







汉语拼音:tàng shǒu






  1. 比喻难于接受。

    楼适夷 《痛悼傅雷》:“他的热情简直叫人烫手。” 蒋子龙 《一个工厂秘书的日记·一九七九年十月九日》:“钱不是坏东西,给多少也不烫手。”



  1. The rule is to take the flashcard as a hot potato and pass it around very quickly while crying out the word, the quickest team will win.


  2. Tore temperature: lift up the pressure on the press machine rod, pattern printed part of the burns you tear out of the backing sheet.


  3. Food is a political hot potato, and accounts for a third of the basket of goods used to calculate inflation.


  4. If you were looking for hot growth stocks, you would probably find Icon of interest but drop Knoll like a hot potato.


  5. So the questions must be dealt with carefully, the same way you would handle any other hot potato.


  6. But in the end he did not need to contemplate exercising a veto because Barclays saw Lehman as too hot to handle.


  7. I'm sure it has been a hot potato to many Chinese students.


  8. Jimmy Carter already had his hands full with inflation and the Iranian hostage crisis; he didn't need this.


  9. But they do not solve Spain's short-term problems, as Mr Rajoy will discover once he is in the hot seat.


  1. 当心, 盘子烫手。

    Be careful, the plates are hot.

  2. 当心,盘子烫手。

    Be careful,the plates are hot.

  3. 水太热,烫手。

    The water is too hot to touch.

  4. 骗来得钱烫手。

    Gain get by a lie will burn the finger.

  5. 别碰平底锅,锅把烫手。

    Do not touch the pan, the handle is hot.

  6. 这样一个烫手的山芋税。

    One such hot potato is taxes.

  7. 堕胎的事已经成为棘手的烫手山芋。

    The subject of abortion become a political hot potato.

  8. 现在,我们正在接近烫手山芋的意义。

    Now we are getting close to the meaning of hot potato.

  9. 他摸了摸男孩的额头,烧得烫手。

    He touched the boy's forehead. It was burning hot.

  10. 如何解决这个问题,倒是一个烫手山芋。

    How to solve the problem is a hot potato.

  11. 社会资本是美味佳肴还是烫手的山芋?

    Is social capital a delicious meal or a hot potato?

  12. 你想象不到,我处理这事有多烫手。

    You cannot imagine the kind of heat I'm getting on this.

  13. 雷耶斯现在觉得自己成了烫手得山芋。

    Reyes now finds himself in limbo.

  14. 雷耶斯现在觉得自己成了烫手的山芋。

    Reyes now finds himself in limbo.

  15. 我被要求接过烫手的山芋,我照做了。

    I was asked to take burning coals into my hands and I did it.

  16. 这样一来,你也总算甩掉了这个烫手的山芋。

    This way you got rid of the hot potato.

  17. 这似乎是一个烫手的山芋粉丝之间的事。

    This seems to be something of a hot potato among fans.

  18. 没有,没有任何生命的信息,除了自己烫手背的呼吸。

    There was no sign of life except one's own scorching breath.

  19. 没有,没有任何生命得信息,除了自己烫手背得呼吸。

    There was no sign of life except one's own scorching breath.

  20. 釜底抽薪,焉能惧怕烫手,即使作出牺牲,也义无反顾。

    Even if we have to make sacrifices, we should not begrudge them.

  21. 捧著像我这样的烫手山芋,她可真的会烫伤。

    I'm such a hot potato that she'll really get burned.

  22. 如果水出乎意料地烫手,人人都会急速地将手缩回。

    If the water is unexpectedly hot, you jerk your hand out.

  23. 但是, 现在的美元是烫手的山芋, 食之无味, 弃之可惜。

    However, the dollar is a hot potato, tasteless but wasteful to discard.

  24. 但显然,劳工问题在政治上是一个烫手的山芋。

    But obviously labour is a political hot potato.

  25. 我想我只有把这个烫手的洋芋扔还给病理部门。

    I guess I have to throw the ball back at Pathology.

  26. 特别是上海,一年两个黄金周,已经是烫手的热点了。

    There are two Golden Weeks per year in Shanghai, which is Hot Spots of tourism.

  27. 一蹶不振的美国对下一任总统来说是个烫手的山芋。

    A sluggish America next year will be a hard inheritance for the next president.

  28. 他说他会把她像烫手的东西一样迫不及待地扔掉。

    Something, such as a handle, that togrip by the hand.

  29. 中东问题对世界所有的政治家来说都是个烫手的山芋。

    The Mideast conflict is really a hot potato for all politicians around the world.

  30. 当关羽提华雄人头进帐时, 那杯酒还微微烫手。

    When Guan Yu returned with Hua Xiong's head, the wine in the cup was still warm.


  1. 问:烫手拼音怎么拼?烫手的读音是什么?烫手翻译成英文是什么?

    答:烫手的读音是tàngshǒu,烫手翻译成英文是 scalding

  2. 问:烫手山芋拼音怎么拼?烫手山芋的读音是什么?烫手山芋翻译成英文是什么?

    答:烫手山芋的读音是tàng shǒu shān yù,烫手山芋翻译成英文是 hot potato



tàng shǒu (1)[scald one's hand;burn one's hand]∶手被热东西所伤。 (2)[difficult to handle or manage;thorny;knotty]∶比喻难于接受。 (3)[difficult to receive or accept]∶难以接受。例:钱不是坏东西,给多少也不烫手。――蒋子龙《一个工厂秘书的日记》 (4)[of questionable origin]∶比喻东西来路不明。例:这方钱烫手,拿了要后悔的。 比喻事情难办。