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汉语拼音:mián gèn
亦作“ 绵亙 ”。亦作“緜亙”。连接;连续不绝。
汉 扬雄 《蜀都赋》:“东有 巴 賨 ,绵亘 百濮 。” 宋 陈亮 《郎秀才墓志铭》:“是绵亙数十里而为在官之山,并山穷民实资以自给衣食。”《清史稿·兵志九》:“ 山东 海岸緜亙,自 直隶 界屈曲而南以达 江苏 。” 吴组缃 《山洪》二七:“西边山岭绵亘高峻,成为阻断敌人、保障本境的天险。”
亦作“緜亙”。见“ 绵亘 ”。
Weather systems associated with air masses are usually several hundred to a thousand or miles across and move from west to east .
天气体系和与之有关的气团,常常绵亘几百到几千英里,并自西向东移动。Territory of the flat, low-West High East, was gentle slope inclination, dozens of Miangen, Jiangmen paste soil.
境内地势平坦,西高东低,呈缓坡倾斜,绵亘数十里,膏壤沃野。With 40 lakes which extend five kilometers along a valley, the spot covers an area of three square kilometers.
四十个海子沿山谷绵亘五公里,幅员三平方公里。Pawn as a flexible and convenient mode of financing has a long history in China. It stretches at all times and in all countries.
典当作为一种灵活便利的融资方式在我国由来已久,绵亘古今中外。A continuous line, space, or time.
(空间)绵亘;(时间)持续。Rows of winter wheat wind their way to the Colorado horizon.
美国科罗拉多州,成行成排的冬小麦绵亘不绝。It overlooks want to look at look through the lakes to gently fall on the distance that a winding creek Stretching the Cencen it?
它在举目远眺欲把目光穿越万水千山,轻柔地落在远方那一条蜿蜒绵亘的涔涔小溪中吗?Peninsula Dragon Bay back relies on the fluctuation to stretch unbroken hills, the potential like flood dragon, the conjunction dragon vein;
细观“半岛龙湾”,此地背倚起伏绵亘之群山,势如蛟龙,契合龙脉之相;range a connected line (of mountains, hills, etc. )
An unimpeded sweep of meadows and hills formed a peaceful setting.
An unimpeded sweep of meadows and hills formed a peaceful setting.