







汉语拼音:yán fáng








  • 指严密防守之地。

    汉 刘歆 《遂初赋》:“驰 太行 之严防兮,入 天井 之乔关。”

  • 严密防范。

    茅盾 《子夜》九:“老虎发疯,我要严防,但是决不能因为有老虎在那里,我就退让到不成话!”



  1. In some parts of Guangdong, local government teams have even been set up to monitor suspect firms to ensure their owners do not disappear.


  2. He'll come out of it, I think Utah will be more concerned with Yao in the second half and that'll open it up for Mcgrady.


  3. The Home Office has commissioned a new design, in an attempt to stop glasses being used as weapons.


  4. Plus, commercial banks should also examine the land mortgage rate and grant credit with an appropriate percentage, avoiding over-credit.


  5. Don't put the kind heart in crowded go from, more have to defend ugly sneaking into your heart.


  6. Internet marketing is the management of the city made an important part of a civilized city, one must prevent sticking.


  7. Multi-level marketing companies are allowed to operate only under tight conditions designed to keep out scammers.


  8. For safety reasons, smoking is not permitted and any flammables, explosives are not allowed in the building.


  9. Not for a moment must we relax our vigilance and our strict precautions against such persons.


  1. 首都严防狂犬

    Beijing on alert against rabies

  2. 严防坏人钻空子

    take strict precautions against giving bad people an opening

  3. 严防发生次生灾害。

    Prevention of secondary disaster.

  4. 密码保护严防窥探

    Password Protection keeps away prying eyes

  5. 严防呛水,耳朵进水。

    Be cautious of baby's choking with water and inflow of water to ears.

  6. 严防西尼罗热传入

    On guard of the West Nile Fever invading China

  7. 我们要严防敌人破坏。

    We must take strict precautions against sabotage by the enemy.

  8. 遵守防火规定,严防火灾。

    Please abide by fire proof regulations.

  9. 她日夜提心吊胆, 严防突变。

    Her fears had always been on the alert for an upheaval.

  10. 我们要严防他们的破坏活动。

    We should keep a sharp lookout for their disruptive activities.

  11. 冬春严防猪传染性胃肠炎

    Take Strict Precautions against Transmissible Gastroenteritis of Swine in Winter and Spring

  12. 春夏之交严防犬饲料霉变

    Take strict precautions against food mildew as the summer coming

  13. 严防危险性害虫红火蚁入侵

    An introduction and strict precautions against red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, for its potential invasion to the mainland of China

  14. 更得严防丑恶偷偷潜入你心底。

    Was more to prevent ugly you secretly sneaked into the bottom of my heart.

  15. 在科学讨论中要严防主观武断。

    In scientific discussions it is essential to guard against subjectivism and arbitrariness.

  16. 苏铁出叶期严防曲纹紫灰蝶危害

    Preventing Chilades pandava from damaging cycad during leaf emergence period

  17. 在接下来的日子里,我们要严防恐怖分子。

    In the days to come, we shall guard against international terrorism.

  18. 为什么要严防烈性化学品接触人造石表面?

    Why strictly prevent the intense chemical contact the artificial stone surface ?

  19. 电缆运输应确保包装完好,严防机械碰伤。

    Cable transportation shall ensure that the package is in good, defend mechanical collision.

  20. 一定要严防由于煤炉泄露造成的煤气中毒。

    We should take strict precautions against gas poisoning caused by coal stove leaks.

  21. 一定要严防由于煤炉泄露造成的煤气中毒。

    We should take strict precautions against gas poisoning caused by coal stove leaks.

  22. 严防潮湿,通风,干燥处存放,保持期一年。

    Carefully keep away from moist and damp. Store dry and ventilating place. Quality guaranteed period Iyear.

  23. 禽流感期间,要严防往来迁徙的飞禽传播病毒。

    During an epidemic of bird flu we must moniter the transmission between migrating species.

  24. 禽流感期间,要严防往来迁徙的飞禽传播病毒。

    During an epidemic of bird flu we must moniter the transmission between migrating species.

  25. 在事成之前, 咱们一定要提高警惕, 严防? ? 出卖咱们。

    Until that time we have to guard against all treacheries.

  26. 领导干部一定要向好的方面努力,严防向坏的方面变化。

    Leading cadres should try hard in good aspects and keep away from bad aspects.

  27. 加强作业现场的卫生管理,严防外部环境油质的污染。

    Strengthening sanitary management of working plant to prevent external environment oleaginous pollution.

  28. 对于这些分子的警惕和严防,一刻也不应该放松。

    Not for a moment must we relax our vigilance and our strict precautions against such persons.

  29. 它们是极珍贵的宝石,所以警察在各个入口严防死守。

    They are such precious stones that the police are keeping guard at every entrance.

  30. 警方已经封堵了边境线上的各个路口,严防罪犯逃往市外。

    The police have blocked all the roads of the border to prevent the criminals from running away to another city.


  1. 问:严防拼音怎么拼?严防的读音是什么?严防翻译成英文是什么?

    答:严防的读音是yánfáng,严防翻译成英文是 to take strict precautions against

  2. 问:严防破坏者拼音怎么拼?严防破坏者的读音是什么?严防破坏者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:严防破坏者的读音是yán fáng pò huài zhě,严防破坏者翻译成英文是 Take Strict Precautions against Saboteurs...




拼音:yán fáng

基本解释[be strictly on guard against;take strict precautions against] 小心警惕地防范