


1. 说 [shuō]2. 说 [shuì]3. 说 [yuè]说 [shuō]用话来表达意思:~话。~明。演~。解~。介绍:~合(a.从中介绍;b.商议;c.说和。“合”均读轻声)。~媒。言论,主张:学~。著书立~。责备:数~。文体的一种……









汉语拼音:shuō hēi dào bái







  • 【解释】:比喻对人对事任意评论。
  • 【出自】:元·杨文奎《儿女团圆》第一折:“你入门来便闹起,有甚的论黄数黑。”
  • 【语法】:联合式;作谓语;含贬义,比喻对人对事任意评论


  1. na.
  2. practise groundless criticisms;criticize others thoughtlessly

  1. 说白了就是

    Let me get this straight.

  2. 说白了,吹箫

    AKA Fellatio.

  3. 说白了,这很尴尬。

    It's probably gonna be awkward forever.

  4. 说白了, 约翰是个懦夫。

    John is a coward, in so many words.

  5. 说白了,他不喜欢你。

    The plain truth is that he doesn't like you.

  6. 说白了就是,他们尿裤子了。

    To put it plainly, they wet themselves.

  7. 生活说白了就是关于优质时光。

    Life is all about quantity time.

  8. 说白了就是会放钱就行了。

    It means will put money on the line.

  9. 说白了,他是想多捞回扣。

    To put it bluntly, what he wants is to get more kickbacks.

  10. 说白了,它们就是帮读者出恶气的。

    They simply strengthen readers sense of grievance.

  11. 我努力记住莎士比亚的大段说白。

    I tried hard to remember the long passage of Shakespeare.

  12. 白花姐姐说白蝴蝶的颜色像我,请进来!

    Baihua sister said the color white butterfly like me, please come in!

  13. 说白了,这意味着审查和监视 他们的用户。

    In plain English, that means censorship and surveillance of their users.

  14. 说白了,他们有选择他们要对谁负责的权力。

    That means, in effect, they have the power to choose whom they answer to.

  15. 说白了,我只是个没人供奉的守护灵而已。

    Anyway, I am just a Guardian that no one worships.

  16. 看在上帝的份上,有人能把话说白吗

    Oh, for god's sake, could someone just say it?

  17. 说白了,就是要求女人还原女人和男人的不一样。

    In plain language, they want women to go back to being different from men.

  18. 说白了,彼得只要能躲得过去,他就不工作。

    Peter, in common parlance, won't work if he possibly can avoid it.

  19. 我跟你说白了, 你是唯一有作案动机的人。

    I put it to you that you are the only person who had a motive for the crime.

  20. 例句唱词基本为七字句,演员吟诵唱词,兼以说白。

    Eg Libretto for the seven basic words, actors recite lyrics, and to put it plainly.

  21. 说白了,这名学生英语考试一定会不及格的。

    To speak bluntly, that student is sure to fail the English examination.

  22. 说白了,大酒楼大宾馆是地沟油的主要产地。

    To be frank, big restaurants and big hotels are the main places producing drainage oil.

  23. 说白了,你要知道自己是个盗版用户,你就别选了。

    The spoken lines, you must know that you are pirate the user, do not elect.

  24. 说白了,在和独立国家势力打交道方面,美国疏于练习。

    To be blunt, America is out of practice at dealing with an independent source of national power.

  25. 有知识才能生活,说白就是赚钱,这是一个现实问题。

    Have the knowledge to life, saying that white is to money, this is a real problem.

  26. 说了这么多,其实酒店行业说白了就是如何关心人,照顾人。

    After all, the hospitality industry is simply about taking care of people.

  27. 说白了我的厌恶情绪,与保持正派或谦虚没有任何关系。

    To make it clear my aversion has nothing to do with being nice or modest.

  28. 说白了就是劝你掏钱的。报纸上经常提醒大家提高警惕的。

    White said the money is to advise you of.

  29. 说白了,就是写摆设,是一些大型利益集团为未来设的局。

    To put it bluntly, its a ruse on the part of large scale interest groups for the future.

  30. 但是这些话等于白说。

    All this was of no avail.

