







汉语拼音:chóu jiàn






  1. 筹划建立。

    冰心 《晚晴集·我的童年》:“父亲那时正忙于拟定筹建海军学校的方案。”



  1. So is concern about the quality of properties for sale: a lot of factories were put up in a hurry and have been maintained poorly if at all.


  2. Shortly after her arrival in the United States, Malcolm was assassinated, and his plans for a new organization died with him.


  3. When the bank decided to open a branch in Shanghai, John was selected to set it up and run it for the first few years.


  4. The manufacturer has so far won up to almost 200 orders for the aircraft and has started work on the final assembly plant in Irkutsk.


  5. If so, they were asked to turn up for auditions for a new group.


  6. The new working groups, which are due to meet within 30 days, could rapidly get bogged down in bickering.


  7. If the establishment fails to be completed within the time limit, the original approval becomes void automatically.


  8. Marketing centre is seted up in Nanjing, American office has been founded, Germanic , Hispanic and Korean offices are under construction.


  9. I visited the families who wanted to see me, and I founded a victims support group in New Orleans.


  1. 工程筹建情况。

    State of project preparation.

  2. 他们齐心协力筹建俱乐部。

    They united in their attempts to form a club.

  3. 你这筹建的非常不错

    You've got a real nice setup here.

  4. 上海造币厂筹建始末

    Whole Story of Preparatory Construction of Shanghai Mint

  5. 这所大学从去年开始筹建。

    Preparations were started last year for the construction of the university.

  6. 最初主要负责宾馆的筹建工作。

    Be mainly in charge of the construction works of the hotel at first.

  7. 不批准筹建的,应说明理由。

    If it disapproves the preparatory establishment, it shall make an explanation.

  8. 我要筹建一个基金去拯救水獭。

    I am going to start a foundation to save the sea otters.

  9. 关于筹建物流管理模拟实验室之我见

    My opinion on establishing logistics management simulation laboratory

  10. 筹建工作完成情况报告和申请开业报告。

    A report on completion of the preparation and an application letter for business commencement.

  11. 麦克尼尔开始筹建自己的班级图书室。

    Ms.McNeill started to build her classroom library.

  12. 麦克尼尔开始筹建自己得班级图书室。

    Ms. McNeill started to build her classroom library.

  13. 并于2010年筹建总商会义乌投资公司。

    And the Chamber of Commerce in2010 to build the city for investment companies.

  14. 这个新部委正在筹建,既无资产也无负债。

    This new ministry was being created with zero assets and zero liabilities.

  15. 筹建锦江数字出版传媒产业基地专家组。

    Planning the construction of Jin Jiang digital publishing group of experts on the media base.

  16. 听说我们学校正在筹建有蹄类动物研究所。

    It is said that our school is preparing to construct an ungulate research institution.

  17. 听说我们学校正在筹建有蹄类动物研究所。

    It is said that our school is preparing to construct an ungulate research institution.

  18. 正在筹建喷雾剂, 软膏剂和发酵合成车间。

    The workshop for spray solution, soft medicinal extract and fermentation synthesizes is being prepared to construct.

  19. 上海自然博物馆于1956年11月筹建。1960年建成动物学。

    Unlike most of Shanghais museums, which are glos.

  20. 透明质酸钠系列产品及化妆品项目得筹建。

    Toumingzhisuan sodium series products and cosmetics project planning.

  21. 探讨现代化大型综合性医院筹建中的文化管理

    Discussion on culture management of large scale general hospital in preparatory time.

  22. 该党领袖敦促党员着手准备筹建政府的工作。

    The party leader exhorted his members to start preparing for government.

  23. 逾期未完成筹建工作的, 原批准筹建文件自动失效。

    If the establishment fails to be completed within the time limit, the original approval becomes void automatically.

  24. 目前,国家发改委已开始国家节能中心得筹建工作。

    Currently, the National Commission has begun preparatory work for the State Conservation Center.

  25. 目前,国家发改委已开始国家节能中心的筹建工作。

    Currently, the National Commission has begun preparatory work for the State Conservation Center.

  26. 思科和摩托罗拉公司正在筹建这样的无线网。

    Cisco and Motorola have one such network in the works.

  27. 经批准有筹建期的,企业名称保留到筹建期终止。

    An enterprise whose preparatory period has been approved may retain its registered name until the end of the preparatory period.

  28. 同时抓紧海关,边防,商检和口岸单位的筹建工作。

    At the same time the preparations for the establishment of customs, frontier defenses, import and export commodities inspection and port institutions should be speeded up.

  29. 新法规可能会与正在筹建的楼房有十分重要的关系。

    The new legislation could have very definite material implications for the proposed building.

  30. 口岸现正在筹建中, 总体规划已经完成, 目前尚未开通。

    Port is now planning for the overall planning has been completed and not yet opened.


  1. 问:筹建拼音怎么拼?筹建的读音是什么?筹建翻译成英文是什么?

    答:筹建的读音是chóujiàn,筹建翻译成英文是 prepare to construct or establish or build...

  2. 问:筹建机构拼音怎么拼?筹建机构的读音是什么?筹建机构翻译成英文是什么?

    答:筹建机构的读音是chóu jiàn jī gòu,筹建机构翻译成英文是 preparatory organization of construclion...

  3. 问:筹建项目拼音怎么拼?筹建项目的读音是什么?筹建项目翻译成英文是什么?

    答:筹建项目的读音是chóu jiàn xiàng mù,筹建项目翻译成英文是 project in preparation




拼音:chóu jiàn 词义:集资建立或开展活动。 基本解释 [prepare to construct or establish sth.] 计划建立或建设 筹建一座煤矿 详细解释 筹划建立。 冰心 《晚晴集·我的童年》:“父亲那时正忙于拟定筹建海军学校的方案。”