


1. 压 [yā]2. 压 [yà]压 [yā]从上面加力:~住。~碎。~缩。泰山~顶。用威力制服、镇服:镇~。~服。~迫。控制,使稳定,使平静:~价。~住阵脚。搁置:积~。逼近:大兵~境。赌博时在某一门上下注:~宝(亦作“押宝”)。压 [……


1. 服 [fú]2. 服 [fù]服 [fú]衣裳:~装。制~。穿衣裳:~丧。~用(a.指穿衣服、用器物;b.吃药)。作,担任:~务。~刑。~兵役。顺从:信~。佩~。降(xiáng )~。~辩(旧指认罪书)。~膺(牢记在胸中,衷心信服)。……



汉语拼音:yā fú








  1. 亦作“ 压伏 ”。被迫服从;用强力制伏。

    《旧唐书·淮安王神通传》:“ 孝逸 ( 李孝逸 )从其言,进兵击 超 ,贼众压伏。”《水浒传》第一○二回:“小可弟兄两箇,也好使些拳棒,压服众人。”《红楼梦》第八八回:“你们打架已经使不得,又弄个野杂种什么 何三 来闹,你不压伏压伏他们,倒竟走了。” 毛泽东 《在中国共产党全国宣传工作会议上的讲话》:“压服的结果总是压而不服。”



  1. A proud and touchy family like the Clearys was not easy to swallow.


  2. Exertion of authority over others is not always wise; persuasion may be better.


  3. REAL WITCHES gets the same pleasure from squelching a child as you get from eating a plateful of strawberries and thick cream.


  4. Your love delights me, my sweetheart. Your love is better than wine; Yourperfume more fragrant than any spice.


  5. Ideological problems can be solved only through persuasion, not by coercion.


  6. At last, the strike ended, and the miners went back to work. The men were crushed.


  7. "Of course every now and then I am told by the security guy there to stop, but they nevertheless don't repress it violently, " Raed said.


  8. Personally, I think Tina was squashed, but it was her fault too because she glommed onto Bette's identity, at times.


  9. His spirit hasn't been entirely quashed, though, and he chafes under the yolk, eventually joining a rebellion against the state.


  1. 他被威胁压服了。

    He was broken by the threats.

  2. 人形加压服

    anthropomorphic pressure suit.

  3. 温和的说服胜於压服。

    Gentle persuasion is more effective than force.

  4. 压服批评抗议或争论。

    Overbear criticism, protest, or arguments.

  5. 他们的抗议被压服了。

    Their protests were overborne.

  6. 本人已压服他赞成了。

    I have talked him into agreeing.

  7. 你以为你能压服我吗?

    Do you think you can compel obedience from me?

  8. 温和的说服胜于压服。

    Gentle persuasion is more effective than force.

  9. 温和得说服胜于压服。

    Gentle persuasion is more effective than force .

  10. 用尖刻的挖苦话压服人

    squelch sb. with biting sarcasm

  11. 压服的结果总是压而不服。

    Coercion will never result in convincing people.

  12. 对他们只能说服,不能压服。

    Persuasion, not compulsion, is the only way to convince them.

  13. 不要压服面试你的人。

    You don't want to kind of overpower the people who are going to be interviewing you for the job.

  14. 要人家服,只能说服,不能压服。

    Persuasion, not coercion, is the only way to convince people.

  15. 我的异议在辩论中被压服了。

    My objections were overborne in the argument.

  16. 等我再斟酌斟酌,或可压服口声。

    I shall have to think this over carefully in order to suppress idle talk.

  17. 她经常用尖刻的挖苦话压服别人。

    She often squelches others with biting sarcasm.

  18. 白人种族主义者企图用武力压服印第安人。

    The white racists tried to keep down the Indians by force.

  19. 弗雷迪企图压服我,这使我有些愤愤不平。

    Freddie is trying to chill my action, and I'm a little steamed about that.

  20. 他压服了宗教派别,刷新了西贡的面貌。

    He had subdued the religious sects, cleaned up Saigon.

  21. 解决这种问题要靠疏导,而不能靠压服。

    The solution to the problem lies in persuasion rather than coercion.

  22. 部分加压服体表对抗压力的测定

    Determination of Counterpressure of Partial Pressure Suits on Body Surface

  23. 罢工终于结束了,矿工们复了工,他们被压服了。

    At last, the strike ended, and the miners went back to work. The men were crushed.

  24. 一点儿小常识常压服很多有价值的学问。

    a handful of mon sense is orth bushel of learning.

  25. 具有爱的蒙昧和鸠拙压服缺少爱的智慧和技法。

    Ignorance and bungling with love are better than wisdom and skill without love.

  26. 以试验一种特殊气压服和新型降落伞。

    Their job was to test special air pressure clothing and new kinds of parachutes.

  27. 一支小小的雇佣军能压服整个民族多久呢

    How long can a small force of mercenaries hold down an entire people

  28. 他是通过说服而不是压服来赢得他们的支持的。

    He won their support by persuasion not by force.

  29. 皮拉尔骂他是懦夫,并且最终没法压服了他。

    Pilar vilifies him as a coward and finally manages to overrule him.

  30. 我必须不让自己被压服和提防连续不断的攻击。

    I had to keep from being crushed, to fend off continuous attack.


  1. 问:压服拼音怎么拼?压服的读音是什么?压服翻译成英文是什么?

    答:压服的读音是yāfú,压服翻译成英文是 to force somebody to submit




拼音:ya fu 基本解释 [compel;repress] 用强力制服;被迫服从 要用理说服不能压服 详细解释 亦作“ 压伏 ”。被迫服从;用强力制伏。 《旧唐书·淮安王神通传》:“ 孝逸 ( 李孝逸 )从其言,进兵击 超 ,贼众压伏。”《水浒传》第一○二回:“小可弟兄两箇,也好使些拳棒,压服众人。”《红楼梦》第八八回:“你们打架已经使不得,又弄个野杂种什么 何三 来闹,你不压伏压伏他们,倒竟走了。” 毛泽东 《在中国共产党全国宣传工作会议上的讲话》:“压服的结果总是压而不服。”