







汉语拼音:yíng yè








  1. 营谋生计。

    《三国志·吴志·骆统传》:“百姓虚竭,嗷然愁扰,愁扰则不营业,不营业则致穷困。”《金史·完颜仲德传》:“近侍左右久困 睢阳 ,幸即 汝阳 之安,皆娶妻营业,不愿迁徙。”

  2. 特指经商。

    瞿秋白 《饿乡纪程》十一:“ 中国 商人如能遵守这两条件,尽可以自由营业。”

  3. 职业;工作。

    《儒林外史》第二四回:“他家本是几代的戏行,如今仍旧做这戏行营业。” 清 赵翼 《出郭》诗:“自惭游惰无营业,高柳阴中话雨暘。” 老舍 《赵子曰》第三:“如果你能逃出这个恶势力,第二步当想一个正当的营业!”



  1. As you may be well aware, we are a state-operated corporation handling such items as. in both import and export business.


  2. Chuah says the concept has been a key contributor to Cosway's total turnover as it has enabled the company to broaden its sales coverage.


  3. Last time I did some pleasant shopping in hangzhou tower. The shop assistant went out of his way to serve me.


  4. YTB is still in operation in California and California happens to be one of the fastest growing markets.


  5. Meanwhile companies prepared to reduce prices can keep sales turnover strong, as they seem to be bucking the trend of slowing transactions.


  6. How much is the company sales per year ?


  7. The other important aspect is to understand what businesses will contribute to the future growth of the company.


  8. The concept of "customers first" should be firmly rooted in the mind of every shop assistant.


  9. "Politicians must be very careful not to give the impression UK universities are closed for business, " an insider commented.


  1. 包裹营业台

    parcel counter.

  2. 年营业收入

    annual revenue.

  3. 营业外收入

    nonrevenue receipt.

  4. 营业外支出

    nonoperating outlay.

  5. 本营业年度

    current business year.

  6. 店铺营业时间

    shop hours

  7. 分部营业帐

    departmental trading accounts.

  8. 他营业诚实。

    He is honest in business.

  9. 比较营业表

    comparative operating statement.

  10. 营业损益表

    trading profit and loss statement.

  11. 营业收入账户

    revenue account.

  12. 歇业。停止营业

    shut up shop

  13. 估计营业税额

    business assessment.

  14. 营业股权公司

    operating holding company.

  15. 虚报营业支出

    false claim of business expenses

  16. 虚报营业开支

    False claim of business expenses

  17. 我们昼夜营业。

    We are open round the clock.

  18. 酒吧对外营业。

    The bar is open to nonresidents.

  19. 营业费用明细表

    statement of operating expenses

  20. 小吃店白天营业。

    The snack bar is open during the day.

  21. 营业执照捐

    franchise fee.

  22. 商场营业厅

    business hall.

  23. 分行营业部

    branch business hall.

  24. 日夜营业的局

    permanent service office

  25. 我们9点才营业。

    We dont open up till 9.

  26. 几点停止营业?

    When does your restaurant close?

  27. 我们营业至11时。

    We are open until eleven.

  28. 营业兴隆的商行

    a going concern

  29. 我们现在不营业

    We're not open right now.

  30. 本期营业所得税

    current business income tax


  1. 问:营业拼音怎么拼?营业的读音是什么?营业翻译成英文是什么?

    答:营业的读音是yíngyè,营业翻译成英文是 Open

  2. 问:营业拼音怎么拼?营业的读音是什么?营业翻译成英文是什么?

    答:营业的读音是yíngyè,营业翻译成英文是 do business

  3. 问:营业员拼音怎么拼?营业员的读音是什么?营业员翻译成英文是什么?

    答:营业员的读音是yíngyèyuán,营业员翻译成英文是 shop assistant; personnel responsible for sel...

  4. 问:营业税拼音怎么拼?营业税的读音是什么?营业税翻译成英文是什么?

    答:营业税的读音是yíngyèshuì,营业税翻译成英文是 tax on business

  5. 问:营业额拼音怎么拼?营业额的读音是什么?营业额翻译成英文是什么?

    答:营业额的读音是yíngyè'é,营业额翻译成英文是 turnover; volume of business

  6. 问:营业中拼音怎么拼?营业中的读音是什么?营业中翻译成英文是什么?

    答:营业中的读音是yíngyèzhōng,营业中翻译成英文是 Open

  7. 问:营业厅拼音怎么拼?营业厅的读音是什么?营业厅翻译成英文是什么?

    答:营业厅的读音是yíngyètīng,营业厅翻译成英文是 business hall

  8. 问:营业地拼音怎么拼?营业地的读音是什么?营业地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:营业地的读音是yíng yè dì,营业地翻译成英文是 business situs

  9. 问:营业所拼音怎么拼?营业所的读音是什么?营业所翻译成英文是什么?

    答:营业所的读音是yíng yè suǒ,营业所翻译成英文是 place of business

  10. 问:营业日拼音怎么拼?营业日的读音是什么?营业日翻译成英文是什么?

    答:营业日的读音是yíng yè rì,营业日翻译成英文是 business day

  11. 问:营业犯拼音怎么拼?营业犯的读音是什么?营业犯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:营业犯的读音是yíngyèfàn,营业犯翻译成英文是 business offender

  12. 问:营业簿拼音怎么拼?营业簿的读音是什么?营业簿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:营业簿的读音是yíng yè bù,营业簿翻译成英文是 directory

  13. 问:营业表拼音怎么拼?营业表的读音是什么?营业表翻译成英文是什么?

    答:营业表的读音是yíng yè biǎo,营业表翻译成英文是 statement of business operation

  14. 问:营业部拼音怎么拼?营业部的读音是什么?营业部翻译成英文是什么?

    答:营业部的读音是yíng yè bù,营业部翻译成英文是 business department

  15. 问:营业亏损拼音怎么拼?营业亏损的读音是什么?营业亏损翻译成英文是什么?

    答:营业亏损的读音是yíng yè kuī sǔn,营业亏损翻译成英文是 business loss

  16. 问:营业保险拼音怎么拼?营业保险的读音是什么?营业保险翻译成英文是什么?

    答:营业保险的读音是yíng yè bǎo xiǎn,营业保险翻译成英文是 business insurance

  17. 问:营业信誉拼音怎么拼?营业信誉的读音是什么?营业信誉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:营业信誉的读音是yíng yè xìn yù,营业信誉翻译成英文是 business energy credit

  18. 问:营业停止拼音怎么拼?营业停止的读音是什么?营业停止翻译成英文是什么?

    答:营业停止的读音是yíng yè tíng zhǐ,营业停止翻译成英文是 interruption of business

  19. 问:营业兴隆拼音怎么拼?营业兴隆的读音是什么?营业兴隆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:营业兴隆的读音是yíng yè xīng lóng,营业兴隆翻译成英文是 business prospering

  20. 问:营业凭证拼音怎么拼?营业凭证的读音是什么?营业凭证翻译成英文是什么?

    答:营业凭证的读音是yíng yè píng zhèng,营业凭证翻译成英文是 business voucher


