


1. 脚 [jiǎo]脚 [jiǎo]人和某些动物身体最下部接触地面的部分:~心。~掌。~背。~跟。~步。~印。~法(指踢球、踢毽等的技巧)。~镣。~踏实地(形容做事实事求是,不浮夸)。最下部:~注。山~。墙~。剩下的废料,渣滓:下~料。〔……





汉语拼音:jiǎo zhù







  1. 印在书页下端的注文。

    郭沫若 《文艺论集续编·桌子的跳舞》:“我在《资本论》的脚注里面发现出引用了这一句有趣的话。” 巴金 《<巴金选集>后记》:“但是过了一年我还是从那篇未用的后记中摘出一部分作为一篇散文的脚注塞进我的《文集》第十卷里面了。”



  1. It may sometimes be necessary, for the sake of clarity, to put the footnote after the word or phrase to which it relates.


  2. A note placed AT the bottom of a page of a book or manuscript thAT comments on or cites a reference for a designATed part of the text.


  3. An accompanying footnote, however, seemed to leave the door open to review under the arbitrary and capricious standard.


  4. It had a classified footnote that said "information in this document shall not be released to the public or the media" .


  5. I think that if I were allowed to add one small beatitude as a footnote to the other it might be: Blessed are the courteous .


  6. This point would have made a worthwhile footnote. As a substitute for an account of what happened, it is a cop-out.


  7. You had to go to the library, see if you could get them to find the books for you, you know, footnotes and all that.


  8. Property governs the appearance of any text displayed in the footer item of a type derived from.


  9. The concept of "note" is often confused with that of "footnote" .


  1. 脚注怎样处理?

    Where do footnotes go?

  2. 关闭脚注窗口。

    Set Close Next Open Get.

  3. 切合主题的脚注

    a footnote appurtenant to the subject

  4. 插入脚注或尾注

    Insert a footnote or an endnote

  5. 删除脚注或尾注

    Delete a footnote or an endnote

  6. 别去管那些脚注。

    Leave alone the footnotes.

  7. 页底有脚注。

    There are notes at the foot of the page.

  8. 例如,见下文的脚注20。

    See, for example, footnote20 below.

  9. 这是对脚注的介绍。

    That's the introduction to the footnotes.

  10. 脚注附于每页的下端。

    Footnotes are given at the bottom of each page.

  11. 他并没有不注意脚注。

    He doesnt disregard the footnotes.

  12. 将需要脚注的字加以星号。

    Asterisk a word that requires a footnote.

  13. 创建脚注或尾注延续标记

    Create a footnote or endnote continuation notice

  14. 这份文件附加了脚注。

    Footnotes have been appended to the document.

  15. 它在084页, 第12个脚注。

    It appears on page 084 in the copy center packet, footnote number twelve.

  16. 插入脚注, 或编辑选定的脚注标记。

    Inserts footnote, or edits selected footnote mark.

  17. 星号是让读者参看脚注。

    The asterisk refers the reader to a footnote.

  18. 见上文脚注276引述得作者。

    See the authors cited in footnote276 above.

  19. 见上文脚注276引述的作者。

    See the authors cited in footnote276 above.

  20. 见上文援引得作者,脚注72。

    See the authors cited above, footnote72.

  21. 见上文援引的作者,脚注72。

    See the authors cited above, footnote72.

  22. 与脚注部分有关的属性包括

    Some properties that relate to the footer section include the

  23. 同一段的脚注也已过时。

    The footnote of the same paragraph was also outdated.

  24. 星号指引读者去查阅脚注。

    The asterisk refers the reader to a footnote.

  25. 对营养标签底部的脚注理解

    Understanding the Footnote on the Bottom of the Nutrition Facts Label.

  26. 应用于此列中的脚注的样式。

    The style applied to footer within this column.

  27. 很多脚注已被增填进去。

    Footnotes in plenty have been added.

  28. 脚注这指南是目前在讨论中。

    Footnote This guideline is currently under discussion.

  29. 右边的展板用来做脚注说明

    And then on the right is what I refer to as a footnote panel.

  30. 要求用恰当的脚注和书目引用。

    Proper footnote and bibliography citations are required.


  1. 问:脚注拼音怎么拼?脚注的读音是什么?脚注翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脚注的读音是jiǎozhù,脚注翻译成英文是 footnote

  2. 问:脚注符拼音怎么拼?脚注符的读音是什么?脚注符翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脚注符的读音是jiǎozhùfú,脚注符翻译成英文是 footnote character

  3. 问:脚注号码拼音怎么拼?脚注号码的读音是什么?脚注号码翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脚注号码的读音是jiǎozhùhàomǎ,脚注号码翻译成英文是 footnote number

  4. 问:脚注引用拼音怎么拼?脚注引用的读音是什么?脚注引用翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脚注引用的读音是jiǎozhùyǐnyòng,脚注引用翻译成英文是 footnote reference

  5. 问:脚注文本拼音怎么拼?脚注文本的读音是什么?脚注文本翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脚注文本的读音是jiǎozhùwénběn,脚注文本翻译成英文是 footnote text

  6. 问:脚注标记拼音怎么拼?脚注标记的读音是什么?脚注标记翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脚注标记的读音是jiǎozhùbiāojì,脚注标记翻译成英文是 footnote mark

  7. 问:脚注选项拼音怎么拼?脚注选项的读音是什么?脚注选项翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脚注选项的读音是jiǎozhùxuǎnxiàng,脚注选项翻译成英文是 footnote options

  8. 问:脚注分隔符拼音怎么拼?脚注分隔符的读音是什么?脚注分隔符翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脚注分隔符的读音是jiǎo zhù fēn gé fú,脚注分隔符翻译成英文是 footnote separator

  9. 问:脚注接续注明拼音怎么拼?脚注接续注明的读音是什么?脚注接续注明翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脚注接续注明的读音是jiǎo zhù jiē xù zhù míng,脚注接续注明翻译成英文是 footnote cont notice

  10. 问:脚注接续分隔符拼音怎么拼?脚注接续分隔符的读音是什么?脚注接续分隔符翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脚注接续分隔符的读音是jiǎo zhù jiē xù fēn gé fú,脚注接续分隔符翻译成英文是 footnote cont separator