




1. 坷 [kē]2. 坷 [kě]坷 [kē]〔~垃〕方言,土块。(“垃”读轻声)。坷 [kě]〔坎~〕见“坎”。……



汉语拼音:kǎn kě









  1. 高低不平貌。

    《汉书·扬雄传上》:“濊 南巢 之坎坷兮,易 豳 岐 之夷平。” 颜师古 注:“坎坷,不平貌。” 唐 韩愈 《合江亭》诗:“长綆汲沧浪,幽蹊下坎坷。” 石震 《踏察纪事》:“走在这上面,就象半夜摸黑走在坎坷不平的道路上一样,深一脚浅一脚,走一步一身冷汗。”

  2. 比喻困顿不得志。

    宋 王谠 《唐语林·方正》:“ 李 以定册立 武后 勋,恃宠任势, 王 恶而弹之,坐是见贬,坎坷以至于终。” 清 钱泳 《履园丛话·谭诗·纪存》:“余一生坎坷不遇,岂能自立耶?” 廖承志 《致蒋经国先生信》:“吾弟一生坎坷,决非命运安排,一切操之在己。”



  1. Investors are trying to strike a balance between improved corporate outlooks and the consumer's slow recovery due to a weak labor market.


  2. He raps about his hard life as a young black growing up in NY and having to fight for himself on the streets amidst drug dealers.


  3. He could not but look up to the sky and sigh deeply when his lifetime of frustrations passed through his mind.


  4. By the time her modeling career got off the ground, while barely out of her teens, she had already been married and divorced.


  5. It's been a tough season but hopefully I can put it all behind me and get back to doing what I love.


  6. Tom had a tough time growing up, so he's got a bit of a chip on his shoulder.


  7. Like, the fate of each person is beautiful, but only the fate of those who crossed the rough could be such a person the United States.


  8. Life is rough and bumpy desolate a, but it out of their own that beauty, aunt, was still happy.


  9. There was something in her face-a look of life hard--lived, the mysterious impress of emotions, experience, and suffering.


  1. 他一生坎坷。

    He had a lifetime of frustrations.

  2. 我的命运坎坷。

    My lot is a hard one.

  3. 他经历相当坎坷。

    He's had a really rough ride.

  4. 坎坷的人生之路

    the rocky road of life

  5. 他命途多舛、生活坎坷。

    He has had a lousy deal out of life.

  6. 哪怕只是一段坎坷!

    Even if only a section of rough!

  7. 他的人生历程十分坎坷。

    His path through life was hard.

  8. 她历尽坎坷才达到目的。

    It had been an uphill struggle to achieve what she had wanted.

  9. 问题是到底会有多坎坷。

    The only question is how much.

  10. 匆匆地穿过平野与坎坷

    Hurried through the smooth and rough.

  11. 但这一过程可能非常坎坷。

    But the journey could be very bumpy.

  12. 人生多坎坷, 终有得志时。

    Even the weariest river winds somewhere safe to sea.

  13. 我们有过坎坷,困境和伤痛。

    Weve had bumps, scrapes and sores.

  14. 她为自己的坎坷命运哀哭。

    She moans about her twisted course of life.

  15. 她为自己的坎坷命运哀哭。

    She moans about her twisted course of life.

  16. 人生的历程却是坎坷多变的!

    Life of however the process is what much more frustrated changing!

  17. 他的生活坎坷不平,充满危机。

    His life lurches from one crisis to another.

  18. 她那时39岁, 不再年轻, 经历坎坷。

    She was 39 then, no longer young, with a bumpy life.

  19. 困难坎坷是人们的生活教科书。

    Difficult circumstances serve as a textbook of life for people.

  20. 我摇晃着,我被绊倒了,坎坷前行。

    I staggered and I stumbled down.

  21. 它们当中,古小说的命运最为坎坷。

    In the middle of them, the ancient novel destiny is roughest.

  22. 他们的关系好像坎坷不平, 危机不断。

    Their relationship seems to lurch from one crisis to the next.

  23. 他一生坎坷,经历过人世间许多苦难。

    He lives a turbulent life and has experienced many difficulties in the world.

  24. 我们不能想象没有任何坎坷的生活。

    We cannot imagine life without any hardships.

  25. 跨过这道坎坷, 只为继续我飞翔。

    I cross this gap just on keep flying.

  26. 他不是坏人,只是他的人生太坎坷了。

    He is not a bad man. It's just, his life has been so difficult.

  27. 网络广告的发展经历了波折和坎坷。

    The Web Ads has experienced a development full of twists and turns.

  28. 他坎坷的一生很难用言语来表达。

    It is difficult to verbalize his lifetime of frustrations.

  29. 用坎坷沏开自己,即使泥泞也留痕。

    Using rough steeps open yourself, even muddy also leave marks.

  30. 沧海桑田,风雨坎坷,伟大的祖国历尽磨难。

    The vicissitudes, the wind and rain is rough, the great motherland experiences the tribulation.


  1. 问:坎坷拼音怎么拼?坎坷的读音是什么?坎坷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:坎坷的读音是kǎnkě,坎坷翻译成英文是 bumpy; rough

  2. 问:坎坷不平拼音怎么拼?坎坷不平的读音是什么?坎坷不平翻译成英文是什么?

    答:坎坷不平的读音是kǎn kě bù píng,坎坷不平翻译成英文是 be bumpy and rough; be full of frustrations...


