


1. 作 [zuò]作 [zuò]起,兴起,现在起:振~。枪声大~。从事,做工:工~。~息。~业。举行,进行:~别(分别)。~乱。~案。~战。~报告。干出,做出,表现出,制造出:~恶(è)。~弊。~梗。~祟。~态。~色。~为。~难。~奸犯科……





汉语拼音:zuò suì








  1. 谓鬼怪妖物害人。后亦指人或某种因素作怪、捣乱。

    汉 扬雄 《少府箴》:“至於躭乐流湎,而 妲 末 作祟。”注:“ 妲己 、 末喜 , 桀 、 紂 之嬖妾。” 宋 杨万里 《和萧伯和韵》:“睡去恐遭诗作祟,愁来当遣酒行成。”《红楼梦》第一○二回:“无非把这妖气收了,便不作祟,就是法力了。” 瞿秋白 《论大众文艺·普洛大众文艺的现实问题》:“ 中国 的‘言’和‘文’之间的区别为什么如此之大?就因为是封建余孽作祟。” 许杰 《寿平》二:“或者也因为他脑子里的饥饿哲学在作祟吧!”



  1. When he was bored, a hood would come down over his eyes and his nervous system would start churning.


  2. This has not got to do with economics or even politics, it really had to do with the remnants of a traditional notion of empire.


  3. I feel justice and did just a small thing. Just take it as a returned gift for being with me today.


  4. A. Until about the 1960s, the conventional wisdom was that bilingualism was a disadvantage. Some of this was xenophobia.


  5. Art thou like the Black Man that haunts the forest round about us? Hast thou enticed me into a bond that will prove the ruin of my soul?


  6. A question of pride. He finally just wandered home. Still a bit of a sore point. We try not to speak about it. Except in public.


  7. A natural "disaster" will occur soon, small in impact, that some will attribute to the dark forces, but this is not the case.


  8. attack jealous Law: jealousy generated by one, we should immediately give up put it out to avoid their mischief.


  9. and Bell, as if ashamed, quickly distanced himself from the telephone monopoly bearing his name.


  1. 躲避的记忆在作祟

    Bad dodgeball memories.

  2. 欺骗因素仍在作祟。

    The finagle factor is still at work.

  3. 这又是贪婪在作祟。

    This, again, is greed at play.

  4. 我猜是我的细胞作祟。

    I guess it beatssitting in my cell.

  5. 那一定是现实在作祟。

    Then comes the thud of reality.

  6. 这都是利己主义在作祟。

    All this trouble is caused by selfishness.

  7. 我认为这是恶魔在作祟。

    I think this is an evil spirit at work.

  8. 失业的幽灵在这个国家作祟。

    The specter of unemployment hunted the country.

  9. 我只是在重温旧梦,残念作祟

    I'mi'm reliving moments. This is just residual grief.

  10. 首先,这完全是意识形态在作祟。

    And this was a matter first of dogma.

  11. 从迷信的说法看, 这是冤孽作祟。

    According to superstitious belief, this is because of retribution for bad deeds.

  12. 从迷信的说法看,这是冤孽作祟。

    According to superstitious belief, this is because of retribution for bad deeds.

  13. 因为权欲作祟, 这个将军阴谋推翻政府。

    Greedy for power, the general plotted a plan to knock down the government.

  14. 他的肩痛比虱子、老鼠作祟还糟。

    Worse even than the lice and rats was the pain in his shoulder.

  15. 我加入这研讨会纯粹出于好奇心得作祟。

    I had enrolled in the seminar out of sheer curiosity.

  16. 只不过她的占有欲又在作祟而已。

    Just more of her possessiveness.

  17. 这就是作祟与民主党黑人总统得幽灵。

    This, then, is the spectre that haunts the Democrats.

  18. 这就是作祟与民主党黑人总统的幽灵。

    This, then, is the spectre that haunts the Democrats.

  19. 我加入这研讨会纯粹出于好奇心的作祟。

    I had enrolled in the seminar out of sheer curiosity.

  20. 他们认为他们的失败是因为杰克的冤魂作祟。

    They thought their failure was caused by the dead hand of Jack.

  21. 你偷这件东西是完全因为贪心作祟吗?

    Was It'simple greed that made you steal it

  22. 肖教授指出,一些学生逃课是因为懒惰作祟。

    Xiao pointed out that some students skip classes because of laziness.

  23. 也许是我身上凯尔特人的性格在作祟。

    Perhaps it's the Celt in me.

  24. 他说了一个事实,全是你心理在作祟。

    He's telling you the truth, man. it's all in your head.

  25. 后来可能是某种延迟的青春期叛逆心理作祟。

    And a certain kind of delayed adolescent rebellion might come into it.

  26. 由于我一贯的虚荣心作祟,我以为他可能爱上了我。

    With my usual vanity, I thought he might be falling in love with me.

  27. 这时候我前面提到的要求又在心里作祟了。

    At this time my heart was consumed with the demand I have mentioned.

  28. 托马斯对珍说的话只是酸葡萄的心理在作祟。

    What Thomas said to Jane was only sour grapes.

  29. 真的是圣灵使我移动了,抑或是什么邪恶力量作祟?

    Is it really the Holy Spirit moving me, or is it some evil force?

  30. 不,你只是想控制我们 这是你一如既往的控制欲在作祟。

    No! You were trying to control us the way you try and control everything.


  1. 问:作祟拼音怎么拼?作祟的读音是什么?作祟翻译成英文是什么?

    答:作祟的读音是zuòsuì,作祟翻译成英文是 haunt; to make mischief


