







汉语拼音:xiē yè








  1. 停止贸易;停止营业。

    清 林则徐 《会奏穿鼻尖沙嘴迭次轰击夷船情形折》:“至贸易一事,该国之国计民生皆繫於此,断不肯决然舍去。若果 英 夷惮於具结,竟皆歇业不来,正 米利坚 等国之人所祷祠而求,冀得多收此利者。” 清 黄辅辰 《戴经堂日钞》:“日来议绅捐、商捐,富者纷纷歇业,典商无钱,官民未便。” 茅盾 《动摇》五:“要歇业的店铺,暂时不准歇。”



  1. The new restaurant folded up in less than a year.

  2. Lately, shops have had to pay more every month for the space they use. These increases could put a lot of small shops out of business.

  3. The number of smaller companies in this space decreased significantly for the last few years as a result of acquisitions and retirements.

  4. He only traded for a few months and went out of business because he was undercapitalized.

  5. Fifteen years ago, the owner of Taishoken, a legendary noodle shop in Tokyo, closed his doors following the death of his wife.

  6. The protesters also tightened their control over one of Bangkok's main shopping districts, near the U.

  7. Closed: The US recession has already forced car dealers, like this one near Detroit, out of business.

  8. The practice of new to the company plant represents municipal government of Suzhou of delegate of week person character congratulation.

  9. Close to two dozen boutiques, some of which still flourish elsewhere, have called it quits on Columbus over the last four years.


  1. 歇业。停止营业

    shut up shop

  2. 歇业的杂货商

    a retired grocer

  3. 准备歇业的商店

    A shop ready to close down

  4. 有些商店夏季歇业。

    Some shops close down for the summer

  5. 有些商店星期天歇业。

    Some stores close on Sundays.

  6. 这家旅馆冬天歇业。

    The hotel shuts down in winter.

  7. 旨在完成存款的歇业。

    layoffs designed to effect savings.

  8. 年底盘点,关店歇业。

    Close up shop and stop Business for yearly stocktaking.

  9. 卖伞的都歇业了。

    Umbrella sellers went out of business.

  10. 这家店歇业三星期。

    The shop is closed for three weeks.

  11. 那些制造商们只好关门歇业。

    The makers went out of business.

  12. 我们商店春节要关门歇业。

    We are closing up the shop for the Spring Festival.

  13. 这家商店每星期四歇业。

    The shop is closed on Thursdays.

  14. 一条因罢工而歇业的航线。

    a strikebound airline.

  15. 现在我得歇业找人来修

    Now I gotta close till I get that guy to come fix it.

  16. 规模较小的承包商已被迫歇业。

    Smaller contractors had been forced to shut down.

  17. 企业歇业是企业终止的一种情形。

    Closeout of an enterprise is a form of termination of an enterprise.

  18. 他们将不得不歇业,生意太坏了。

    They will have to close down soon. Business is too bad.

  19. 酒吧现已歇业,开业时间另行通知。

    The bar is closed until further notice.

  20. 这家店在亏本, 店主不得不歇业。

    The business was losing so much money that the owner had to shout it down.

  21. 店主去世后,这家商店便歇业了。

    When the owner died, the business was wound up.

  22. 今年夏天一些旅游公司很可能歇业。

    Some travel companies will probably go out of business this summer.

  23. 这家店在一周之前就歇业了。

    The shop was shut down a week ago.

  24. 生意很坏,该厂不久就要歇业了。

    The factory will have to close down soon. Business is so bad.

  25. 当地居民宣布反对计划中的歇业关闭。

    Local residents have come out in opposition to the planned closure.

  26. 这家餐厅不到一年就歇业了。

    The new restaurant folded up in less than a year.

  27. 为了职员在培训,这家商店关门歇业。

    The shop is closed for staff retrain.

  28. 小的剧院将首当其冲,第一批被迫歇业。

    The small theatres will be first for the chop.

  29. 大部分商店将在圣诞节期间关门歇业。

    Most shops will be closed over the Christmas holiday.

  30. 所以尽管关门歇业了,他还是照样付房租。

    Bearing this in mind, he continued to pay rents for the closed store.


  1. 问:歇业拼音怎么拼?歇业的读音是什么?歇业翻译成英文是什么?

    答:歇业的读音是xiēyè,歇业翻译成英文是 to close down; to go out of business




【读音】xiē yè 停止经营;停止营业。