







汉语拼音:cōng lóng








  1. 亦作“葱蘢”。形容草木青翠而茂盛。

    晋 郭璞 《江赋》:“涯灌芊萰,潜薈葱蘢。” 唐 柳宗元 《酬贾鹏山人郡内新栽松寓兴见赠》诗之一:“积雪表明秀,寒花助葱蘢。” 金 史肃 《北潭》诗:“竹阴松影玉葱蘢,十里平堤一径通。” 清 宣鼎 《夜雨秋灯录·银雁》:“山故幽僻,树木葱蘢。” 郭沫若 《洪波曲》第十一章一:“山上有葱茏的林木,遍地有畅茂的花草,山下更有一个浩淼的 东湖 。”

  2. 引申为繁密貌。

    唐 温庭筠 《汉皇迎春词》:“猎猎东风展燄旗,画神金甲葱蘢网。”

  3. 浓;浓厚。

    沙汀 《闯关》十三:“他忽然看定 左嘉 ,脸上掠过一丝笑意,‘同志,’他的笑意显得更葱茏了,‘强迫通过不一定会碰响呢。’” 沙汀 《困兽记》三:“‘怎么样,我们的戏究竟好久演啦?’他兴会葱茏的问。”

  4. 旺盛。

    郭沫若 《蒲剑集·庄子与鲁迅》:“他的寓言多是由他那葱茏的想象力所构造出来的。”

  5. 美好。

    郭沫若 《海涛集·跨着东海》:“﹝我﹞生活虽然受着限制,希望是非常葱茏的。” 郭沫若 《李白与杜甫·李白在长流夜郎前后》:“这幻想是多么地葱茏。”

  6. 犹朦胧。

    唐 元稹 《会真诗》:“遥天初縹緲,低树渐葱蘢。” 宋 范成大 《浣溪沙》词:“催下珠帘护綺丛,花枝红裹烛枝红,烛光花影夜葱蘢。” 明 唐寅 《题自画山水诗》之七:“乱山杂雾晓葱蘢,遥见悬鱼是梵宫。”



  1. Bi translated into golden leaf, and I do not know when to start from the verdant toward failure, into the withered.

  2. Coincides with the rainy days, filled with misty rain, shrouded in lush mountains, high, low, and far, close to the unaware Dai Qing.

  3. Yuexiu Park is a rare and valuable botanic garden in Guangzhou with a rich variety of vegetation, flowers and chirping birds all year round.

  4. yellow leaf tree to give up in order to look forward to the verdant spring.

  5. Just as is the selection for the seed, these seeds will grow a lush life.

  6. The whole situation and towering majestic mountains, rich vegetation, verdant vegetation, and therefore, "Hung Show" laudatory.

  7. Zhangjiajie is a green treasure house as well as a natural zoo. 98% forest coverage nursed a booming nature .

  8. Verdant island in Lake Forest, has a The garden spots.

  9. behind it rose the first gentle slopes of the hill clad with trees , and trees marched away westward along the curving shores of the lake.


  1. 隐现于树木葱茏之中。

    Are half concealed in lush trees.

  2. 和平宣告橄榄享受永久葱茏。

    And peace proclaims olives of endless age.

  3. 山上覆盖着葱茏的草木。

    The hills are covered with verdure.

  4. 和平在宣告橄橄枝永久葱茏。

    And peace proclaims olives of endless age.

  5. 两岸树木葱茏,鲜花繁茂,芳草萋萋。

    On both banks, the trees are verdant, the flowers are fullblown, and the grass is luxuriant.

  6. 这里绿树葱茏,碧草如茵,清静幽雅。

    Here trees are luxuriantly green, green, green grass, quiet elegance.

  7. 爱在大地葱茏的时令, 爱在永远湛蓝的天空。

    In earth's green hours And in the heaven's eternal blue.

  8. 黄叶放弃树干, 是为了期待春天的葱茏。

    yellow leaf tree to give up in order to look forward to the verdant spring.

  9. 这是一个被葱茏的山林包围的宁静村庄。

    Its a calm village surrounded by mountains clad in verdure.

  10. 这里莽莽林海,滚滚绿浪,葱茏枝叶,簇拥群峰。

    The vast cypresses of rolling green waves surround the numerous peaks.

  11. 一山飞峙大江边,跃上葱茏四百旋。

    One mountain is flying along the Yangtze River, with luxuriantly green sceneries.

  12. 这里地势起伏,花木葱茏,环境幽静,建筑别致。

    Peaceful and secluded, this undulating terrain is covered with lush trees and beautiful flowers. The houses here are of unique architectural styles.

  13. 簇叶给那个地方增添了几分树林葱茏的魅力。

    The foliage lent a certain sylvan charm to the place.

  14. 湖周浅山环列, 林木葱茏, 倒影湖中, 无限诗情画意。

    Zhou Wan Shan shallow lake out, verdant forests, lakes reflection, infinitely poetic.

  15. 假如挫折绊倒了向往,如果追求不止,希望就依然葱茏。

    Iif the frustrate tripped over to look forward to, if pursued not only, hope still spring onion.

  16. 让您仿佛置身于葱茏茂密的书林, 令您目不暇接, 流连忘返。

    So if you stay in the thick book verdant forest, so dizzying you, away.

  17. 前院的枫树已经葱茏高大,以致我们看不到整座房屋。

    The maple tree in the front yard has grown so large that our view of the house is blocked.

  18. 这里群峰耸立, 林木葱茏, 是游人探幽揽胜得绝佳之处。

    Qunfeng stands here, verdant forests is Exploring the people of the excellent Range Rover.

  19. 这里群峰耸立,林木葱茏,是游人探幽揽胜的绝佳之处。

    Qunfeng stands here, verdant forests is Exploring the people of the excellent Range Rover.

  20. 住在这里, 一下楼, 扑入眼帘的就是葱茏绿意, 姹紫嫣红。

    Living here, what floor, Puru in front of the verdant greenery the campus offers, brilliant purples and reds.

  21. 亲爱的查尔斯,你在什么地方发现这片繁盛葱茏的草木的。

    Where, my dear Charles, did you find this sumptuous greenery?


  1. 问:葱茏拼音怎么拼?葱茏的读音是什么?葱茏翻译成英文是什么?

    答:葱茏的读音是cōnglóng,葱茏翻译成英文是 verdant; luxuriantly green; lush


