


1. 压 [yā]2. 压 [yà]压 [yā]从上面加力:~住。~碎。~缩。泰山~顶。用威力制服、镇服:镇~。~服。~迫。控制,使稳定,使平静:~价。~住阵脚。搁置:积~。逼近:大兵~境。赌博时在某一门上下注:~宝(亦作“押宝”)。压 [……







汉语拼音:yā suì qián






  1. 旧俗,阴历除夕以彩绳穿钱置床脚,谓之压岁钱;尊长在过阴历年时给小儿者,亦谓之压岁钱。

    清 富察敦崇 《燕京岁时记·压岁钱》:“以綵绳穿钱,编作龙形,置於牀脚,谓之压岁钱。尊长之赐小儿者,亦谓之压岁钱。” 鲁迅 《朝花夕拾·阿长与<山海经>》:“辞岁之后,从长辈得到压岁钱,红纸包着,放在枕边,只要过一宵,便可以随意使用。” 欧阳山 《高干大》第十章:“此外,还有婆姨娃娃把法币,响洋,首饰,压岁钱,体己钱,拿出来交给他存的。他一桩一桩登记,一桩一桩收下。”



  1. Your mother talked to me over the phone yesterday, I joked with her saying that you are married, she could save the New Year money.

  2. Children of parents said a number of auspicious Talk, her parents took out the New Year's money, let the children happily.

  3. How much gift money can you get from your parents per year?

  4. The elderly to younger peoples money, then people began to visit relatives and friends, each on New Year's blessing to one another.

  5. Since she was born in 2008, the money Xinyu has received has never been less than 10, 000 yuan.

  6. New Year should be a time of banked-up fines, the scent of flowers and wine, good talk, good memories and loyalties renewed.

  7. The children to be New Year's money, it is the children of the most happy thing.

  8. On New Year's Day the children receive gifts of money in red envelopes from their parents and grandparents.

  9. Hu zi: You know, what I most miss is childhood. I could get gift money as soon as new year came.


  1. 给小孩压岁钱

    Give pocket money to children.

  2. 孩子得到了压岁钱。

    Children get lucky money.

  3. 我们通常拿压岁钱。

    We usually get lucky money.

  4. 这是给你的压岁钱。

    Lucky money for you.

  5. 磕头拜年, 父母给压岁钱。

    They will give us new year money.

  6. 他们也可以领到压岁钱。

    They can also get some money from their parents.

  7. 我们将在这里得到压岁钱。

    And we'll get the lucky money here.

  8. 我们从父母那里得到压岁钱。

    We get lucky money from our parents.

  9. 我喜欢在新年期间收到压岁钱。

    I like to get lucky money during Chinese New Year.

  10. 过年时我拿了很多压岁钱。

    I got so much lucky money during the spring festival.

  11. 很好。你呢?有没有拿到压岁钱?

    Very good. And you? Did you get any lucky money?

  12. 吃完团圆饭后孩子会领压岁钱。

    Children can get lucky money after reunion dinner.

  13. 孩子会得到装在红包里的压岁钱。

    Children will get a New Year's gift, wrapped up in red packets.

  14. 怎样将你的压岁钱用在最该用的地方?

    How to make the best use of your lucky money?

  15. 你每年能从父母那里得到多少压岁钱?

    How much gift money can you get from your parents per year

  16. 也可能给孩子们用红包包起来的压岁钱。

    Hellip; and may give children lucky money in red paper.

  17. 年轻人会得到一个装着压岁钱的红包。

    Red wrappers with lucky money inside were distributed to the young.

  18. 所有的孩子都能从父母那里得到压岁钱。

    All the children will got lucky money from their parents.

  19. 大人还给压岁钱, 还带我们出去串门儿, 走亲戚。

    Adults also gave us lucky money, and brought us door to door to see relatives.

  20. 大人们送给我很多祝福,还有压岁钱呢。

    Adults gave me many blessings, and New Year's money?

  21. 更重要的是,他们可以得到父母、亲戚的压岁钱。

    More importantly, they can be parents, relatives, New Year's money.

  22. 后代疏给他们的小孩儿搭著黑包的压岁钱。

    Parents give their children lucky money in red envelopes.

  23. 父母亲给他们的小孩子装著红包的压岁钱。

    Parents give their children lucky money in red envelopes.

  24. 父母亲给他们得小孩子装著红包得压岁钱。

    Parents give their children lucky money in red envelopes.

  25. 他们想给自己孩子既有压岁钱还有幸运色。

    They want to give their children both lucky money and lucky color.

  26. 红包得本质其实是压岁钱。而非那个红信封。

    My aunt gave me some lucky money in a red envelope.

  27. 在春节这一天,孩子们会收到父母的压岁钱。

    On this day, children will receive the lucky money from their parents.

  28. 不要用白色,兰色或黑色的纸包压岁钱。

    Don't wrap money in white, blue or black paper.

  29. 孩子们从父母那里得到用红包装着的压岁钱。

    Children have luck money in red envelops from their parents.

  30. 他很可能春节这段时间得到一大笔压岁钱。

    It is likely that he will get considerable lucky money during the Spring Festival.


  1. 问:压岁钱拼音怎么拼?压岁钱的读音是什么?压岁钱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:压岁钱的读音是yāsuìqián,压岁钱翻译成英文是 traditional gifts of money given to children du...



“压岁钱”是个多义词,它可以指压岁钱(梁天执导电影), 压岁钱(中国民间习俗), 压岁钱(张石川执导电影)。