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1. 汤 [tāng]2. 汤 [shāng]汤 [tāng]热水:~雪。赴~蹈火。扬~止沸。煮东西的汁液:米~。参(shēn )~。烹调后汁特别多的食物:鸡~。菜~。清~。专指温泉(现多用于地名):~泉(温泉)。~山(在中国北京市)。中药……
汉语拼音:tāng sháo
"Meanwhile, I want to ask you to do something, " said the wise man, handing the boy a teaspoon that held two drops of oil.
“我想让你干点事儿。”智者说道,接着将一根盛有两滴油的汤勺递给小男孩。If cutlery and crockery are scarce it might be a good idea to get a little lunch bowl and fork or spoon.
如果缺少刀具和餐具,那么备上一个小餐碗和一把小叉或汤勺也不错。first you pick up one of the dumplings with your chopsticks and hold it over the spoon.
首先,用筷子把一个饺子夹起来,放在汤勺上。the product containing up to more than 1% protein tastes soft and smooth and can be directly eaten with spoons or straws.
口感非常细腻滑爽,产品可用汤勺或吸管直接食用,蛋白含量高达1%以上。Edgar says, "They were all born with silver spoons in their mouths. "
埃德加说,“他们一出生嘴里就含着金汤勺。”He was reportedly only fed 44 tablespoons of water each day and he emerged on schedule, a week after entering.
据称,在之后的一个礼拜之内,他每天紧靠着44汤勺的水来维持生命。An extra step: Before being steamed, the winter melon is 'bathed' with a few ladles of boiling chicken broth.
特别步骤:上锅蒸之前,要让冬瓜球在几汤勺滚开的鸡汤里“洗个澡”。Everyone had a point where they crack, and his had just been hit with a spoon.
每个人都指出了他们与采购部的裂隙,就像他们刚刚拿着汤勺干了一仗似的。A villager, Luo Mieshuai, squatted scooping water drizzling from under a well cover every once in a while.