







汉语拼音:kǒu mó






  1. 蕈的一种,有白色肥厚的菌盖。供食用,味鲜美。

    张家口 一带出产的最著名,故称。 王统照 《号声·搅天风雪梦牢骚》:“正端上了一大品锅清炖的猪与鸡肉, 景武 抢先吃了几筷子,却咂着舌头道:‘好鲜……这非使了好口蘑没有的。’”



  1. This result offers insights for further study and exploitation of the precious mushroom.


  2. The part of the root infected by mycelium was dark brown to black.


  3. put ginger boiled in water, water, heat, adding Tricholoma.


  4. Studies on Formation and Regeneration of Tricholoma Mongolicum Imai.


  5. Tricholoma beauty is a good diet food.


  6. The stewed mushroom soup in this restaurant is very delicious .


  7. The yield of polypeptide from Tricholoma mongolicum in this research is 32. 10%.


  8. Study of the management of the Tricholoma matsutake resources in Heilongjiang Province


  9. Research Progress in Precious Ectomycorrhizal Basidiomycete Tricholoma matsutake


  1. 口蘑锅粑汤

    Mushroom with crispy rice soup.

  2. 口蘑焖扁豆

    Braised mushroom and beans.

  3. 口蘑里脊片

    Sliced fillet with mushroom sauce.

  4. 口蘑炖鹿尾

    Stewed Deer Tail with Mushroom.

  5. 奶酪口蘑烤通心粉

    macaroni au gratin

  6. 口蘑里脊丁

    diced pork with mushrooms.

  7. 口蘑牛里脊

    Beef fillet with mushroom sauce.

  8. 计司口蘑烤鱼

    Baked fish with mushroom and cheese.

  9. 奶酪口蘑烤鱼虾

    fish and prawns au gratin

  10. 奶油口蘑烤桂鱼

    Fish with mushroom and cream sauce

  11. 炒口蘑鸭心

    Saute mushroom and duck heart.

  12. 口蘑汁里脊扒

    fillet steak with mushroom sauce.

  13. 炖口蘑龙凤珠

    Stewed Chicken with Prawn and Mushroom.

  14. 计司口蘑烤蟹肉

    Crab meat with cheese and mushroom sauce

  15. 火锅鱼片奶油口蘑烤桂鱼

    Fish and prawn fried fish with cream sauce fried fish with Tartar sauce fish a la Russia

  16. 口蘑真菌门、担子菌纲、口蘑科、口蘑属。

    Tricholoma fungus door, Basidiomycetes, Tricholomataceae, Tricholoma case.

  17. 松口蘑的驯化栽培及人工促繁

    Domesticating Cultivation and Artificial Forcing Breeding of Tricholoma matsutake

  18. 口蘑一片为二,与冬笋用毛汤汆过。

    Cut the mushrooms in two, stew in soup stock with bamboo shoots.

  19. 野生洛巴伊口蘑菌株的分离与鉴定

    A Study on the Isolation and Identification of Wild Tricholoma lobayense Strain

  20. 蒙古口蘑保健饮品生产工艺及稳定性的研究

    Study on Technology and Stability of Mongolia Mushroom Health Drink

  21. 口蘑属中有10多种都是味美的食用真菌。

    Tricholoma is in more than 10 kinds of edible fungi are delicious.

  22. 蒙古口蘑蘑菇圈土壤微生物类群的分布研究

    A Study on Soil Microbial Distribution in the Fairy Rings of Tricholoma Mongolicum

  23. 这家小店有一道用口蘑炖得汤, 味道很鲜美!

    The stewed mushroom soup in this restaurant is very delicious.

  24. 这家小店有一道用口蘑炖的汤,味道很鲜美!

    The stewed mushroom soup in this restaurant is very delicious.

  25. 这家小店有一道用口蘑炖的汤,味道很鲜美!

    The stewed mushroom soup in this restaurant is very delicious .

  26. 用菜籽皮作培养料进行了巨大口蘑的栽培对比试验。

    Experiment of culturing Tricholoma giganteum by using rapeseed coat as culture material was carried out.

  27. 黔产棕灰口蘑深层发酵条件的优化及氨基酸成分分析

    Optimizing Submerged Fermentation Condition and Analysis Amino Acid Component of Tricholoma terreum Growing in Guizhou

  28. 不同培养基对松口蘑及栎松口蘑不同菌株菌丝生长的影响

    Effect of Different Culture Medium on the Hypha Growth for Tricholoma matsutake and Tricholoma bakamatsutake Strains

  29. 用菜籽皮作培养料进行了巨大口蘑得栽培对比试验。

    Experiment of culturing Tricholoma giganteum by using rapeseed coat as culture material was carried out.


  1. 问:口蘑拼音怎么拼?口蘑的读音是什么?口蘑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:口蘑的读音是kǒumó,口蘑翻译成英文是 A delicious mushroom with white and fat pileus...

  2. 问:口蘑科拼音怎么拼?口蘑科的读音是什么?口蘑科翻译成英文是什么?

    答:口蘑科的读音是,口蘑科翻译成英文是 Tricholomataceae

  3. 问:口蘑氨酸拼音怎么拼?口蘑氨酸的读音是什么?口蘑氨酸翻译成英文是什么?

    答:口蘑氨酸的读音是kǒu mó ān suān,口蘑氨酸翻译成英文是 tricholomic acid

  4. 问:口蘑状的拼音怎么拼?口蘑状的的读音是什么?口蘑状的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:口蘑状的的读音是kǒu mó zhuàng de,口蘑状的翻译成英文是 tricholomoid