







汉语拼音:kāi yuán







  1. 亦作“ 开原 ”。谓开始出现河流的源头。

    《鹖冠子·泰鸿》:“是故有道,南面执政,以卫神明,左右前后,静侍中央,开原流洋,精微往来。” 北魏 郦道元 《水经注·河水四》:“﹝ 瀵水 ﹞出 汾阴县 南四十里,西去 河 三里,平地开源,濆泉上涌,大几如轮,深则不测,俗呼之为瀵魁。”



  1. And I'm going to use the account to query you about topics you'd like to see us cover on the open source zone.


  2. So support can be just as "commercial" in an open source environment as in a closed-source one.


  3. An Information Week article published last week appears to position Microsoft as trying to do something right when it comes to open source.


  4. Eventually the Open Compute Project could exist independently of the company that started it, as a shared resource for the industry.


  5. FJ: How much credit would you to extend to both open source and free software in building your e-commerce platform at Amazon?


  6. Every contributor to open source projects needs to be able to feel that their time and opinions are going to matter.


  7. Hotel revenue and reduce expenditure as important as procurement, which is often a lot of the hotel's management said a word.


  8. At the time that we started on the project, an open source Bigtable implementation did not exist, so we decided to build it ourselves.


  9. The open source extensions available through MuleForge [7] make it a compelling option for almost every problem.


  1. 通过开源进行创新。

    Bangla Innovation Through Open Source.

  2. 二者都是开源的。

    Both are also open source.

  3. 所以,什么是硬件开源呢?

    So what is open hardware?

  4. 开源控股拒绝对此事置评。

    Kai Yuan Holdings refused to comment.

  5. 互联网是开源的承载媒介。

    The Internet is the carrier for open source.

  6. 这正是硬件开源所做的

    and that's exactly what open hardware is about.

  7. 构建和谐社会,使用开源软件。

    Build a harmonious society, use open source software.

  8. 软件的开源许可是什么意思?

    What does the open source licence mean

  9. 实际上,硬件开源是一个协议

    Essentially, open hardware is a license.

  10. 这是个开源数据库管理系统。

    MaVerick DBMS is an open source MultiValue DBMS.

  11. 这是一个开源的开发环境。

    This is an open source development environment.

  12. 免费又好用的开源软件啊!

    SynergyMX. Com Freeware and Open Source Software!

  13. 这是个开源软件库管理系统。

    A open library management system.

  14. 而且最妙的是,它是完全开源的。

    Best of all, it's completely open source.

  15. 在开源阵营, 则有众多的选择

    Open Source Rule Engines Written In Java

  16. 这完全是对开源精神的曲解。

    This is truly a perversion of the open source spirit.

  17. 许多工具都是开源或者免费的。

    Many of the tools are open source or free.

  18. 开源思想是互联网本质精髓的体现。

    Open source thought is the essence of Internet.

  19. 本系统是开源的桌面和服务器系统。

    Ubuntu is a complete open source operating system suitable for desktops and servers.

  20. 开源软件彻底改变了软件工业的面貌。

    Open source software has changed the face of the software industry.

  21. 开源开发是一个参与式的活动。

    Open source development is a participatory activity.

  22. 希望在未来的5年开源将会怎么样

    Is the firestorm over open source likely to abate

  23. 基于开源软件的企业应用平台的搭建

    Construct the Enterprise Application Flat Based on the Open Source Software

  24. 协作开发是软件开发的开源模型的核心。

    Synergic development is the core of the model opening a source that software develops.

  25. 当然, 使用开源这种限制会少很多。

    Of course, with open source that lock is a lot less restrictive.

  26. 信不信由你。项目将是完全开源的。

    It's also going to be totally open source.

  27. 那就是为什么我们认为开源是必然的。

    Thats why we believe open source is inevitable.

  28. 只有两款开源会计软件已经发展成熟。

    Only a couple of open source alternatives have evolved to maturity.

  29. 可以在开源实现和商业组件之间选择。

    You have your choice among open source implementations and commercial components.

  30. 开源与节流并举保障经济发展用地

    Broaden the sources of income and reduce expenditure simultaneously to make certain the economic development land use


  1. 问:开源节流拼音怎么拼?开源节流的读音是什么?开源节流翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开源节流的读音是kāiyuánjiéliú,开源节流翻译成英文是 to open a water source and reduce outflow—to br...

  2. 问:开源拼音怎么拼?开源的读音是什么?开源翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开源的读音是kāi yuán,开源翻译成英文是 open source

  3. 问:开源宗教拼音怎么拼?开源宗教的读音是什么?开源宗教翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开源宗教的读音是,开源宗教翻译成英文是 Open source religion

  4. 问:开源控股拼音怎么拼?开源控股的读音是什么?开源控股翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开源控股的读音是,开源控股翻译成英文是 Kai Yuan Holdings Limited

  5. 问:开源游戏拼音怎么拼?开源游戏的读音是什么?开源游戏翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开源游戏的读音是,开源游戏翻译成英文是 Open source video game

  6. 问:开源硬件拼音怎么拼?开源硬件的读音是什么?开源硬件翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开源硬件的读音是,开源硬件翻译成英文是 Open source hardware

  7. 问:开源软件拼音怎么拼?开源软件的读音是什么?开源软件翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开源软件的读音是,开源软件翻译成英文是 Open source software

  8. 问:开源控股有限公司拼音怎么拼?开源控股有限公司的读音是什么?开源控股有限公司翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开源控股有限公司的读音是Kāiyuán kònggǔ yǒuxiàn gōngsī,开源控股有限公司翻译成英文是 Kai Yuan Holdings Limited

  9. 问:开源码发展实验室拼音怎么拼?开源码发展实验室的读音是什么?开源码发展实验室翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开源码发展实验室的读音是,开源码发展实验室翻译成英文是 Open Source Development Labs

  10. 问:开源地理空间基金会拼音怎么拼?开源地理空间基金会的读音是什么?开源地理空间基金会翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开源地理空间基金会的读音是,开源地理空间基金会翻译成英文是 Open Source Geospatial Foundation


汉语词语:开辟水源、开辟收入的新来源等。软件项目上的公共协作:开源(Open Source,开放源码)被非盈利软件组织(美国的Open Source Initiative协会)注册为认证标记,并对其进行了正式的定义,用于描述那些源码可以被公众使用的软件,并且此软件的使用、修改和发行也不受许可证的限制。