









汉语拼音:xián shuǐ hú







  1. 水中含有多量盐分的湖泊。产食盐、碱、芒硝、硼酸等。如 青海 的 青海湖 、 新疆 柴达木盆地 的 察尔干盐池 、 西藏高原 的 纳木湖 等。

  2. 湖名。在 福建省 上杭县 。

    《上杭县志·区域》:“ 咸水湖 :一在 胜运里 大陂下,一在 来苏里 三层岭背。其水味咸,不涸。”



  1. They noticed what appeared to be the figure of dog sitting high on the ridge above the lagoon.


  2. Fifteen hundred years ago, before fishermen and salt-makers arrived, 90 per cent of the lagoon was like this.


  3. With snorkeling gear in tow, many visitors opt to trek to a marine lake unlike any other.


  4. Oil-source correlation shows that source rocks from saline and semi-saline lake facies are the main source rock in the Dongying depression.


  5. Do you know Qinghai Lake, the largest salt water lake of China, is going dry ?


  6. It has immense grasslands and steppes, oases and salt lakes, jungles and troughs lower than the Dead Sea in Palestine.


  7. Salt water from the ocean, saltwater lakes or small seas can be used to make salt.


  8. Geological movement before two million years produced Chinese biggest inland lake and the biggest saltwater lake -Qinghai Lake.


  9. The city stretches across 118 small islands in the marshy Venetian Lagoon along the Adriatic Sea in northeast Italy.


  1. 咸水湖梭菌

    Clostridium lacunanum.

  2. 陆源咸水湖

    terrigenous salt water lake

  3. 海源咸水湖

    marine originated salt water lake.

  4. 世界上的咸水湖

    Salt Lakes of the World

  5. 宽阔的咸水湖上。

    In yonder broad lagoon.

  6. 聚满了热带鱼的咸水湖

    a lagoon that pullulated with tropical fish.

  7. 那个咸水湖聚满了热带鱼。

    The lagoon was pullulated with tropical fish.

  8. 世界咸水湖的物理与化学特性

    Physics and chemistry of saline lakes

  9. 大坝将制造出一个巨大的内陆咸水湖。

    The dam will create an enormous inland sea.

  10. 世界上最有名的咸水湖是中东的死海。

    The most famous salt lake in the world is the Dead Sea, in the Middle East.

  11. 威尼斯的咸水湖独力承受着76家工厂的排污。

    The lagoon of Venice alone receives the effluents of.76 factories.

  12. 位于犹他州西北的一个较浅的咸水湖。

    A shallow body of salt water in northwestern Utah.

  13. 谁能告诉我,咸水湖得水到底是不是咸得?

    Who can tell me whether the water in the saltwater lake is salty or not?

  14. 谁能告诉我,咸水湖的水到底是不是咸的?

    Who can tell me whether the water in the saltwater lake is salty or not?

  15. 谁能告诉我,咸水湖的水到底是不是咸的?

    Who can tell me whether the water in the saltwater lake is salty or not?

  16. 最大得咸水湖是西部得青海湖, 面积4583平方公里。

    Chinas largest salt lake is Lake Qinghai in the west with an area of4, 583 square kilometers.

  17. 最大的咸水湖是西部的青海湖,面积4583平方公里。

    Chinas largest salt lake is Lake Qinghai in the west with an area of4,583 square kilometers.

  18. 历史古城威尼斯横跨义大利东北部浅海的咸水湖。

    The historic city of Venice stretches across a shallow saltwater lagoon in northeast Italy.

  19. 这次是另一个场面, 我们得英雄老大在咸水湖游泳。

    This time, its for another Raiders scene where our hero is swimming in a lagoon.

  20. 这次是另一个场面,我们的英雄老大在咸水湖游泳。

    This time, its for another Raiders scene where our hero is swimming in a lagoon.

  21. 蓝泻湖是一个由火山熔岩形成的咸水湖,富含矿物质。

    The Blue Lagoon is a mineralrich seawater lake heated by lava.

  22. 蓝泻湖是一个由火山熔岩形成得咸水湖,富含矿物质。

    The Blue Lagoon is a mineralrich seawater lake heated by lava.

  23. 大型湖泊三角洲主要形成于淡水或微咸水湖的滨岸地带。

    Large lacustrine deltas are mainly formed in the shore area of fresh or low salinity lakes.

  24. 凡湖土耳其东部咸水湖。是全国最大的湖泊,且是内陆湖

    A salt lake of eastern Turkey. The largest lake in the country, it has no known outlet.

  25. 咸水湖泊的沉积环境是地层水及原油高含盐的原因。

    The salt water lacustrine depositional environment is the reason of the stratum water and crude oil containing high salt.

  26. 内陆水域中有无数种类的淡水和咸水湖泊,沼泽和湿洼地。

    Among the inland bodies of water are an infinite voriety of fresh and saline lakes and marshes.


  1. 问:咸水湖拼音怎么拼?咸水湖的读音是什么?咸水湖翻译成英文是什么?

    答:咸水湖的读音是xiánshuǐhú,咸水湖翻译成英文是 saltwater lake, lakes containing a lot of salt in...


