交给副手行使。

    His duties devolved on his deputy.

  28. 亚当担任他的副手已经十年了。

    Adam had been working as his second for 10 years.

  29. 这副手套的另一只在哪儿?

    Where is the mate to this glove?

  30. 我正巧是你喜欢的男人的副手。

    I happen to be going to second with the guy that you like.


  1. 问:副手拼音怎么拼?副手的读音是什么?副手翻译成英文是什么?

    答:副手的读音是fùshǒu,副手翻译成英文是 assistant



副 手 拼音 fù shǒu 英文 assistant 解释 1.帮手,指伙计,类似“助手”。2.区别于“主手”,一般用于网游,含义为第二装备。