







汉语拼音:dīng zhǔ








  1. 再三嘱咐。

    《五灯会元·龙华球禅师法嗣·酒仙遇贤禅师》:“再三叮嘱,莫教失却衣珠。” 元 杨文奎 《儿女团圆》第二折:“我叮嘱他这桩事,则除是天知地知你知我知,若是走透了一点儿消息,我着俺姐姐打也打杀你。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第四回:“写了一封信……交代他门房,叫他附在家信里面寄去。叮嘱再三,然后回来。” 鲁迅 《朝花夕拾·藤野先生》:“但我这时适值没有照相了;他便叮嘱我将来照了寄给他。”



  1. His wife, preoccupied in the kitchen, totally forgot about the matter.


  2. The doctor said that child looked flushed, and told her to stay in bed because she had a fever.


  3. And with this fearful injunction the count disappeared through the door, which noiselessly closed after him.


  4. Often take up more than I can bear the weight of his father, he always worried about, and repeatedly told me be careful, do not tired of.


  5. The doctor told him to give up smoking, whichadvice he took.


  6. So Tom went to his doctor who gave him a pill and told him to take it before he went to bed.


  7. "Come along here! " called Peter again. "You are not to fall over the rocks, your grandfather gave orders that you were not to do so. "


  8. Which brings us back to the initial point: it would have been a bad idea for Mr Cameron to tell the nation to stop spending, wouldn't it?


  9. Cheng Fan sent it to house, and had obviously do not go, for a while to pick him up.


  1. 但她被再三叮嘱。

    But she was strongly encouraged.

  2. 他叮嘱儿子要顺从。

    He enjoined obedience on his son.

  3. 神叮嘱我不要丧胆。

    God tells me not to faint.

  4. 再三叮嘱。三番五次地强调

    Din sth.into sb.

  5. 医生叮嘱你要卧床休息。

    The doctor ordered you to stay in bed.

  6. 老板一再叮嘱大家加油干。

    The boss kept urging people to make more effort.

  7. 老板一再叮嘱大家加油干。

    The boss kept urging people to make more effort.

  8. 妈妈叮嘱我注意交通安全。

    Mother keeps warning me about watching the traffic.

  9. 叮嘱风声代呼唤你千趟。

    And ask the wind to pass my thousand calls to you.

  10. 他们叮嘱他别忘了这事。

    They charged him not to forget it.

  11. 我父亲叮嘱我别和陌生人说话。

    My father says I shouldn't talk to strangers.

  12. 父亲再三叮嘱我们要谦虚谨慎。

    Father urged us again and again to be modest and prudent.

  13. 送我的花是盆花,叮嘱我浇水。

    Send me a potted flower and urge me to water.

  14. 送我得花是盆花,叮嘱我浇水。

    Send me a potted flower and urge me to water.

  15. 母亲一再叮嘱我上学不要迟到。

    Mother told me not to be late for school.

  16. 医生特别叮嘱你不要吃龙虾。

    You were specifically warned by your doctor not to eat lobster.

  17. 母亲再三叮嘱我要照顾好自己。

    Mother kept reminding me of looking after myself well.

  18. 已经特别叮嘱过你不要吃鱼。

    You were specifically warned not to eat fish.

  19. 我还特意叮嘱你去跟着罗斯。

    I specifically remember telling you to follow rose.

  20. 医生叮嘱他戒烟, 他接受了这一忠告。

    The doctor told him to give up smoking, whichadvice he took.

  21. 那时人还没杀,他又没叮嘱过我。

    The deed was not then accomplished, neither did he confide in me.

  22. 那位医生叮嘱要进行有规律的锻炼。

    The doctor recommended regular exercise.

  23. 曾经叮嘱他不要和任何人讲这事。

    He had been warned not to tell anyone about it.

  24. 叮嘱他严守秘密,然后把这事讲出来。

    Then enjoining him to keep it strictly confidential, he told him the whole story.

  25. 今天出门的时候,妈妈再三叮嘱我带伞。

    Mun warn me over and over to take an umbrella when I off today.

  26. 我叮嘱过你今天上午要准时到这儿的。

    I told you to be here on time this morning.

  27. 医生叮嘱他用稀释的硼酸溶液洗他的眼睛。

    The doctor told him to bathe his eyes with a very dilute solution of boric acid.

  28. 他叮嘱监斩官们仔细观察王临刑的言行。

    He told the officials at the execution to observe Wang's deeds very carefully.

  29. 我不是多次叮嘱过你要首先请求允许吗

    How often have I tried to drill into you that you must ask permission first

  30. 父母叮嘱我们要以谦虚的态度向别人学习。

    Parents told us that we would study from others in a modest attitude.


  1. 问:叮嘱拼音怎么拼?叮嘱的读音是什么?叮嘱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:叮嘱的读音是dīngzhǔ,叮嘱翻译成英文是 warn



拼音 dīng zhǔ 释义 叮嘱,再三嘱咐。 近义词 告诉,嘱咐,吩咐。