







汉语拼音:xíng shì






  1. 形式。

    朱自清 《抗战与诗》:“抗战以来,一切文艺型式为了配合抗战的需要,都朝普及的方向走。”



  1. The structural form of the bottom slabs has a significant effect on the stability of a plunge pool.


  2. He must inquire about his own pattern of thinking, his thought process, and to ask why he thinks that way, hold that value or belief system.


  3. This pattern is consistent with the passing of a cold weather front bearing a strong area of low pressure at the surface.


  4. At least, it could be an alternate way among the new-type ski-jump dissipations.


  5. Click OK . The edit that you made to Sheet Metal Rule Style Test (the change in corner relief size) is applied to this part.


  6. She was unable to take any type of manual therapy or needle treatment due to severe allodynia in the whole right upper limb.


  7. Type and of good seal tightness. The product possesses large flux. good self suction performance, low noise and long service life.


  8. Shared values and life styles showed positive correlation in most cases; but showed no sign of any correlation only with linguistic styles.


  9. By sorting out the current commonly used structure types of continuous slab-deck, loading mechanisms of these structure types were analyzed.


  1. 爆破钻孔型式

    firing pattern

  2. 型式试验备案

    type test archive

  3. 日程安排型式

    scheduling patterns

  4. 各种型式油船

    miscellaneous tanker.

  5. 种 丰度型式

    species abundance relationship

  6. 标准的产品型式

    product form of specification

  7. 型式试验和例行试验。

    The type test and the routine test.

  8. 多面体导流结构型式

    polyhedron diversion structure

  9. 是否进行过型式批准?

    Whether to have any type approval ?

  10. 绝缘型式试验及特殊试验。

    Insulation type test and special test.

  11. 正割函数, 其型式为

    Value of the secant function, which turns out to be

  12. 蟹爪机构的机构型式选择

    Mechanism type selection of clab claw.

  13. 手电筒为经认可之型式?

    Are torches of an approved type ?

  14. 论除尘风管敷设型式

    Talk about the layout of pneumatic tube for dust removing

  15. 型式检验需抽封样品。

    Sampling and sealing specimens are needed in type test.

  16. 管道自动焊与坡口型式

    Automatic pipeline welding and type of bevel

  17. 阿尔蒙多项滞后型式

    Almon scheme of poly nomical lag

  18. 阿尔蒙多项式滞后型式

    Almon scheme of polynomical lag

  19. 进口计量器具的型式批准

    Patten Approval of Imported Measuring Instruments

  20. 阀体型式为直通型柱塞阀。

    The valve type shall be globe valve.

  21. 平面闸门底缘型式及选择

    Selection of bottom edge of plain gates

  22. 滚筒采煤机。型式和基本参数

    Shearer. types and basic parameters

  23. 一种新型气动步进控制型式

    A New Type of Pneumatic Step Control.

  24. 龙滩水电站主变压器型式选择

    Type Selection of Main Transformers in Longtan Hydraulic Power Plant

  25. 直柄粗加工立铣刀型式与尺寸

    Roughing end mill with parallel shank types and dimensions

  26. 前桥型式双横臂独立悬架

    Front axle Type Double arm independent suspension

  27. 莫氏锥柄立铣刀型式和尺寸

    Dimensions of end mills with morse taper shank

  28. 影像型式我几乎要憎恨这个用语。

    Image patterns I almost loathe that phrase.

  29. 软基上海堤结构型式优选分析

    A Study of Optimizing Design of Construction Pattern of Sea Dikes on Soft Soil Foundation

  30. 滩浅海油气田海工结构型式分析

    Analysis of Offshore Structure Type for the Oil and Gas Field in Beach and Shallow water.


  1. 问:型式拼音怎么拼?型式的读音是什么?型式翻译成英文是什么?

    答:型式的读音是xíngshì,型式翻译成英文是 type, style, pattern, version

  2. 问:型式基因拼音怎么拼?型式基因的读音是什么?型式基因翻译成英文是什么?

    答:型式基因的读音是xíng shì jī yīn,型式基因翻译成英文是 pattern gene

  3. 问:型式认可拼音怎么拼?型式认可的读音是什么?型式认可翻译成英文是什么?

    答:型式认可的读音是xíng shì rèn kě,型式认可翻译成英文是 model approval

  4. 问:型式试验拼音怎么拼?型式试验的读音是什么?型式试验翻译成英文是什么?

    答:型式试验的读音是xíng shì shì yàn,型式试验翻译成英文是 type test