



















  1. Fish, I desire also, bear's paw, as well I desire also, twos can't get and, give up fish and take a bear's paw also.


  1. 鱼我所欲也。

    Fish is something I desire.

  2. 河豚我所欲也

    Blowfish Dinner Is Gastronomic Roulette

  3. 对我来说,即便我的饵刚刚钓到了鱼,我也常常会换。

    It's not unusual for me to change lures even though the one I was using caught fish.

  4. 于是我也符合,对,逆向捕鱼证。

    So I said, Yes, a'reverse fishing license. '.

  5. 我担心充其量我也只会像一条出水之鱼。

    I fear that at the best I shall be somewhat of a fish out of water.

  6. 慢慢地,旗鱼放慢了频率,我也开始收杆。

    Gradually, his pace slowed and I began to regain line.

  7. 我喜欢大比目鱼刺身配上松露,我也喜欢蓝蟹手卷。

    I do love some halibut sashimi with truffle, I like me some blue crab hand roll.

  8. 才发现, 我也是一条被囚禁在大鱼缸中得小鱼。

    I realized that I a caged little fish in a big fish tank.

  9. 可我也牵着你。亲, 在醒梦里, 你是我水中的鱼。

    I lead you as well. Darling, you are a fish in my water.

  10. 我买了两条鱼, 此外我也买了一些水果。

    I bought two fishes, besides I got some fruit, too.

  11. 我也对鱼有过兴趣

    I got into fish.

  12. 老天,别告诉我你鱼也不吃

    Oh god, please don't tell me fish too?

  13. 我这篮子里那么多的鱼, 多一个我也不怕, 你也不用怕啦!

    In my basket, there are so many fish that the addition of one cockroach wont worry me. You neednt worry, either!

  14. 我巴望也能喂那条大鱼, 他想。

    I wish I could feed the fish, he thought.

  15. 我叔叔钓到了几条大鱼, 但我一条也没钓着。

    My uncle caught some big fish, but I could not catch any.

  16. 我从没钓到过这样强大的鱼, 也没见过行动这样奇特的鱼。

    Never have I had such a strong fish nor one who acted so strangely.

  17. 什么肉我都不吃, 鱼也不对我的胃口。

    I do not care much for meat of any kind, and I can not stand fish.

  18. 这是我在摸鱼, 他们可调皮了, 我怎么也捉不住它们。

    I am catching fish. They are so slippery, I cannot catch them.

  19. 捕鱼养活了我,同样也快把我害死了。

    Fishing kills me exactly as it keeps me alive.

  20. 我用手指在水里划着, 心想即使被鱼咬一口也值得。

    I dangled my fingers in the water, figuring it would be worth it.

  21. 我不是鱼,你也不是水。为什么你总是让我等待?

    I am not fish, you are not water else. why you always let me wait.

  22. 该鱼贩也给了我另一个鱼称重后。

    The fishmonger also gave me another fish after weighing.

  23. 有时我去钓鱼,坐了好几个钟头也没有鱼上钩。

    Sometimes when I go fishing I sit for hours without a bite.

  24. 但我不是鱼,你也不是水。你永远都不知道我的爱。

    But I am not the fish, you are not the water. You forever all do not know my love.

  25. 我既不是鱼, 也不是水, 没有了我, 你仍可以好好地活。

    I'm nether a fish nor the Ocean, without me you will still live on.

  26. 即使是现在,你也在设法收买我的鱼之代言者。

    Even now, you seek to suborn my Fish Speakers.

  27. 我不是鱼, 你也不是水, 现在我只想要一个一辈子的承诺。

    I am not fish and you are not water. I want a eternal acceptance.

  28. 这一天得开局真不错, 这也是我第一次用飞杆钓到旗鱼。

    A fine start to the day, and my first sailfish on a fly.

  29. 这一天的开局真不错,这也是我第一次用飞杆钓到旗鱼。

    A fine start to the day, and my first sailfish on a fly.

  30. 这条,也是我最喜欢的鱼之一,头的两侧各有三个灯。

    And this fish, which is one of my favorites, has three headlights on each side of its head.