







汉语拼音:dīng níng








  1. 再三嘱咐。

    唐 寒山 《诗》之二一六:“自古多少圣,叮嚀教自信。” 宋 康与之 《满江红·杜鹃》词:“镇日叮嚀千百遍,只将一句频频説:道不如归去不如归,伤情切。”《红楼梦》第一一七回:“ 平儿 等不免叮嚀了好些话。只有 巧姐儿 惨伤的了不得。” 柯岩 《特邀代表》:“从此,每次回家前后全班互相叮咛:回家可别犯错误呀,可要按时返校呵。”

  2. 犹殷勤。

    唐 薛用弱 《集异记·僧晏通》:“过者 易定 军人也,即下马熟视,悦其都冶,词意叮嚀,便以后乘挈行焉。” 唐 鲍溶 《范真传侍御累有寄因奉酬》诗之五:“闻道中山酒,一杯千日醒。黄鶯似传语,劝酒太叮嚀。”

  3. 仔细。

    元 无名氏 《符金锭》第三折:“我这里叮嚀覷了他模样,办着片志诚心便央。” 元 马致远 《耍孩儿·借马》套曲:“马儿行嘱付叮嚀记:鞍心马户将伊打,刷子去刀莫作疑。”

  4. 分明;清楚。

    《敦煌曲·太子入山修道赞》:“宫中闻唤太子声甚叮嚀。” 元 王实甫 《破窑记》第四折:“我今日叮嚀的説破,教你仔细的皆知。” 元 张寿卿 《红梨花》第二折:“我对着这烛底花前説叮嚀。”



  1. They have given only one sentence that I exhort, a smile, a friendly enough to let me in life, when Enron and deeply emotional aftertaste.


  2. After whispering some instructions, he turns his back to the boy. Trent eagerly places his hands on his father's shoulders.


  3. To leave home, father a blessing and bade the words are not, just let me leave a cold iou!


  4. As he leaves with his sword, the princess reminds him to be careful, and to bring the noose and the poison.


  5. Who holds a hand while crossing as she thoughtfully conveys a reminder to her child that he should always "look both ways" ?


  6. for they rebelled against the word of God and despised the counsel of the Most High.


  7. In many people's eyes, thin exhort his mother, concerned about the greetings of our population has become a nagging.


  8. When I began to work, the mother's reminds, the mother's nagging, all became my treasure.


  9. It seems that people have been earnestly exhort in her ear, and always protect her.


  1. 春雨的叮咛

    The exhortation of the spring rain.

  2. 妈妈叮咛孩子要守规矩。

    The mother bade the child behave himself.

  3. 而现在, 妈妈是那幸福的叮咛。

    And now, my mother is happy that exhort.

  4. 贴心叮咛, 使用前请先调整音量。

    Reminder Please adjust volume prior to use.

  5. 父母再三叮咛我要三思而后行。

    My parents drive into me that I must think before I say.

  6. 家长叮咛孩子,到了学校一定要好好学习。

    The parent urged his child again and again that he must study hard at school.

  7. 梅格叮咛乔举止要像个淑女, 不能无礼。

    Meg told Jo that she must behave like a lady and not be impolite.

  8. 每一字每一句都带着对孩子的深切叮咛。

    Every word and every phrase can be an encouragement and exhortation to his son.

  9. 每一字每一句都带着对孩子得深切叮咛。

    Every word and every phrase can be an encouragement and exhortation to his son.

  10. 我叮咛你的你说不会遗忘你告诉我的我也全都珍藏

    I reiterate yours You say and cant forget You tell mine I also all collect as treasure

  11. 忘不了细密牵挂的叮咛,鼓起我们前进的勇气。

    not forget about the finer exhort, to muster the courage that we move forward.

  12. 并且叮咛您在写作上应需特别注意哪些事项。

    In addition, it reminds you of the special points you should be aware of.

  13. 因为背弃了天主的命令, 又轻视了至高者的叮咛。

    for they rebelled against the word of God and despised the counsel of the Most High.

  14. 我跟你叮咛过多少次了,你必须首先征得同意。

    How often have I tried to drill into you that you must ask permission first ?

  15. 似乎有人一直在她耳边殷殷叮咛,时时保护着她。

    It seems that someone is whispering in her ears, protecting her at all times.

  16. 全力促进健康饮食的方法是叮咛及增加体能运动。

    Underpinning all efforts to promote healthy diets is the exhortation to increase physical activity.

  17. 儿子在离开家时父亲再三叮咛他不要忘记家训。

    Before his son left, the father warned him again and again that he should never forget the family motto.

  18. 忘不了您浩荡东风般的叮咛,鼓起我前进的勇气。

    not forget the mighty wind like exhort you, I muster the courage to move forward.

  19. 开学第一天,送小孩上学的妈妈不放心地殷殷叮咛。

    On the first day of school, a mother taking her child to school worriedly repeats her instructions.

  20. 父亲一举手一投足比他得千叮咛万嘱咐更有分量。

    The gesture had more eloquent than any words his father could have spoken.

  21. 父亲一举手一投足比他的千叮咛万嘱咐更有分量。

    The gesture had more eloquent than any words his father could have spoken.

  22. 只有雪橇铃铛叮咛地响着,就像孩子们轻盈而快乐的心。

    Only the chiming of the sleighbells, beating as swift and merrily as the hearts of children.


  1. 问:叮咛拼音怎么拼?叮咛的读音是什么?叮咛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:叮咛的读音是dīngníng,叮咛翻译成英文是 To urge repeatedly.



指分明,清楚。《敦煌曲·太子入山修道赞》:“宫中闻唤太子声甚叮咛。” 元 王实甫 《破窑记》第四折:“我今日叮咛的说破,教你仔细的皆知。” 元 张寿卿 《红梨花》第二折:“我对着这烛底花前说叮咛。”