




1. 看 [kàn]2. 看 [kān]看 [kàn]使视线接触人或物:~见。~书。~齐。观察,判断:~病。观~。~好(根据市场情况,估计某种商品好销)。~透(透彻深刻地了解或认识。亦称“看破”、“看穿”)。~风使舵。访问,拜望:~望。~朋……



汉语拼音:bǎo kàn






  1. 尽量看。

    元 耶律楚材 《过济源登裴公亭用闲闲老人韵》之二:“掀髯坐语閒临水,仰面徐行饱看山。”《醒世恒言·吴衙内邻舟赴约》:“ 吴衙内 指望帮过了船边,细细饱看。谁知纔傍过去,便掩上舱门。”



  1. na.
  2. read or look at to one'

  3. s heart'

  4. s content;feast one'

  5. s eyes on

  1. 她坐在长榻上伊莉莎旁边饱看她一顿。

    She sits down on the ottoman beside Eliza, devouring her with her eyes.

  2. 还没等可怜得麦琪饱看一番, 杰克和胡伊就把娃娃抢走了。

    Jack and Hughie got hold of the doll before poor Meggie had a chance to see it properly.

  3. 尽管今天已饱看到腻得直眨。

    Thy hungry eyes, even till they wink fulness.

  4. 有的还是花骨朵儿, 看起来胀饱的马上就要破裂似的。

    Some or flowers bud, look bilge full of broken soon edifice.

  5. 吃饱后,我们去看鱼尾狮,那是当地的地标。

    After lunch, we went to Merlion. It's a local landmark.

  6. 你看看这钻石一饱眼福吧。

    Feast your eyes on this diamond.

  7. 当然,这箱子看起来饱经磨难。

    Oh, sure. Wow, this chest looks like it's been through hell.

  8. 当然,这箱子看起来饱经磨难。

    Oh, sure. wow, this chest looks like it's been through hell.

  9. 当然,这箱子看起来饱经磨难。

    Oh, sure. wow, this chest looks like it's been through hell.

  10. 免得看门恶狗还没被喂饱。

    In case the vicious guard dogs have not been fed.

  11. 成语猜猜看今天可真是大饱了眼福。

    The visit today was a real feast for my eyes.

  12. 看上面他怎样神奇地喂饱了一大群人。

    Look how miraculously he fed the large crowd of people!

  13. 看格雷的吃相,你会以为他怎么吃都吃不饱。

    The way Gary eats, you would think he has a hollow leg.

  14. 泽希尔你看起来很疲惫,先休息一会儿,吃顿饱饭。

    Zehir You look exhausted. Rest first, and eat.

  15. 饱读一本好书, 看一部电视上回放得老电影。

    Curl up under the covers with a favorate book or catch an old movie on TV.

  16. 饱读一本好书,看一部电视上回放的老电影。

    Curl up under the covers with a favorate book or catch an old movie on TV.

  17. 这个最经常腹泻看到鹦鹉因为它们往往乞求即使酒足饭饱。

    This most often diarrhoea seen in cockatoos as they tend to beg even after satiated.

  18. 嘉莉看了剧本以后发现罗拉是个饱经折磨催人泪下的角色。

    The part of laura, as Carrie found out when she began to examine it, was one of suffering and tears.