







汉语拼音:cāng cuì








  1. 青绿。

    南朝 齐 谢朓 《冬日晚郡事隙》诗:“苍翠望寒山,峥嶸瞰平陆。” 宋 陆游 《老学庵笔记》卷二:“有数家专以取石为生,其佳者质温润苍翠,叩之声如金玉。”《红楼梦》第四十回:“那些奇草仙藤,愈冷愈苍翠。” 叶圣陶 《游了三个湖》:“石缝里长出些高高矮矮的树木,苍翠,茂密,姿态不一,又给山石添上陪衬的装饰。”



  1. Yuanwang, full of mountains and hospitality bushy green like a love funneled the water, in the rain cover and a bit more charm.


  2. What he could see was a cute green tip above the calm water surface just like a green conch on a white silver plate.


  3. But the lush green pastures disguise the fact that farms like this are contributing to global warming.


  4. he kept, outside town, an elegant farmhouse set in lush fields which he had never lifted a finger to cultivate himself.


  5. We look next to the Six Pavilion Cooper, lush green, like the dragon head straightening, upright, self-contained scene.


  6. The forest was deep green and far too much like the scene in last night's dream to allow for peace of mind.


  7. The annihilation of the verdant and peaceful world was a polarizing shockwave that spread throughout the galaxy.


  8. Old House Village is located in the east, and green separated by just a pine forest.


  9. Zhuhai is a seashore tourist city of a garden type. The flower is blooming in four seasons, meeting the eye on every side dark green.


  1. 山峦苍翠。

    The hills are verdant.

  2. 苍翠的夏日街景。

    Lush summer vistas.

  3. 苍翠的夏日街景。

    Lush summer vistas.

  4. 月桂树转瞬苍翠,

    And early though the laurel grows

  5. 月桂树转瞬苍翠,。

    And early though the laurel grows.

  6. 群山一样苍翠, 风一样潇洒。

    Younger than the mountain, Growing like a breeze.

  7. 仍然飞扬在苍翠的远方。

    Are still flying in the green distance.

  8. 一株株苍翠欲滴的植物,

    Set off by luxuriant plants

  9. 林木苍翠、绵延起伏的骊山。

    The undulating Lishan Mountain is covered with pine trees.

  10. 山上长满苍翠的松柏。

    Green pines and cypresses also grow in the hills.

  11. 旭日映红了苍翠得山顶。

    The rising sun flushed the green mountain tops.

  12. 旭日映红了苍翠的山顶。

    The rising sun flushed the green mountain tops.

  13. 此地青山掩映, 苍翠欲滴。

    There are many green mountains in this area, everywhere you see is green.

  14. 此地青山掩映,苍翠欲滴。

    There are many green mountains in this area, everywhere you see is green.

  15. 苍翠得花束从街灯上垂下。

    Lush floral bouquets were hanging from the street lights.

  16. 苍翠的花束从街灯上垂下。

    Lush floral bouquets were hanging from the street lights.

  17. 苍翠的花束从街灯上垂下。

    Lush floral bouquets were hanging from the street lights.

  18. 这里松柏苍翠,山岩险峻,野趣横生。

    Here green and cypresses, steep rock, Wild phenomena.

  19. 谷底及山脚植被茂盛, 一片苍翠。

    The bottom and lush vegetation, a green hill.

  20. 爱尔兰以其苍翠的绿色山丘而闻名。

    Ireland is famous for its lush green hills.

  21. 大地披上了苍翠欲滴的绿色斗篷。

    The earth had donned her mantle of brightest green.

  22. 苍翠的山林在秋风中渐渐变红了。

    The verdant mountain forest turns red gradually in the autumn wind.

  23. 苍翠得山林在秋风中渐渐变红了。

    The verdant mountain forest turns red gradually in the autumn wind.

  24. 三面环山, 林木苍翠, 空气清新, 环境优雅。

    Surrounded by mountains, forest green, the air fresh, elegant environment.

  25. 它仍然苍翠挺拔, 如同一座座碧绿的宝塔。

    It is still green tall and straight, like a block of green pagoda.

  26. 四周耐咀嚼的苍翠,遒劲有力地直指苍穹。

    Around chewy lush, powerful ground against the sky.

  27. 水分在春天,树木苍翠相思的花蕾,绿叶出现

    Moisture in the spring, the acacia trees bud out of verdant, green leaves emerge.

  28. 其他枝条苍翠欲滴, 似乎在比谁高。

    The other branches of green dripping, it appears that higher than anyone else.

  29. 山上殿宇恢弘,阁楼高耸,林木苍翠,郁郁葱葱。

    Majestic towering temples on the mountain, the attic, forest green, a wild profusion of vegetation.

  30. 碧蓝的大海, 苍翠的丛林道尽了南海的动人之处。

    With the blue sea and green forest, it remains the most spectacular sight in Sea.


  1. 问:苍翠拼音怎么拼?苍翠的读音是什么?苍翠翻译成英文是什么?

    答:苍翠的读音是cāngcuì,苍翠翻译成英文是 covered with green growth; verdant

  2. 问:苍翠欲滴拼音怎么拼?苍翠欲滴的读音是什么?苍翠欲滴翻译成英文是什么?

    答:苍翠欲滴的读音是cāngcuìyùdī,苍翠欲滴翻译成英文是 fresh and green, suggesting a juicy texture....

  3. 问:苍翠繁茂的拼音怎么拼?苍翠繁茂的的读音是什么?苍翠繁茂的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:苍翠繁茂的的读音是,苍翠繁茂的翻译成英文是 lush



词目:苍翠 苍翠

拼音:cāng cuì释义:1.(草木等)青绿。2.(草木等)深绿出处:南朝 齐 谢朓 《冬日晚郡事隙》诗:“苍翠望寒山,峥嵘瞰平陆。”示例:《红楼梦》第四十回:“那些奇草仙藤,愈冷愈苍翠。”