




1. 衩 [chà]衩 [chà]衣服旁边开口的地方:~口。开~。……



汉语拼音:kù chǎ






  1. But after dinner I got to thinking: Guy comes in in his shorts and I'm sitting here taking this?


  2. No one was hurt in the crash, but police are hunting the owner of the underpants for failing to stop at the scene of the accident.


  3. Today, I was hanging out with my boyfriend in his room, wearing his boxers.


  4. The white is on the rump and tail, which looks as though they were wearing white underpants.


  5. Puts on the young people who the underpants run away to ask me.


  6. The polite nickname for the tower among Beijingers, who still do not quite know what to make of it, is "short trousers" .


  7. Sam has lost interest in flushing underwear down the lavatory, I am pleased to say, but he still likes tipping shampoo down the drain.


  8. Draping your briefs over the back of a chair is more of a territorial display than a cleansing rite.


  9. Thus additional negative feedback control is necessary to keep the bed inventory balance between the legs.


  1. 比基尼三角裤衩

    bikini briefs

  2. 立体大裤衩, 这个逗!

    A pair of solid trousers, really funny!

  3. 立体大裤衩,这个逗!

    A pair of solid trousers ,really funny !

  4. 现在穿上你的防钚裤衩儿。

    Now, hold on to your plutoniumproof underpants.

  5. 他说他那次就是穿的这个大裤衩。

    He said I was wearing the boxes he pooped in.

  6. 没错, 上帝的手伸进了男孩的裤衩。

    Yeah, the hand of God reached into this kid's pants.

  7. 不得穿短袖衣、裤衩、赤足露背作业。

    Must not wear short sleeve garment, underpants, barefoot to show a back to work.

  8. 衣着裤衩就逃进来地年青人问本人。

    Puts on the young people who the underpants run away to ask me.

  9. 傻子把裤衩里的橡皮筋拽出来做弹弓。

    Fool Drag the elastic in underpants do catapult.

  10. 难道只有超人才能把裤衩穿在外边吗?

    Exceed person ability to wear underpants outside only?

  11. 我长大了, 中午在幼儿园睡觉我得穿裤衩了。

    So I need to wear shorts when I am sleeping at noon in the kindergarten.

  12. 每天都能看见这个立体大裤衩, 真晦气。

    Everyday I see this solid big trousers, really unlucky.

  13. 裤衩型钢煤斗曲面展开图的计算机自动生成

    Automatic Generation of Development Drawings for Trousers Type Steel Scuttle

  14. 我把已经干了的裤子裤衩和衬衫背心拿下来。

    I had already brought in the dried pants, underpants and shirts, vests.

  15. 到了堤坝下面, 早就忍不住了, 脱了只剩下裤衩, 直奔水里!

    Below the dam, could not long ago, out of only Kucha, and straight toward the water!

  16. 那些在发廊门口, 穿着裤衩背心的人可能是有钱的主吗?

    Are those people dressed in shorts and singlets in front of hair salons likely to be rich customers?

  17. 那些在发廊门口,穿着裤衩背心得人可能是有钱得主吗?

    Are those people dressed in shorts and singlets in front of hair salons likely to be rich customers

  18. 它们的臀部和尾巴是白色的,看起来好像穿着白裤衩。

    The white is on the rump and tail, which looks as though they were wearing white underpants.

  19. 当他们感到裤衩合身, 他们就有了一个很大的壁橱去填满。

    When the fit is right, they've got a big closet to fill.

  20. 把裤衩搭在椅背上不表示你讲卫生, 只表示你想占个地方。

    Draping your briefs over the back of a chair is more of a territorial display than a cleansing rite.


  1. 问:裤衩拼音怎么拼?裤衩的读音是什么?裤衩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:裤衩的读音是kùchǎ,裤衩翻译成英文是 pants; underpants; undershorts


