







汉语拼音:yǐ nǐ







  1. 旌旗从风飘扬貌。引申为宛转柔顺貌。

    《文选·扬雄<甘泉赋>》:“夫何旟旐郅偈之旖旎也。” 李善 注引 服虔 曰:“旖旎,从风柔弱貌。” 唐 李白 《愁阳春赋》:“荡漾惚恍,何垂杨旖旎之愁人。” 清 孙枝蔚 《清明日泛 舟城 北》诗:“新烟何旖旎,黄鸟鸣春深。”

  2. 温存柔媚。

    金 董解元 《西厢记诸宫调》卷一:“一箇箇旖旎风流济楚,不比其餘。” 凌景埏 校注:“旖旎,温柔。”《警世通言·赵太祖千里送京娘》:“﹝ 京娘 ﹞心生一计,于路只推腹痛难忍,几遍要解。要公子扶他上马,又扶他下马,一上一下,将身偎贴公子,挽颈勾肩,万般旖旎。” 清 王韬 《淞滨琐话·卢双月》:“闺房之乐,亦旖旎亦豪爽,逈与 京兆 画眉异趣。”

  3. 多盛美好貌。

    《楚辞·九辩》:“窃悲夫蕙华之曾敷兮,纷旖旎乎都房。” 王逸 注:“旖旎,盛貌。” 汉 刘向 《九叹·惜贤》:“结桂树之旖旎兮,纫荃蕙与辛夷。” 宋 蔡絛 《铁围山丛谈》卷五:“因乃喜 海北 香……时时择其高胜,爇一炷,其香味浅短,乃更作,花气百和旖旎。” 清 赵翼 《酬钱璵沙》诗:“老树着花逾旖旎,晓星如月渐稀疏。” 陈毅 《广州花市》诗:“旖旎春如锦,看花人更红。”



  1. A kiss is perhaps the only reason to miss the view over Tenth Avenue that the architects made one of the High Line park's main focal points.


  2. Can I have to leave your feelings until after the recall and think about the hearts of endless sense of loss.


  3. Looked that setting sun ancient road, looked that profusion of fallen petals, is what kind sad, but a fluttering flags' long volume drawing.


  4. In this activity and the year of the Rat at ling dong, along with the Sun in summer, the warm air.


  5. Who also do not care about the romantic love can enduring as the universe almost unreal.


  6. He saw one of the fairest villages in the Pacific , ancient Lahaina , capital of Hawaii .


  7. You can almost smell the fresh humid air filled with the majestic aroma of lush grass growing on the banks of this fast mountain river.


  8. Where we used to swim like children, under the sun was there to shine. That time we used to be happy.


  9. Autumn wind suddenly began to lost its charming summer.


  1. 澳大利亚旖旎的海滩

    a fantastic beach in Australia

  2. 昨夜风光旖旎如画。

    Last night the scenery was striking and picturesque.

  3. 岛上风光旖旎景色秀丽。

    The island boasts beautiful scenery.

  4. 村落群山环抱, 山清水秀, 风光旖旎。

    Villagehills surrounds, beautiful scenery, sight fluttering flags.

  5. 漫步柔软的沙滩, 领略旖旎的海滨风光。

    Holidaymakers can take a stroll along the soft sand beach to enjoy the charming scenery.

  6. 漫步柔软得沙滩,领略旖旎得海滨风光。

    Holidaymakers can take a stroll along the soft sand beach to enjoy the charming scenery.

  7. 自然神秀,山水旖旎,素有人间天堂之美誉。

    Natural god Xiu, Scenery fluttering flags, Is known as Heaven on earth Fine reputation.

  8. 湖光旖旎,峭壁峥嵘,游客们被深深吸引了。

    The view of lake and plunging cliffs seduces visitors.

  9. 和着旖旎的舞姿,每一双眼睛都流露爱慕?

    to her beguiling dance, all eyes were glowing admiringly.

  10. 于是每个想你的夜晚都充满了旖旎的绚烂。

    So every night think you are full of the gorgeous beautiful.

  11. 黄昏, 你涉足静悄悄得石堤小憩, 欣赏暖春得旖旎风光。

    The evening, you foot in quiet rest, enjoy the beautiful scenery.

  12. 黄昏,你涉足静悄悄的石堤小憩,欣赏暖春的旖旎风光。

    The evening, you foot in quiet rest, enjoy the beautiful scenery.

  13. 梦中的风光比银白海洋旁边绯红的宝塔更加旖旎艳丽。

    A dream is more romantic than scarlet pagodas by a silver sea.

  14. 梦中得风光比银白海洋旁边绯红得宝塔更加旖旎艳丽。

    A dream is more romantic than scarlet pagodas by a silver sea.

  15. 考虑到这一带自然风光旖旎,你不能建在这里。

    Because it is an area of outstanding natural beauty, you can't build on it.

  16. 三月的微风,舞着轻盈的衣袖,穿山越水,旖旎而来。

    March breeze, danced the light of the sleeve, the more water, mountains, charming coming.

  17. 本报讯夏末的桃花源,风光旖旎,透着丝丝凉爽。

    Report from our correspondent late summer, the peach garden boasts beautiful scenery, appearing filar silk cool.

  18. 谁也不在乎这份旖旎得近乎虚幻的爱情能否天长地久。

    Who also do not care about the romantic love can enduring as the universe almost unreal.

  19. 海岛远离陆地,海水碧蓝碧蓝,岛上奇礁怪石,风光旖旎。

    An island away from land, sea blue blue the odd reef rocks the island, beautiful scenery.

  20. 境内海岸线漫长,海岛众多,海滨风光旖旎,自古为瀛州仙境。

    Territory has a long coastline and numerous islands, waterfront scenery beautiful, ancient myth to wonderland.

  21. 从南外滩优越的地理位置能尽赏到浦江两岸的旖旎风光。

    Its South Bund vantage point affords unparalleled view of the West and East sides of the Huang Pu River.


  1. 问:旖旎拼音怎么拼?旖旎的读音是什么?旖旎翻译成英文是什么?

    答:旖旎的读音是yǐnǐ,旖旎翻译成英文是 charming




拼音:[yǐ nǐ] 三声,解释本为旌旗随风飘扬的样子,引申为柔和美丽,多用来描写景物。柔美、婀娜多姿的样子。用来比喻女子美丽。也有一点点雄伟的意思。